By: Maria Sawczuk, Local Secretary

Eleven! I was so excited when I walked into our National Testing Day site and saw ELEVEN people waiting to test! I really think things have come around in Delaware Mensa, and I am so excited. The ExComm has been working very hard to set up some excellent topics for our speaker series. Game night is coming in January. A new webmaster to make our website totally kickin’. And fresh blood waiting for their results so they can join and add their energy to this little experiment. Can you feel the excitement?

Be sure to mark your calendars now for our next General Membership Meeting on November 8 at Dover’s Best Diner on Route 13 in Dover. Our next speaker was hand picked by Ed Lombardi, and will be discussing high-speed trains (and any other train issues you may have). And if you are interested in participating in a panel discussion on religion for our December meeting, please contact me as soon as possible. We’d like to line up some speakers of various faiths to discuss their core beliefs and their winter holiday traditions.

Excitement’s in the air. It must be fall.

Maria Sawczuk

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