Ryan Talks About Life and Religion

Ah, life. It is a harsh thing, but a necessary thing. It comes and goes with little warning, and then it starts again. I do not know the secret of it, nor do I want to. If I knew the secret then, that would take all the fun out of it. I do not know for sure if there is or is not a god, and I don't care. If there is one, then splendid, our lives are not completely meaningless. If there isn't then oh well at least I didn't devote my life to something meaningless. I mean really, imagine that there wasn't a god, but there was an afterlife of some sort and the pope died and went there only to realize that he devoted his whole life to nothing. Then he realizes what a huge mistake the vow of chastity thing was. You may disagree with me, but frankly I don't care I know I can never prove that I am right while I'm alive, nor can I be proven wrong, unless I personally meet a god of some sort. I cannot help but to ponder the great questions of life, after all that's what they are there for. I just think that religion is silly in many ways. Think of all the people that have died in holy wars and witch burning because of religion. Religion is usually something to try to discourage violence not to encourage it; yet, often it fails at matters like these. That is all that I care to comment about that for now.

About   Being   a   Greaser

Well, I feel it is a great honor to be a part of the "Greaser" family, but maybe I should go into greater detail about what that is. Well, the name started out as a comment made about us to be taken as an insult, but we came to take it as a good name to go by. Well, maybe that's a bad place to start the story let me begin at, well the beginning. The group started, I think in seventh grade in 1993, I had recently become a social outcast, due mainly to my hate of the rest of the school, well maybe hate is a strong word, but it was definitely dislike. Anyway I started hanging out with the people who were playing four square; anyway we got closer and closer until we hung out alot. The first group was mainly Me, Chris, Mike, and Brian. Later we would pull in the rest from other various factions of the school. I should also explain that. Our school is VERY into cliques if you're not "in" then your out, so we formed a right wing group to go against the established cliques. We of course realize by doing this we are almost forming our own clique, but as long as we're there we are going against the discriminative cliques and that is our goal, for now. Well anyway that is all I care to comment about that for now.

Update: Do to growing hatred between the greasers the group was officially abolished as of early july 1998. Now the group consist of Chris and Me. This update subject to change.

Update: The Greasers are now in the process of reforming a group although we are not yet exactly the same as we were in our glory years. Also see the greaser page if you want more info.

About   Being   a   Pianist

Okay, now about being a Pianist, well there's not as much to say about this as being a Greaser. It is far less complicated to be a Pianist then to be a Greaser, because, well the Pianists do not yet have a grand scheme or any enemy groups to clash ideas with. Well as long as I explained the history of the greaser thing I might as well explain the Pianists. Well the Pianists started back in 1997 when we were all at music camp. I was hanging out with Chris (a.k.a. flute boy) when he met up with some of his other friends. Soon we dropped Chris and I started hanging out with his old friends, which we soon became the Pianists. I consider these people some of my very best friends because they're so easy to just hang out with, without worrying about being jumped or something. That's all their is to know about the Pianist.

Update: The pianists have survived the flood of 98 and are now stronger then ever. We have added new people to the group, and unfortunately one of our friends could not join us this year. But, next year I hope will be a year to remember. Especially if I can get a gang war started like I wanted to last year.

Update 1999: Yet again we all got together for another great week. This year there we no floods although it rained several times, but hey i liked it. I also could not start a gang war like i wanted to. Things were different this year although i still had a lot of fun. Remember Big Brother is watching.

The   Origins   of   the   Equal   Tsar

Well, it all started on one perfect day at Lakeland Music camp. The prophets Elliot and Ryan were indulging themselves by drinking coffee with Equal in it to help them wake up. I was very sleepy so Elliot threw a pack to me and said it would help, so I ripped open the top and down it only to discover the great bliss that comes with the sweet granules of synthetic sugar. And from then on out I set out on my quest to enrich everyone's life by letting them know of the pleasure that comes with equal. I though who better to lead this uprising then a Tsar, yes a Tsar only a completely ruthless person could pull off the ingenious plot which I had devised, then I realized that equal and Tsar together created a paradox, because a Tsar can't be equal. Then, I realized that I didn't want to be an unfair Tsar so I decided equal Tsar worked for me. And that is most of the story.

The Evil Of Cloning

First of all let me say that ALL MALES should read this. Cloning is the absolute worst idea ever. Guys this is why alright consider this: cloning involves female eggs and a human cell, no males would be needed in this process. Also there are devices which give pleasure better and longer so men could become obsolete. Luckily men have control of most of the world and it is your duty as a male to inform other males of this danger. and if you our in a position where you can destroy evidence of exactly how the process works do so immediately. (DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS. DO NOT DO THIS. IF YOU GET ARRESTED DO NOT BLAME ME. DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING I SAY.) Men of the world should unite to defeat this common foe. Women if you attempt to replace men i shall personally defeat you all. WahaaaahaaaaaaaaaAAAA!!!!! I thank you for you time.

The Evil Of Welfare

Welfare. A good thing or bad thing? Well I'll tell you. It's a terrible thing. Now you may ask, "why is that Ryan?" Well I would tell you 1. Welfare is far to like the roman concept of bread and circuses, which helped to speed up their downfall. If you make the lesser able people dependent on the government they no longer want to work and then their children learn that they don't have to work. I do not have statistics but I would assume that most if not all of the people dependent on government money are lesser skilled than the employed part of the population, with the government increasing money when they have children the less skilled can afford to have alot of children and since they are not working they have the time to make and take care of them. The people that work can afford to have children but most do not have the time to raise them and some just don't for some reason. This results in more lesser skilled people being born and fewer skilled ones. Thus 2. The Darwin theory of evolution does not work in action and the people of the country will slowly decline in the average intelligence and thus we fall behind and will be taken over by another country. Yet again I think I have thoroughly crossed the line again.

Affirmitive Action

Well, someone asked for it so you all get to share in the glory of my lunacy yet again. Affirmative action, yet another outdated government program that is only used now in trivial cases to sue to get money from corporate giants. In this modern day and age there is no need to force people to hire minorities. This eliminates alot of competition for jobs and people with less skill can end up getting jobs. This program was designed to help eliminate discrimination against minorities and women and now it is discriminating against white males by not allowing them to get compete for certain jobs because a company wants to meet it's quota. If the real goal is to eliminate discrimination all jobs should be hired based completely on resumes or on interviews over the phone. If accents might give away someone's ethnicity then a third part could be hired to relay the information said to the potential employer, but the system we have now is just not the solution to this problem. It is just another example of the federal government overstepping its boundaries and dipping into lawmaking that the constitution does not allow it to create.

Elian Shemlian

Also requested was my humble opinion about the Elian Gonzales case. My opinion is simply this: PHHHUUUGHHH! Who gives a rat's ass? A kid from Cuba floats into the United States. If a kid from Mexico or brazil did this no one would give a damn where he went and just be happy he made it alive and get on with there insignificant little lives. But no he is from Cuba and America gets all worked up because he is from a communist country and the only reason the government cares about Cuba is because we are aggravated because all of our attempts to kill or embarrass Castro never worked. As it went on we got more desperate and even hatched a plot to put itching powder in his beard. America has always been upset with the fact that we said he would fail and he has succeeded because we tried to make him fail. Us hating him gave his the scapegoat he needed to unite the country and we still can't accept the fact that we can't get rid of him so we try to stir up any situation with Cuba so that we can make him look evil to his own people. My opinion, send him back to Cuba on a plane with his father and Miami relatives, blow the plane up I'm sick of all of them whining.