Along with all of my angel stuff, I am a member of Heartless Bitches International. Yay! To take a look at the HBI page, just click here!

Places To Go

Marlon Brando
I have an obsessions page later in the list, but Marlon Brando is my newest, so here are pictures... *sigh*.
General Hospital
Mainly pictures of my favorite GH characters.
My Obsessions
These are a bunch of pictures of the guys I love. =)
Picture Pages
Go here to see all of my pictures!
My Roomies!
Here is an explanation of my roommate history and pictures of most of them...
Me... yay!
Learn more about me!
Antonio Sabato Jr.
Here are some pics of Antonio.
Here's info about my tattoos and pictures too!!!

Welcome to Absolut Heaven!

Hello! Welcome to my homepage, also known as Absolut Heaven. Let me tell you a little bit about me. My name is Melissa. I'm a senior at Towson University in Towson, MD. My major is sports management, with a minor in Busniess Administration. I am originally from Harrisburg, PA, where I live with my mother and my cat Tiger. I am a 1997 graduate of Central Dauphin High School.

I enjoy sports, old movies, most music, and shopping, among other things.....
My favorite movie is Bull Durham. Some of my other favorite movies include A Streetcar Named Desire, Go, Goodfellas, American Beauty, Casablanca, Clerks, Good Will Hunting, Dirty Dancing, Love Jones, Gone With the Wind, and The Cutting Edge. Michelle, my roommate, makes me watch tons of tv with her, including Ally McBeal, Boston Public, Dawson's Creek, and Felicity, along with the GAme Show Network. My favorite show is General Hospital.....And when I was forced to go see a show on our Europe tour before my senior year, I fell in love with Miss Saigon. My tastes in music are a bit wide ranged. I like The Dixie Chicks, Tim McGraw, DMX, Jay-Z, Wu-Tang Clan, Dave Matthews, Limp Bizkit, Violent Femmes, and just about everything else... In the summers of 1999 and 2000 I worked for the Harrisburg Senators, the AA affiliate of the Montreal Expos. Click here to see my page about the season and yes, even pictures! Yay!

And if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to e-mail me!
Okay, on my old roommate's page, she has some threat that demons will come and take your soul if you don't sign her guestbook. Yeah, that'll happen. I won't try and intimidate you with far-fetched threats like that. If you don't sign my guestbook, I will hunt you down and kill you myself. Kay? Good. So....


Leave my name in Heaven Guestbook by GuestWorld See who has been to Heaven

This page needs some sunshine!

Links to Some Friends Pages

This is my old roomie's can see what I had to live with (love ya Jen!)
Pretty Day
This is Michelle's page... she's my newest roommate! Yay!
Angie's Page!!
Angie has her own page now! yay! Go see another one of my strange strange friends! :)

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