Twinners Turn

The Love of my life!

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Angel Twin

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What is a Twinner?

What is a Twinner, you ask? Twinner is the first NN I used when I first joined Prodigy. I was looking for a name that would prompt inquiries thereby create opportunities to meet new people. Guess What? It Worked! I stumbled into a chat room under the Friends and Lovers category called The Neighborhood Bar. I've been there ever since. In this room I have been fortunate enough to make many new friends. Come by and say hello sometime, you'll be surprised at the warm greeting you'll receive. In fact, many newcomers often tell us that we're the friendliest chat room on Prodigy. We know we're the craziest!

Actually the name Twinner is simply half of a twin. Mystery solved.

To the left is a picture of my son Timmy and as the caption beside it says "He is the Love of my life".

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