..........Me and my sons..........

..........my wife, rebelrose..........

Welcome to My EGO TRIP!!!!!!

Hello! This is my first attempt at home page construction, so be patient until I get it right. I expect this site will be changing regularly... About myself: I am a 33 yr old native Virginian, married to a wonderful wife, and have two sons. Yep, thats them and me in the photos to the left. I work in the Richmond, Va. area as an electrician and instrumentation mechanic in industry. Our home is in New Kent County, and yes, the directions there do include the phrase "...turn off the paved road...".

As a family, we are heavily into history. We are Civil War reenactors, and are members of the 12th Va Infantry, Company B (the Petersburg Greys). I do a variety of 1860s impressions, including Confederate and Union soldiers, civilians, military surgeon,etc. I am an avid relic hunter and Civil War collector/student. I expect that I will be posting a few photos of my best finds here!

Updated with new relics 08/31/00

More Pages...

Relics: My page of relics I have dug recently

Relics: Take my relic tour!

Civil War Reenacting:

My tastes in music...might surprise you!:

War Between the States Links:

Pictures of me and my family in "real" life!:

My advice to new relic hunters:

Hotrods...4 speeds and big blocks! Some cars I have owned...:

The 12th Virginia, Co. B...our unit:

The SS-269...The Rasher! My Granddad served honorably on this fleet submarine in WW2:

Don't Like my page? Perhaps You should Try THIS one!...:

Please note: This is a link to whatever page has "caught my interest" lately, and is changed regularly. I have had complaints about the content in the past, so SKIP IT if you are easily offended!

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