Vice Sheet

By: Sallie Banko, RVC #2

Please note that the following is not an official write up of the meeting, but my own. It goes into a little more detail than the mini-minutes, not as much as the full minutes will, and includes some of my thoughts and reasoning…..

During the updates for officer’s reports, Tyger Gilbert made note of a web page he is in the process of building. It is hoped to be a means in which members can 1) see what is being worked on and 2) get their thoughts, suggestions and criticisms to the Communications Committee. He is also hoping to set up a section showing this exchange. Once the kinks are worked out, I understand this is to become part of the Mensa webpage.

For those of you who may be interested, the Finance Committee/budget preparatory meeting is scheduled for February 2-3, 2002 at the national office.

Bruce Glassford was appointed Editor for Half a Step Ahead, a newsletter soon to be offered by the Gifted Children’s Program. Congratulations on this appointment, Bruce!

The motion to accept the Colloquium Host Agreement was postponed until the next AMC meeting so that the current Site selection Committee can look it over.

The motion to accept the decision of the National Hearings Committee on August12, 2001 (and September 29, 2001*), to expel Mr. Frank Repp from American Mensa was passed 15-5-1. Believe me when I say this motion was not voted on lightly: much discussion took place, and many concerns voiced.

(*The Hearing Committee had arranged for a second hearing to take place at the AMC meeting The AMC recessed, and said hearing was convened, recorded and the original decision reaffirmed.)

The motion to rescind a previously passed motion was substituted. The new motion presented a word change to the previously passed motion dealing with the resignation of a member faced with charges. This in turn was postponed until the next AMC meeting.

My belief is that this situation would best be dealt with in a bylaws change, and not an ASIE. I voted for the postponement in hopes of being able to present something at the next meeting not as an ASIE, but as a proposed bylaws change.

The SIGHT policies and procedures document was accepted with a few minor but very important changes made. There were a few words added for clarification, one paragraph moved form the first section to the second, and the paragraph in which it states the LocSec will be named the SIGHT coordinator until one can be found was removed. (#2 under Local Group Coordinator Selection Procedure) As this document now reads, if there is no appointment, then no SIGHT Coordinator will be listed.

As for the discussion listed in the agenda about local group websites and lists: it seems the general consensus is that it should be left up to the group for now. This is a new category, and does not fit under publications or events, and so is not seen as being regulated by existing policies. I’m sure that some sort of definition/policy will eventually be developed, so offer your thoughts on this to the AMC member of your choice – maybe even write something up on the webpage that tiger Gilbert is developing…..

This is by no means a complete report on all that had taken place at the AMC meeting. Watch for the mini-minutes, or better yet look them up on the Mensa webpage, in the members section. Call, write, or e-mail me if you want more details, want to know about the frustrations of either the meeting or my return trip, or want to rant (be warned there is an enforced limit on the ranting, so make it a good one).

The next AMC meeting will be held on December 1.

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