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Crystals and Healing

The crystal world represents one of the most amazing healing modalities that we have at our fingertips. Through crystals we can activate the natural healing abilities that reside within each of us. Crystal healing involves the properties of color and light - the healer is in essence infusing the aura of the person being healed with reflected light from the stones. The healing invoked occurs on many levels - and in all of our bodies (mental, physical, emotional and spiritual) - it is a total healing.

There are many ways in which crystals can be used to invoke healing. They can be focused on specific areas, such as the third eye, to open and unblock the chakra to facilitate an altered state of learning. Amethyst, Azurite and Luvulite are often used for this purpose.

Healing of the inner child is another important point of focus. We empower ourselves to let go of our fears when we understand their basis - where they came form in out past. Rose quartz (often called the healing crystal) and Green Aventurine (also a quartz, and used for healing in the mental, emotional and physical realms) used in combination facilitate healing deep within the heart.

Meditation and channeling are other important areas that can be facilitated with the use of crystals. In both cases a deep, clear connection with the higher self is made, making available the inner clarity needed to access Universal knowledge (on the level of the Akashic records).

Crystals are also keepers of knowledge. They can be cleared, charged and infused for specific purposes - for protection, for healing, for meditation.

As light workers, as stewards of the planet earth, we have a responsibility to show respect for, to honor and to put to best use the tools that we have at hand, the tools that Great Spirit has gifted us with.

My hope is that you will choose to walk this path with me and share in the whispers of the crystal world.
The links below will take you to hear their whispers and share their wisdom.




The workhorse of the stone world; slow forming, steady and reliable. Promote grace, good health, happiness, intelligence, and longevity. One who looks upon an agate tells the truth and is aided in remembering. Agates are grounding and gentle. They are protection stones, stones for inheritances. They give strength, victory and attunement with the earth. They sharpen sight, illuminate minds and assist in discovery. They protect children from falling. Agates come in various colors each color lends to you its energy.



Protection for the super-sensitive (especially in crowds). Strengthens sexual energy. Eases the pain of loneliness. Helps with emotional understanding. Liberates mental feelings. Strengthens the immune system. Brown or Tawny agate was once worn by ancient warriors in battle and is a wealth talisman.
Helps one who needs extra courage or energy to face stress. Banded agate increases energy and eases stress. Is said to help those who are overly timid become more assertive and self-expressive. Strong protectors, reinforcing your strength and providing protection if you are very sensitive
One or the most powerful protective stones for travel, for it can prevent you from getting fatigued or having an accident when traveling down the highway. Carry in your pocket or purse when traveling by air.
Guards against physical dangers. Offers courage and success in competitions.
Silver Leaf agates are very grounding and balancing, they open the wearer for acceptance, protection and abundance. Brown, gray and creamy white with interesting patterns.
Encourages creative visualization, that is, to create an image of what you want and then achieve your goal. Aids you to keep focused. Good job-hunting stone.

It is translucent, with fern patterns and white and/or yellow spots that form miniature forest scenes. Humanity has admired agates for thousands of years. In ancient times the beauty and durability of agate prompted man to use it in both practical and ornamental forms. It was believed that agate had unique properties that protected the wearer from dangers and promoted strength and healing.
GREEN AGATES Worn to improve the health
Crown and brow center opener that connects the spiritual to the physical. Aura protector that neutralizes fears and opens the mind and Being to new ideas. For meditation the clouds lead the mind into astral realms and expand consciousness. Eases emotional pain, aids creative visualization, increases trust and strength for earthly survival. Stimulates universal love. Connector to spirit guides, helps open communications with unseen entities. Helps you connect with nature spirits and the land. Gardener's talisman increases your plants' fertility and ensures a bountiful crop or healthy flowers. Also useful in money and happiness spells. It can be used to relieve exhaustion and to heal problems with the neck and back.  Wonderful stone to wear to draw new friends
Tree Agate is a powerful healing stone it strengthens the body and mind, encouraging inner peace. It ensures vitality, good health and a well functioning immune system. It has a solid and grounding effect, helping us to discover the truth and accept our fate. It is good for the stomach, colon, liver, spleen, kidneys, circulatory system, pancreas and the pulses. It is also effective against X-ray and other radiation. It should be worn for long periods of time in order to be effective.
Aid attitudes - ease depression and despair. Their energy is circular and flowing. Lace agates do not protect, they encourage and support. Let them bring out your inner beauty.
Wear or carry for peace and happiness. Calms the emotions and mind. Washes away mental clutter. Works on the thyroid. Brings total attunement to the senses. Blue Lace agate relieves stress and reduces family quarrels.
Bolsters and strengthens your attitude.
Called "Happy Lace." It can support optimism and elevate your thoughts.
Adds to your happiness by helping you to rescue your attitude.
Good for guarding against physical dangers. Especially useful in protection after dark. This stone represents quiet power, and helps to combine and balance the physical with the spiritual.
Can be recognized by the sea creatures and fossil snail patterns within the stone. Dispels pomposity within an individual, diminishing actions due to a superiority complex. A protective stone which also allows one to recognize that the idea of safety is actually the relinquishment of the idea of attack. Helps one through transitions. Blending of the old and the new. Ameliorates fatigue. Soothing to the stomach.



A variety of chrysoberyl. Aids internal and external regeneration, has positive influence on nervous system, spleen, pancreas. Helps to align mental and emotional body. Spiritual transformation and regeneration. Reflects highest potentials of enfoldment. Joy, oneness with life.
Known as the "Hope Stone." It inspires faith and hope. Balances the emotions. Helps align the heart and solar plexus charkas. Helps perfect personal expression and verbalizing. Works somewhat like rose quartz, but it flows more with the emotions towards others
The ancient Greeks were the first to record information about amber's "electrical" properties. If it is rubbed with a piece of silk, it will attract dust and ashes. Because of the inclusions of insects and small animals, it was often thought to contain the essence of life. Amber has always been associated with magic. It is a favorite protective and enhancing stone of Wiccan and Shamans. It is a sensual, (amber is warm to the touch,) magnetic stone that attracts love. In ancient times, amber was burned to cleanse the air, especially during childbirth. It was also thought to improve eyesight by gazing into it. Touching amber is soothing to the nerves. Stones of the pale/bright yellow type are good "all-healers", since they represent the energy of the Sun. Amber will float in a saturated salt solution (ten level teaspoonfuls of salt in a tumbler of water). Plastic will not.
No information on this stone, but it is felt as a healing stone.
Amethyst and magic have been connected for at least 2,000 years. The Greeks believed it to be an amulet against inebriation. It is one of the few stones specifically recommended for men to use for attracting women. Amethyst is the birthstone for February. Amethyst can be used to increase psychic awareness, to sharpen the 'sixth sense'. Because of this, many people keep a crystal with their I-Ching, tarot, or Rune tools. It is considered a very spiritual stone. Amethyst, purple quartz, is receptive and its powers are used to overcome alcoholism, protect, heal, and bring courage and happiness. This purple stone is seeped in ancient magic. This stone is the major stone for the Crown Charka. This location deals with extrasensory perception. In addition, it can be used in this position for healing of the nervous system and the brain. It is a stone used in spiritual journeys. Visualize and send your pain to the stone, as your hand releases the stone release all hurt as well, know that it is gone from you, and that is the magic. The earth will absorb the hurt, leaving your amethyst free. See also: geodes and quartz. Use this stone as a "calming" stone for those people who are "hyper" and anxious. It will also work for mild depression. (See Kunzite for severe/manic depression.) In addition, it is recommended for anyone who is addicted to alcohol or other mind/mood altering drugs. Heat-treating Amethyst will change it from purple to brown or yellow, and many Citrines on the market are created this way. Amethyst from one particular mine in Brazil will turn green when heated. It is marked under the name of prasiolite. (Although this is actually the name of an entirely different mineral)
Ametrine is a combination of amethyst and citrine, and so has the magickal qualities associated with these two stones or crystals. In addition, ametrine (especially ametrine points) has been used to stabilize and balance between spirituality and daily life and to help in psychic opening and development. Ametrine is also useful for working with spirit and animal guides, meditation, and astral travel.
Medium blue to white crystals. Fairly new discovery in Peru during the Harmonic Conversion. Excellent balancer, as it polarizes and aligns the physical body with the ethereal network. Used to call your Angels for guidance and support. Allows a psychic connection to oneness with universe, angelic realm, spiritual guidance. Astral travel, heightened sensory awareness. Seeing paths to surmount challenges. Aligns physical and etheric fields for healing self & others. Regenerates and rejuvenates ill or depleted areas. Provides a protective energy field around the area where it is placed. Angelite is a calming stone, which may be used to help stabilize the emotions and ease anxiety and stress. Angelite is also used for creative work, psychic ability, public speaking, and helping oneself to become more assertive. Angelite can be used in spells and rituals designed to reduce anger, aid in self-forgiveness, and gain spiritual protection. Angelite has also been used for working with angels and for sending telepathic messages to people and pets.
The apache tear is projective and will protect and bring luck. It is translucent obsidian and carried for a good luck charm. The Native American Indian Shaman held this stone in great esteem. This stone reportedly relieves grief and aids in understanding the cause of grief. It is often used to stimulate insight into areas of disturbance within yourself or your surroundings, and is said to aid one in giving and accepting forgiveness.
Transparent dk. blues, yellow, clear...Weight loss. Helps to deepen meditation. Blue and purple are used especially to heal and stimulate throat Charka and kidney point for self-expression, teaching, healing mouth, throat, thyroid, high blood pressure, stuttering. Reducing hunger. High Calcium content strengthens bones, muscles, and mineral assimilation. Use yellow on Solar Plexus and Brow Charka.
Blue apatite, which is actually a deep aqua color, may be used to aid in ridding oneself of guilt, grief, and excessive sensitivity to other people's problems (especially useful for Pisceans -- like me -- who tend to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders!!!). Blue apatite is also useful in ritual work designed to release pain and open oneself up to joy, peace and beauty. Also may be used to aid the immune system. Yellow-green apatite can be used in ritual work designed to rid oneself of negative self-image, feelings of inadequacy, shyness, or shame, and can be used to help one to accept and open themselves to love, comfort, and support. This stone is especially helpful in those who feel "ugly" or "fat", as it helps to improve body image and release the feelings associated with this type of negativity.
Clear, white, light green striated crystals. Helps one connect tot spirit and act in truth. Very powerful for deep, peaceful stillness and alpha state/meditation/dream recall. Clairvoyance, out of body travel. Green is most powerful: Heals and brings joyous openness to the heart Charka as it opens the brow and crown charkas. Clears mental fuzziness and channels for with higher self + angelic realm contact. Helps see truth for growth.
Translucent purple-pink-brown hexagonal, or white needle crystals. Deep, peaceful meditation; uplifts emotions. Centering, overview, patience under stress, helps us navigate business/managerial/personal challenges with a clear head and steady hand. Giving and receiving easily. Balances yin-yang. Eyes, brain, Central Nervous System, heart, open spiritual/brow chakra for day-to-day living with an open heart and mind.
Aquamarine is a traditional protective and luck stone for fishermen. In addition, it has been carved into cups and goblets because of the belief that it aids digestion and reduces body fluids. This stone is associated with Sea Goddesses. It is recommended for increasing psychic abilities. Traditionally, Aquamarine has been used for relief of stomach disorders and as a diuretic. It has also been recommended for toothaches. Use Aquamarine for the elimination of excess body fluids. Can be used for kidney and bladder distress. It will also work as a "diet" stone because it not only relieves eating disorders, but also soothes the emotions behind them. As an aqua stone, it can be used at the Throat Chakra for sore throats, tonsillitis and other inflammations. Magically, use this stone to represent Dolphin and the feminine principles of the Oceans

A blue-violet stone which is a form of chalcedony. Due to its color, avalonite is useful in calming and soothing, aiding meditation and visualization, and promoting a sense of security for the user. Also useful in aiding psychic awareness and delving into the mythical past and collective consciousness. Stone of Eternal Love and Wisdom. Avaloniteis a naturally occurring stone which is from a deposit in Washington State. Because Avalonite is a new stone it may exhibit other healing qualities yet to be discovered.  Here are my impressions to date: It is a rare combination of minerals brought together in this specific location.  We have not been able to identify all of the minerals composing Avalonite but we do know it contains feldspar, hornblende, mica, calcium, silica, and various others.  Its uniqueness is in the minerals all coming together to aid in a common purpose and its manifestation in the color of peachy/coral. 2nd and 4th chakras.  Avalonite's basic function is to deal with issues relating to fear of love.  Fear and fear of love keeps us from finding our life path,  Avalonite aids in healing this fear so you can discover your true path..  It does this by allowing you to trust your intuition through letting go of fear; fear of all love related issues, fear of being wrong, and/or fear of failure. Avalonite brings love and wisdom to help you discover your true self AND then you may start 'living your truth'. Wisdom and clarity; being clear about who you are.  Helps you to become conscious; or aware of areas in your life that need healing.  Aids feelings of loneliness by making you realize that you are apart of the Universe, you are never alone. Aids in decision making.  Wisdom, Joy and happiness.  Love integrating to wisdom or emotional to mental. Physically Avalonite balances the hormones, eases premenstrual and menopausal symptoms.  Healing of birth trauma and shock. Eases the process of healing dependency and co-dependency by working on the aspect relating to fears associated with love. Growth on all levels.  This stone is an excellent choice for those just starting their healing journey, it helps to heal and clear karma, which is the first step to healing and growth.
The ancient Tibetans revered aventurine. They used it to represent the "eyes" in sacred statues, thus symbolizing increased divinatory powers. This stone is considered to be a gambler's talisman. It is said that it will attract money. It is considered a "lucky" stone. This stone is associated with the Thymus Gland. It has been traditionally used for improving eyesight and healing diseases of the eyes. The all-round luck stone will enhance your creative talents. Aventurine can be used as a Heart Chakra stone, to balance such stones as Rhodonite. In addition, it is recommended to those who are starting out on new paths or adventures because it is protective, but opens the eyes to "new horizons". The yellow/brown form of Aventurine is from Russia. It is almost impossible to find anymore.



GREEN AVENTURINE: Called the "Stone of Heaven." An all-around healer (mental, emotional physical). It soothes, heals, and balances. It opens and soothes a wounded heart. Enhances intelligence. Increases opportunities and motivation. Brings luck and adventures in love and games. A Prosperity stone.


BLUE AVENTURINE: All-around healer; opens and dissolves blocks in the brow center. Increases visionary powers and perceptions. Stimulates creativity and expression. An all-around healer (mental, emotional, physical). It soothes, heals, and balances. Connects the heart and throat centers helping one communicate in a more loving manner. Good for reducing or eliminating negative emotions. Lends itself well to healing. A great stone for purification and peace. When held, this stone can reduce or completely cleanse the body of pain


ORANGE AVENTURINE: All around healer to bring joy into one's life. Works with the second chakra, dissolving creative blocks and healing sexual trauma. Aids in independence and originality. This semi-precious stone heals the heart by digging at its foundations to release emotional pain, anxiety, stress and fear. It balances yin and yang energies. Provides prosperity, truth, develops creativity, decisiveness, joy, clarity, leadership, self-determination and individuality. Enhances sleep, dreaming, relaxation, regeneration and recovery. Helps us become more patient by reducing the feelings of anger and annoyance. Helps develop ideas and enthusiasm, stimulates muscle tissue and strengthens the blood. Lowers the cholesterol levels and the fat metabolism. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect, which helps with skin problems, allergies and alleviates pain. Centers your well being while inspiring independence. Works on the 4th Chakra - The Heart.

This is an all-around good luck stone. It is useful in spells to increase feelings of self-worth or personal power. This stone attracts success to the owner, and can also be useful as a general protection stone.

It is said that the priests and priestesses of ancient Egypt used this stone to enhance their spiritual consciousness. Edgar Cayce spoke of Azurite helping him attain a meditative state more easily. This mineral is associated with Sagittarius. Azurite is associated with divination. When you are practicing precognition, hold a piece in your hand. This is a stone that likes to be touched...and touching it will help to release its energies. This stone is said to restructure molecules, revitalize the brain, and rebuild gray matter and aid in developing embryonic babies in the womb. This deep blue beautiful stone is receptive and has long been used to increase psychic powers. Hold one in your hand when trying to decide something in your future. Uses usually include Azurite in layouts that are for the purpose of increasing divination, or Third-Eye abilities. It is also useful at the Third Eye Chakra for making sense out of a very emotional situation. Very often, the Azurite found in the Southwestern part of the U.S. is mixed with Malachite. This results in a beautiful blue stone with small green marks on it. When cut and polished in a spherical shape, these remind one of a planet. They are soothing to look at and hold. Azurite is an ore of copper and a minor ornamental stone.
Azurite malachite assists in dissolving egoism, conceit, arrogance and vanity. It calms anxiety and facilitates rationality. It provides insight into all areas of one's life and stimulates the third eye. Intense, opaque blue and green.



This interesting stone is peach and black. It is helpful in rituals and spells designed to clear obstacles in one's life path. Using barite helps to conserve energy, and so is helpful for those who have immune problems or who are excessively anxious or stressed. Helps to promote a balanced energy flow in the user.


Beryl is receptive and is used in healing and promoting energy. Dr. Dee, a fifth-century scryer in Ireland, had a sphere of beryl which is now housed the British Museum. Ancient peoples utilized beryl in rituals designed to bring rain. Beryl is used to send energy into the body. Wear it during study to increase your retention of information. More information can be found by looking under listings by color.
Ancient warriors often carried an amulet of bloodstone, which was intended to stop bleeding when applied to a wound. Because it is green, it can be used for "money spells". It is also considered a "lucky" stone for athletes because it imparts courage and stamina. Heliotrope is used today in conjunction with anything having to do with blood. Consider the ancient uses of bloodstone in line with what use it for today. In addition, can be considered a "cholesterol buster". Generally use it at the Heart Chakra. Used successfully in situations where "courage" is needed to accomplish something. Just carry a piece of it in pocket for this purpose. Bloodstone is a projective green chalcedony flecked with red spots. In ancient Babylon the stone was worn to overcome enemies and was used in Ancient Egypt to open doors and break bonds. Its most famous use is to halt bleeding. Soldiers always carried it. Because it is green is utilized wealth, money and business spells. The 13th century people believed this stone increased your magical rites. This is the stone of March. The ancients called this stone hematite; although what we call hematite today is a different stone entirely.
See also: chalcedony and hematite Chrysoprase, carnelian, jasper and agate are all forms of Chalcedony.

General healing and balancing. A happy stone, a mood elevator. Attunes us to nature. Strengthening heals holes in aura. Increases physical energy as it brings in more Life Force.




Agate to Boji Stones

Calcite to Epidote

Fluorite to Jet

Kunzite to Peridot

Petoskey Stone to Sunstone

Tanzanite to Zoisite




Three Steps To Crystal Healing

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