As a family, we are heavily into history. We are Civil War reenactors, and are members of the 12th Va Infantry, Company B (the Petersburg Greys). I do a variety of 1860s impressions, including Confederate and Union soldiers, civilians, military surgeon,etc. I am an avid relic hunter and Civil War collector/student. I expect that I will be posting a few photos of my best finds here! More Pages...Relics: My page of relics I have dug recently Relics: Take my relic tour! Civil War Reenacting: My tastes in music...might surprise you!: War Between the States Links: Pictures of me and my family in "real" life!: My advice to new relic hunters: Hotrods...4 speeds and big blocks! Some cars I have owned...: The 12th Virginia, Co. B...our unit: The SS-269...The Rasher! My Granddad served honorably on this fleet submarine in WW2: Don't Like my page? Perhaps You should Try THIS one!...: Please note: This is a link to whatever page has "caught my interest" lately, and is changed regularly. I have had complaints about the content in the past, so SKIP IT if you are easily offended! |
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