Some of Book 3

[p2-b3] People have to show and teach their young what is good and Gods way not just tell them and do something different.

[x] A life alone has to be better than what thy son has been through and to know about God is better than God being in you.

[xx] God to say that you have the spirit of God in you is one thing, but to have God in you only happens to [p3-b3] certain ones like thy sons.

There comes a time when you could know all you want in Heaven, but you do not need to know it and even in Heaven you do not learn everything.

[x] God I do love but I still have to be God so my love is different.

[x] God I can make life easier for you thy son or I can make it hard.

[p5-b3] [x] God I have plans for you thy son the house seem like it in something far away and will not be built but it is your place to but it still is something ahead. Benton Harbor. Mich. is where I want it to be put (1/18/1994 not now God)

God what is the people going to do when they find out that God is in you thy son?

God what will happen to those who find out that they have fucked with God will they think themselves Big because nothing happened to them yet or will they cry?

[x] Mel this is getting to the point! There is no way that something is suppose to be able to take over my mind.

[x] Mel my mind and body is suppose to be mine not something else's.

(5/15/87) [x] Mel this dam thing is trying to destroy my mind the only problem is I don't know how many times it has already don that.

[x] Mel why do you not let me be free we are not accomplishing anything this way.

[x] God in time thy son.

[x] Mel that what you were telling me sense the last 2 years and it still hasn't changed.

[p10-b3] God the change will be slow thy son the change of people will be slow so do not expect too much.

[xxx] God you have me in you that is something no one else has.

[xxx] Mel big Deal look at what you [p15-b3] did to me and how you treated me.

[xxx] God just wait and see how it is when it is over.

[xxx] Mel that does no good right now and I have been waiting for it to get over since I have found no way to get rid of you I think it would be easy to be nailed to the cross at least you would know what was going to happen then it would be over.

[x] God there are too many divorces here in the USA and I do not like it; dam women lib it is no good and they have destroyed so much they might be justified to themselves but are not justified to God.

[p23-b3] [x] God we set here waiting for time to pass there has to be something better then this but where, HEAVEN.

[x] God I can write anything that I please and who is to say that it is right or not, I also can write about anybody I so choose and if it destroys them then that is just tough shit, for a lot think that thy son is a big joke.

[p43-b3] [x] God for thy know how hard it is when it comes to making laws for you can not please everybody and there is so much to take in consideration but the line has to be some where.

[x] God for there are so many different beliefs up on this world and to have one to try and straighten them all out is hard for he can not make them believe he can only help them understand what God is about and wants people to be.

[xxx] God to know that something has controlled your life [p50-b3] since Aug.5,1981 and the first 3 years you did not even know about it for everything that happened seemed to be you, and then it lets you know that it is there and does things to let you know that it can do anything you never even thought possible but the only one that it tries to really prove something to is you and no one else so far and it keeps saying when it is over you will be free.

[xx] For how does someone show these books to someone and then tell them that this is the God that is the father of Jesus for it looks more like the God of Mosses the mean and nasty one the one who does not care what people go through the one that wants it to be his way are not at all; the one who wanted to teach someone a lessen and did not care what he did to them as long as the rest got the message and I sure have though thy son a lessen and that is I'm God and can do anything I want and that I'm not always good and I do not care what I do to someone to make them think more about God than anyone else.

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Revised: July 27, 2011.