Have We Repented Genuinely?


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To experience the Spirit filled life of Jesus Christ, we need to abandon our whole existence , giving it up to God. Let us take the daily occurrences of life as an illustration. We must utterly believe that the circumstances of our life, that is , every minute of our life , as well as the whole course of our life - anything , and , everything that happens - have all come to us by His will and and by His permission. We must utterly believe that everything that has happened to us is from God and is exactly what we need.
This is a true humility that needs to be exercised in our life.

There must be an abandonment in our life concerning all outward , practical things. Secondly there must also be an abandonment of all inward , spiritual things. We must come to the Lord and there engage in giving up all our concerns. All our concerns go into the hands of God. We forget ourself, and from that moment on think only of Him.

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