Hello again! Yep, I'm back. Again. Miss me? Thought so ;).
And I'm now a SENIOR in high school. Wow, time flies. I've been doing this page for over 2 years now.
It's now on its third face lift. I think it'll stay Jaded Innocence for awhile now, though perhaps
with a little twist. *mysterious look* Hehehaha. Anyway.
I've also been accepted to the University of Hartford! So excited. So that's where I'll be next year. Whew.
What a relief to know.
Below is a quote from a song that I think is fitting at this time :).

"It's 3 o'clock we're drivin' in your car
You're screamin' out the window at the stars
Please don't drive me home..
Blame us cause we are who we are,
Hate us cause you'll never get that far."
--At The Stars, Better Than Ezra

last update: January 12, 2000

Table Of Contents

It's still rock and roll to me...
Take these broken wings...
(links, links, and still more links!)
Fall into the playground...
(litle java and HTML tricks I've picked up)
And you see your gypsy...
The End of the Innocence
(finally, a tribute to my crazy IRC family!)
Harry Chapin, a shooting star.
dreams unwind, love's a state of mind...
(little poetic bits tumbling 'round me head)
You keep changing your moods like your earrings and rings...
(Webrings, etc.)
Sittin' and Thinkin'
(my musings and rants, including the 'Titanic hype' rant)
I'd like to thank the academy...
(awards I've gotten. only one so far)
Lovin's what i got, it's within my reach...
(**important, all sublime fans, please go here!**)

Meet my Pikachu "Blacklight"

Click HERE to get your own Pikachu!

I have decided to clean up this area after being forced to start anew
with my guestbook after it was screwed with and messed up. Grr.
And though I am upset by the unnecessary loss of two years worth
of guestbook signatures, it is time for a new beginning!
So please, even if you've signed in the past, sign again.

Have you any dreams you'd like to sell?

e-mail me with questions, comments, or if you have nothing better to do and just want to e-mail someone :)