Angel Roses

Rose Petals Of The Heart

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One Of My Petals

This page was created with the idea of sharing some of the things that many of us hold close to our hearts. Secrets if you will, whispers of things that have shaped the person we are today. And like most other things in life these secrets do not always have happy endings, but without them we may have chosen a different path.

For you country music fans out there, there's a song Garth Brooks does called Unanswered Prayers, that kind of sums it up for me. How many times have you wished for things that did not come true? Perhaps the reason was, that there were other plans, other achievements, other joys or sorrows ahead that were destined to be.

A rose petal or secret of my heart, was the wish for a child. For many years my husband and I tried to have a child and it never happened. Time passed, as it always does, and it became more of a wishful thought that we had resigned ourselves to never experiencing. There were other compensations, we had a nephew that we loved dearly, and we were fortunate to have him and his mother live with us for several years. Through him we got to experience many of the joys associated with the raising of a child. There were other moments that we would smile at each other and say "maybe it's a blessing". The longing never went away completely however. Years continued to come and go and we were no longer newlyweds but had settled into the routines of an "old" married couple. It had advantages, we had money, freedom to come and go as we chose, a pretty stress free existence compared to many of our friends who were battling the teenage years with their growing children.

As you may have guessed by now, into our comfortable world, came a twist of fate. I was pregnant! Well our petal is 6 years old now and we love him dearly. My husband and I often talk about how all those years ago we wanted a child so desperately but in reality we weren't ready. Our wish came true at a point in our lives where we could really appreciate the gift that he is. An unanswered prayer? Or maybe just a little pause to let us grow up first. We don't really care what the reason, we're too busy keeping up with a 6 year old while many of our friends are becoming grandparents.

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