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Welcome to Wisteria Corner

wisteria on fence

Can anything be more beautiful than wisteria on a weathered fence?

How would you describe the color, blue? lavender? purple?

wisteria closeup
In full bloom or with the buds yet unopened, wisteria is just as ethereal and wistful as it's name.

It grows so rapidly in the early Florida springtime that one can almost "see" it grow. I have measured tendrils growing at a rate of over 5 inches a day!


Wisteria is named after Caspar Wistar, (1761-1881).

There are many varieties of wisteria, all of which are characterized by twining stems and showy clusters of bluish, white, purplish or pink flowers. It is a member of the Pea family.

pretty fence

    Wisteria will grow almost anywhere.

    In North Florida, the blooms are usually bluish, tinged with lavender. Perhaps, this is a result of the acidic soil in this part of the state.


Wisteria prefers the following conditions...

  • Temperate climate
  • At least 4 hours of bright sunlight daily
  • Well-drained soil
  • Support and plenty of room to grow.


~ Wistful Links ~


The Wisteria FAQ, compliments of Rippingale Nursery.


Visit the Brooklyn Botanic Garden and learn more about Japanese Wisteria.


Original "wisteria hysteria. The feary mysteria. The teary, never hear of ya' again blues."


Learn more about Wisteria at the Internet's Garden Community, The Garden Web.


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picket fence line
The pictures above were taken with a camcorder and then "snapped" with Snappy. They were saved as jpegs and manipulated with Paint Shop Pro 4.0 The graphics are photographs of wisteria in my yard and were taken and processed by me. No one may use or alter them without my written permission.
All rights reserved.

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