The Episodes

Listing all the episodes was something I started and stopped several times. Turned out to be a bigger chore than I anticipated. There are so many wonderful sites that list episode information that are world's better than anything I could come up with that I am listing the links here. At least till I get off my rear and do my own.

OK, so it's a work in progress....But a little word of warning first! Each episode synopsis is strictly the opinion of whoever is listed as the author at the end of each bit and doesn't necessarily reflect the opinions of anyone else. SOooooo if what is said gets your panties in a twist you have a couple of choices A) Click on the link above and read what Dennis Kytasaaris has to say or B) write your own take and send to to me at and I will post it.

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

Season 7

The Movie

But if you would like to see a few pictures from some of the episodes just click on the link below.

Episode Pictures