Have We Repented Genuinely?
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Let us ask ourselves, do we desire to know the Lord in a deep way and live a spirit filled life of Jesus Christ?

God has made such an experience, such a walk , possible for us. He has made it possible through the grace He has given to all His redeemed children. He has done it by means of His Holy Spirit.

When the soul is completely broken and dealt with, the Spirit of God merges with the spirit in us and that raises up and flows into the Spirit of Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Meekness,

We must understand, the only way to be perfect is to walk in the presence of God. The only way we can live in His presence is by having uninterrupted fellowship with the Spirit of God which is to be exercised at all times; and can be experienced under any conditions, any place , and any time.

In future, You can expect more....... on this page.

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