
January 14, 2015


January is National Train Your Dog Month


I hear that January is the Nationwide Train Your Dog Month. All pet loving people understand training should be an every day endeavor for your dog. Month after month, repeat, repeat, & repeat. It keeps boredom away and any type of exercise is good for the mind and body for all.


Recently, six weeks of basic training were performed here with the likeness of an Army drill sergeant. I now prefer to call our continued training "play". It is much less stressful away from the formal classroom. They get it, the dogs knew the basics all along you just have to learn how to ask them. Dogs are so darn smart. 

Me, the drill sergeant, still will not let them have a treat or go through the door to get inside unless they act out the given command or bring the ball back to me in a game. 


We all have lots of fun repeating our basic commands, leave it, drop it, come, sit, stay, wait, go, lay down.


Yes, our dogs perform daily. At the very least one or two of the commands.









Toys Pets and Technology


Do you have a pet dog or cat that you try to keep amused with mundane toys like rubber balls, stuffed toys or squeaky lookalikes of dogs and cats? Few of us realize that our pets have evolved as much as we have and will love technical toys too. Even if you regard your pet to be dumb, or think you are not that technical, the American Pet Product Manufacturers Association does not think so and brings out innovative toys every year for them besides the regular radio collars and door openers. Pets may lack understanding about technology like humans but they too get bored of the usual chewing and tearing toys that are given to them.


You may already be using some kind of technology for your pets like radio collars or pet monitors to ensure that it does not destroy furniture in your absence and is safe from thieves. But do you have something to keep them amused when no one is home which is when they do the maximum damage, as they get bored.


New toys and gadgets are being developed and readily available. Here are a few great technical pet toys which will keep your pet dog or cat busy, exercised and too tired to do any real damage.

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October 10, 2014

It Takes a Community To Raise a Pet


The old saying goes "It takes a town to raise a child". If you really think about it, our pets are no different. We love them, care for them, spend sleepless nights with them when they are ill and we often think of them before ourselves. But it isn't always possible to look after our pets by ourselves. Every pet owner needs a helping hand. You have undoubtedly had to ask your neighbor to pet-sit while on vacation or asked a friend to check in on a sick pet during a busy day of work. Sometimes it is also possible to find yourself in a situation when you don't know how to keep your pet safe and healthy. That's where the community steps in. You may not even own a pet but as an animal lover, it is still possible to give to the pets of the community through a community pet initiative.


Raising funds for pet care


To cut a long story short, a community has a lot to give to pets. Coming together as a collective, a community can do more than raise funds for pet care, it can build a support system that is absolutely invaluable in any neighborhood.


Even a professional pet care service needs the support of the community to a really larger cause. Creating a space for a large number of people to come together and help out is what is needed in most areas. It is important to provide a platform on a community level that will aid and benefit pet owners whenever they need it whether it is on a daily basis or once in a while.


So what can you do to help out?


Donating unused items that can be useful for pets certainly helps. Old pet beds that your dog is too big for now, clean and disinfected chew-toys and even old children's toys that don't have any parts that can be swallowed certainly help. Old portable office cabinets can make a safe haven for solitude loving cats. Moreover, there is always the choice of helping out monetarily to buy food and other necessities like shampoo and de-flea powders.


Caring for pets is at the end of the day a community activity. Without it being a collective, it would be quite hard to make sure that our pets remain happy, healthy and safe. So let's channelize the collective support to ensure that our lovely, faithful, loyal companions always get the kind of care that they deserve.






October 2, 2014

How To Keep Your Puppy From Biting


Once bitten twice shy, is that how you have been feeling recently after bringing your puppy home? Don't worry, there are ways to stop your puppy from biting. One of the first ways to do so is by discouraging your puppy to bite. Don't play any games such as wrestling or chasing because they only encourage nipping or biting. Why socialization matters [read more]





September 14, 2014

If Your Dog Could Talk, This is What It Would Say                                                        


Remember the Late Show with David Letterman where he finds a dog named Grabel which answers, 'Obama' when asked who the President is? Oh, how endearing Grabel was! Haven't you all often wondered what your dog would say if it could talk on it's own? click here to read on for what your dog would say if only it could.











September 4, 2014

25 easy, Fun True Facts About Dogs


1. The Beatles song A Day in the Life has an extra high-pitched whistle, audible only to dogs. It was recorded by Paul McCartney for the enjoyment of his Shetland sheepdog.


2. Eighty percent of pet parents buy their dog a present for holidays and birthdays. Most of that percentage sign letters and cards from themselves and their pets and also include them in the family portrait!!!


3. The wetness of a dog's nose is essential for determining what direction a smell is coming from. Their nose secrete a thin layer of mucous that helps them absorb the scent.


4. The Newfoundland breed has a water resistant coat and webbed feet. This dog was bred to help with hauling nets for fishermen and to rescue them from drowning.


5. Three dogs survived the sinking of the Titanic... two Pomeranians and one Pekingese.


6. Puppies have 28 teeth and adult dogs normally have 42.


7. Dogs have about 1,700 taste buds, humans have approximately 9,000 and cats have around 470.


8. Dogs chase their tail for a variety of reasons: curiosity, release of pent up energy, anxiety, predatory instinct, or they have fleas. If your dog excessively chases his tail talk with your vet.


9. Hyenas actually are not dogs, but are more closely related to cats.


10. Dalmatian puppies are pure white when they are born. They develop their spots weeks later, as they grow.


11. The Chow Chow breed is well known for their distinctive blue-black tongues. They are born with pink tongues that turn dark at 8-10 weeks of age.


12. A dog drinks water by forming the back of their tongue into a cup.


13. Dogs and humans have the same type of slow wave sleep and rapid eye movement. Like humans, it is during this REM stage that dogs can dream. The twitching and paw movements that occur during their sleep are signs that your pet is dreaming.


14. Dogs have three eyelids, an upper lid, lower lid and the third is a membrane found under the outer eye lids. It closes across the eye to help keep the eye moist and protected.


15. Dogs can see movement and light much better than people. Their eyes contain a special cell, which is good for collecting dim light. A reflective layer then magnifies the light allowing them to see in the dark.


16. A dog's whiskers are touch sensitive hairs called vibrissae. They are found on the muzzle, above the eyes and below the jaw. They can detect the tiniest change in air flow.


17. The only sweat glands a dog has are between the paw pads.


18. In addition to sweating through their paw pads, dogs pant to cool off. A panting dog can easily take 300 or more breaths.


19. A large dog's resting heart beats between 60 and 100 times per minute. a small dog's heart beats between 100 - 140 per minute. A resting human heart beats 60-100 times per minute.


20. Small dogs live the longest. Toy breeds live up to 16 years or more. Some breeds, such as Tibetan terrier live as long as 20 years. A larger dog's life span averages 7-12 years. Recent veterinary medicine has extended this estimate by about three years.


21. If never spayed or neutered, a female dog, her mate, and their puppies could produce over 66.000 dogs in 6 years.


22. The dog name Fido is Latin and means fidelity.


23. It is believed that dogs see everything primarily in a hue of blue, greenish-yellow, yellow, and various shades of gray.


24. There are more than a dozen separate muscles that control a dog's ear movements.


25. Some dogs run and move around faster than others. I am thinking of the whippet or greyhound, that can run as fast as 45 miles per hour.









Managing Your Cat's Allergies, July 31, 2014 (revised from 8/5/2014 posting)


Much like people, cats too can suffer from a wide range of allergies, which occurs because of the body reacting towards the foreign objects or substances within it. It is the natural immune response of the cat that works extra hard at such times. The symptoms of allergy include itchy skin that causes rubbing or scratching, coughing, wheezing, sneezing, diarrhea, gas, bloating, and vomiting. Cats can suffer from one or all of these symptoms.



Treatment for Allergies


Cats could suffer from flea, food or environmental allergies. Allergies from the environment are either contact or airborne. Treatment for allergies include antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and shampoos. Your vet could suggest an oral or cream-based antibiotic to reduce itchiness of the skin. Anti-inflammatory medicines or shampoos are also aimed at lowering infections of their skin.


Bath your cat frequently with a mild shampoo to remove allergens, dust and pollen from the skin and coat. Sometimes, the litter tray or box could be causing an allergy, you could replace it with a dust free substitute. Using tick and flea prevention medications on a regular basis can help hugely as well.


Prevention is better than a cure


Feed your cat natural cat food and add appropriate supplements to their diet to help with any immune deficiencies. You should clean bowls and feeding utensils thoroughly, brush the coat often, and regularly apply cream-based medication where the skin is rugged. Even the bedding your cat uses needs to be cleaned from time to time.


Another allergic reaction your cat may experience is asthma. The vet may need to prescribe medication that opens up the airway, in such cases. Over an extended period of time, your doctor will suggest corticosteroids to manage the asthma. Smoke from cigarettes is not good for your cat.  if you are a smoker please be careful that your cat does not breath in second hand smoke.


It greatly helps to understand what allergens can cause trouble to your pet so you can act on it. They include pollen, plants, mildew, mold, food, perfume, some detergents, flea and products that control them. In some cases even certain fabrics, dust, rubber and plastic can cause allergies in cats. Make sure your home is free of dust; rugs, carpet, upholstery should be vacuumed regularly and so should all the regular places where your cat tends to sleep and hang out.


Managing your cat's allergies by way of treatment and prevention is important not only for the well-being of your cat, but also that of your family.









The remedies listed here are some that people have used with good success. They are certainly worth a try as you contemplate whether or not to call your veterinarian for extra help.


Home Remedies For Your Unwell Dog


Your dog can fall ill from time to time. Undoubtedly, it is your responsibility to take good care of your beloved pet at such times. Caring for an unwell dog can leave you feeling helpless and annoyed, but before you approach the veterinarian, you can take some simple steps that will make things easier for both you and your pet.

click here to continue reading






What to do if Your Dog is Harmed by Fleas


Any dog owner will tell you that his/her worst nightmare is a pet that is infested with fleas. Your dog needs a lot of care, both preventive and reactive, to keep fleas at bay. With the help of some simple home remedies, you can prevent fleas as well as other types of pests from affecting your pet. [read more]






Keeping Your Pets Cool When Temperatures Are Rising


Summers can get relentlessly hot with the uncompromising sun beating down, rising temperatures every day. Hot weather gets difficult for both humans and their furry companions. Summer heat coupled with humidity is pretty hard to cope with. High temperatures can be dangerous for your precious pet. Take care of your pet this summer with a few simple tips on how to keep your pet refreshed and relaxed as temperatures soar. [read more]






Pets and Fireworks


Enjoyed by a majority of people, fireworks can have quite the opposite effect on your pets. A common source of fear, caused by loud booming and crackling sounds, seemingly innocent fun fireworks can turn your calm pet into a nervy bag of anxious shivers. On an average around 45 percent of pets fear fireworks; avoid them getting too hyper, try and relax your pet. Here are a few recommended tips to cope with and calm a stressed pet. [read more]






Emergency Care For Your Pet


Accidents are part and parcel of everyday life; although sometimes situations such as a picnic on Independence Day might lead to some ungainly misadventures, for your furry friend. During such situations it is often difficult to make sound decisions, especially at odd hours of the night.

As the saying goes, it is better to be safe than sorry. So always be prepared and have an emergency plan ready to handle your pet in case of an accident. [read more] about around the clock emergency centers






Keep Your Pet Safe This Independence Day


While gearing up to enjoy a barbeque and fireworks to celebrate Independence Day this year, ensure that your pet is as safe too. Keep your pet prepared in the event of the party kicking up a few notches, so that you can both enjoy an easy fun-filled time on this holiday weekend.

Make sure your pet is relaxed at the neighborhood barbeque picnic, lounging around with your family and friends in the comfort of your backyard. Here are a few safety tips to safeguard your pet from unwanted stress. [read more]






Protect Your Pets From the Sun's Powerful Rays.

Protecting your pet from the sun is wise. If they have a thin coat or a pale nose it is a must to protect them from the damaging effects of the sun's powerful rays. Like humans, the sun can cause skin cancer on pets too. Learn which sun protection is recommended. [read more]












This chart shows how quickly the inside temperature of a car can rise










Highlight of My Younger Days.


Other than the many exhilarating roller coaster rides I took time after time after time with my sons each year, as WE were growing up, one highlight out of many stood out in my mind today. read more











Care and Handling for Different Breeds of Dog Depending on Their Behavior and Personality Traits. 


Your dog’s behavior and personality traits mostly depend on what breed it belongs to. There are dogs more suited to protection such as Akita, Doberman Pinscher, Mastiff, Shepherds and Great Dane which were originally bred to be herding dogs or guards of flocks. Today, they are used for guarding homes, sports or policing. These dogs are dominant and have the ability to bond with human beings. Read more







General Cat Care


Whether you plan to rescue a darling domestic short haired cat or bring a Persian or a Siamese cat home, there are certain general cat care tips you need to keep in mind when you get one. Before you welcome your cute little kitty home read more about how you can prepare.







 Fleas in Your Home?


Practically the worst hindrance to having a pet in the house is the fact that they can bring in fleas. So can humans for that matter. Fleas can jump on you when you are in the yard and hitch a free ride into your home. Fleas live at ground level and multiply like crazy in the shade of trees and bushes. In less than one week you could discover a full blown infestation.

Don't fret, I am going to tell you how to get rid of them today. There is no need to call the pest guy. This is what you can do. (To read more click here)







              Your Friendly Neighborhood Pet Sitters



Pets are not just animals we lend a home to anymore. They are important, indispensable members of our family. And for good reason!


The merits of having a pet in the house are all over the Web and in countless books. Whether it is improving the pet owner's mood and keeping them happier, lowering blood pressure and other stress-related ailments, or even helping people become more comfortable with another's company and having someone to care for, pets become a major part of the household.
(To read more, click here)









Adopting a Bunny? Here Are Some Important Things To Know 


Rabbits make wonderful pets. I find great joy in watching my little 'grand-bunny' hop around the house when he visits. There are some important things to know if you are planning to adopt a bunny. They require up to a 10 - 12 year commitment. They should be spayed or neutered at six months of age for the same reasons that you alter cats and dogs. Rabbits are not low maintenance! I think they require a lot more work than most dogs or cats. They need suitable.... (to read more click here) Jan's first blog







Taking Care of Your Cat



As a cat owner, your feline’s health and diet are surely something of concern to you. Cats have a different metabolism from that of humans and dogs, which is why their diet and health needs are different as well. (to read more click here)








Types and Development of Arthritis in Dogs


Similar to humans, dogs can also develop arthritis, and go through sever pain. The inflammation of joints is known as arthritis and there are several reasons why dogs develop this disease. (read more)