Slip inside My Mind......
  I invite you in to see if I can see through you.. 
Walk lightly for I think I can. 
  What war is it that you wage in your mind?
 Can I touch you?
Come to me.. crawl inside the dark recesses of my realm.
 Let me possess you...
Are you weak of heart? Then you should leave.
 Are you strong of mind? Then I shall have you.
Seek out your souls lot in my eyes.
 You will find it there, I promise you this. 
Let the light of my soul consume you.
 Breathe in its intoxicating warmth. 
I will drink of your thoughts...
 and rob you of your fantasies, and show them to you in color. 
   Is that a smile I see that plays about on your lips?
                            .......It captures me.


Thirst for more?

The Lady behind the mask:
Make your own fangs:
More about Lady Syber:
More on Vampire roleplaying:
SCA (The most fun you will ever have):
Napkin Poetry:
Seekers of the Stone: Another roleplay story
My Online Journal:

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