OMG !!! I cant Blieve I've had
Visitors!!! Can You??
Tix I, JeanGreyPhoenix!!!

Once again there is a great delay in being able to bring a new look and content to this page...I am sorry to report that I have had an unlucky bout of illness and will further be unable to work on my page for some apologies.
Welcome to my lil piece of the web! This is the page that never I was planning many things long ago that I never got around to. So here is another lil idea I'm pondering...that hopefully WILL happen! I am going to be adding a "Sim section" to the page....since that takes up most of my time. lol.
There is so much that has changed that I am half tempted to just delete it all and rebuild from the start. I do not go into Yahoo at all anymore, I prolly don't even have an account there I have a new addiction. I discovered a game called the Sims over a year ago....and I still play a lil each day. Less lately, as I have met some wonderful ppl in The Sims BBS and talk with them daily on IM. So I will prolly be adding some sort of Sim content eventually.....well instead I started "skinning" clothing for the lil virtual ppl...and I was even picked up by a well known site and so please come and visit my good friend MsWick and myself (SunShineTrends) over at SimDandies
and check out our new skins page (coming soon)
Well enuff of that, on with the journey.
And Where Shall This Journey Take Us??.......

A Telling Tale
An Important Message
Poetry Index
Poetry Written By Jean (w/ Large images)
Family Index
We Swim In a Shallow Gene Pool!
More of Jeans Ramblings
A Page of Poems w/o Images (yet!)
The Little Things In Life....
Short Poems by Jean (more 2 come)
A Tribute To My Online Friends
Poems By Others
Inspiring Writers, Some Of My Faves
In Jean's Opinion
Jean's Fave Linx.....Lots!!!
From the insane to the thots
This a place where I just babble on about whatever subject matter crosses my mind...
anything, everything. This is where you can really get to know
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