It is here to teach us to be inter-dimensional. Used to advance the mind from one mental reality to the next. Aids in fighting mental disorder and gaining spiritual awakening. Balances positive and negative aspects of the mind. Cleaner, grounds excess energies and helps one work with large amounts of energy. Very focusing. Aids in increasing the assimilation of Life Force into the body. Source of fluoride, strengthens bone and dental tissue.

Fluorite is a projective stone of the New Age. It increases the mental powers. It has no long history of magical uses but is now being discovered. Some people use fluorite to strengthen the effects of other stones. It may be found at craft tables in the form of glass-like coke bottle green cubes.

Strengthens teeth and bones. Improves absorption of vital nutrients. Beneficial for blood vessels and spleen. Grounds excess energy. Excellent for advancement of mind, greater concentration, meditation. Helps one-grasp higher, more abstract concepts. Facilitates inter dimensional communication. Powerful healer. Works with chakras and attitudes according to color of stone.

Fossil stone helps dispense with old programming and schedules. It helps in the business realm and instills quality and excellence. It is also used to enhance telepathic communication. Opaque gray with fossil inclusions.

Fuchsite is a CHROME-mica, Muscovite is a white mica. Lightheartedness, friendliness, compassion, recovery, immunity. Speeds deeper healing.

Strong help to balance your energy system stimulate your desires and uplift your attitude. Draws happiness, power, possessions, and peace. Aids in patience, persistence, sexuality, and purification. Sharpens self-perception. Increases creative energy and sexual appetite. Enhances bodily strength, endurance, and vigor. Protection against thieves. Helps to align the emotional body to the spiritual body. Sleeping with it will help you remember your dreams. The garnet a fiery red stone is projective and is used for healing, protection and strength. It is worn or used in magic to enhance the body's strength. It strengthens the aura and creates a shield of protection for its wearer. For example, a would-be mugger might pass you be because of the bad vibes you would emit, thus protecting you. Garnets were once exchanged by parting friends to ensure they met again.

Firstly as it is the color of menstrual blood, it is a stone of fertility. As a gift it is a symbol of happiness and loyalty. It is thought to be an antidote to plague and fever. Women were known to wear it around their waist to help with the menstrual cycle. If it obtained unlawfully it will bear a curse upon its wearer until it is returned to its lawful owner.

Garnet (Red): Strengthens, purifies, vitalizes and regenerates bodily systems, especially the bloodstream. Has strong affinity with root chakra, helping to harmonize the potent forces of the kundalini. Stimulates pituitary gland. Aligns subtle bodies. Love, compassion. Enhances imagination.

Geodes are hollow concretions containing crystals. All quartz crystals form within these geodes. When sliced open or halved they reveal a pattern made of ancient minerals. Amethyst geodes are some of the most wondrously beautiful objects on this planet. They somehow recall Merlin's crystal cave the legendary enchanter, who showed us the ways of the wizard pass all understanding.

See also: amethyst and quartz

In the past, Golden Beryl has been cut into spheres for scrying and was considered superior to Clear Quartz. This stone has often been confused with Topaz and used for the same types of things. This stone is said to protect the wearer from being manipulated (telepathically). Almost all colors of Beryl, including the Golden are said to increase psychic awareness. With its beautiful Golden Color it would be associated with the Sun. This stone is recommended for ailments of the liver, stomach, glands and eyes. It is said to energize the body in a general way and to boost the immune system. Golden Beryl is a good stone to use for exhaustion or depression, nausea, diarrhea, ulcers, constipation and obesity. Golden Beryl can sometimes look very similar to yellow Chrysoberyl, from which it is distinguished only by its physical characteristics. The Yellow-green variety of Beryl is called Heliodor.
See Beryl

Medium brown with tiny coppery glitter. Goldstone is a man-made stone, just a type of glass with glittery metallic material in it. It is a valid classification, as it has many properties of NATURAL glasses, such as obsidian, which are modified by its being man-made and having been doped with additives. Originally created when alchemists were working towards creating gold. Gently uplifting, mildly helpful to Solar plexus Chakra to reduce stomach tension, protect center of body.


Natural Green, gray or blue Tiger's eye-like quartz. Helps gain perspective to see/face situations fully. Seeing the overview clearly and unflinchingly, as from a Hawk's eyes. Stomach and brow chakras. Blue: Deepens meditation. Helps us see the truth (self, others, situations) in order to grow.



Hematite was used by Galen for inflamed eyelids and headaches, and by Pliny for blood disorders. Egyptians valued it as a cure for hysteria. Azchalias asserted that Hematite, when used as a talisman, procured for the wearer a favorable hearing of petitions addressed to kings and a fortunate issue of lawsuits and judgments. Hematite has long been associated with psychic awareness. In addition, some people believe that it assists in astral travel. "A scrying: In a darkened room, light a red candle. Settle before it and hold a large piece of hematite so that the candle's flame is reflected on it. Gaze at the reflection and visualize a question. The answer will come to you." (Cunningham)

Hematite is a principal blood purifier among stone healers. It can be placed anywhere on the body for this purpose, or worn as a ring, pendant or necklace for continuous healing. It is also considered a grounding stone, which makes it useful for those people who have difficulty concentrating on the "here-and-now". Shamans historically have believed that Hematite, placed over the location of an illness, will draw the "spirit" of the illness out of the patient and into itself. Hematite is a strange stone. It is projective, grounding and healing. It is heavy, solid and silvery black. To ancients, "hematite" was not what we currently call hematite, but instead what we have come to call bloodstone -- so all ancient referrals to hematite actually refer to bloodstone. Hematite possesses curious properties of healing itself. If you scratch it and then rub your finger over it, the scratch may disappear. Hold a piece of hematite and ask a question, the answer will come to you. See also: bloodstone

Use Hematite as a blood purifier, placing it over the spleen, liver or kidneys as needed. Also use it often as a grounding stone, placing it near or on the feet before working on the higher Chakras. One interesting thing that Hematite is the principal ore of iron. Used for grounding and stabilizing purposes - to focus on the physical plane. Has a great deal of magnetism. It will draw in the energy of the universe. Powerful in drawing illness from the body. Good for kidneys. Lowers high blood pressure. It brings a greater attunement. Strengthens the intuition. Promotes common sense.

Has positive effect upon bloodstream. Activates spleen, increases resistance to stress. Helps circulate oxygen throughout body. Strengthens physical and etheric bodies. Energizing, vitalizing. Enhances personal magnetism, optimism, will, and courage. Slightly grounding. Powerful stone for those attracted to it

Silver-gray metallic is an iron ore which is iron oxide usually FeO2. Marcasite is iron sulfide. One of the most grounding of all stones (Root Chakra.) Condenses scattered ness, fuzziness into mental clarity, concentration, memory, practicality, helps study, bookkeeping, detail work, and sound sleep. Confidence, will power, boldness. Egyptians used also to calm hysteria and anxiety. Yang. Helps us adjust to being physical. Spleen, blood, cleansers. Can deflect. Regroups after jet lag, stress, birth, anesthesia

A special clear quartz. Shifts brains powerfully into alpha/deep stillness, opening the Brow and Crown Chakra for a strong, clear channel, psychic readings, and meditation. May take one too "high"/spacey to wear. The "Dream stone" - in meditation or pillow, it wonderfully enhances visualization, astral travel into the light and dream recall. Amplifies and stores thoughts, energy; use as bridge to stimulate energy flow up through the Chakras. Cleanse often.

A spodumene, like kunzite. Green. Best known for drawing prosperity. Clears heart to receive. Eases love or dollar loss. Calming.

That's not a typo -- I'm talking here about stones with holes in them. In Eddas, Odin transformed himself into a worm and then slipped through a stone to steal the mead of poetry. This myth gives holey stones the name Odin Stones. Stones with naturally occurring holes produced by erosion are highly protective objects. In ancient Britain holey stones were tied with red ribbons and hung on bedposts to prevent nightmares. The are receptive and promote psychic, health and protection. To assist in healing, charge a holey stone and wear it around your neck. Another use of the holey stone is to enhance psychic. To look through a holey stone is said to improve eyesight.

Howlite builds innate decency and dispels criticalness, and cold selfishness. It eliminates pain, stress and rage. It is a stone for artistic inspiration and creativity and helps balance calcium levels in the body. Opaque white with thin dark lines. Gently absorbs and uplifts stress, tension, anxiety, emotional intensity, etc. Quietly loving, calming. Works with the heart center, bringing greater gentleness, patience, tact. Helps bones, teeth, and other calcium aspects of body.

This is an indigo colored stone, which is useful in working with the third eye chakra. It can help to open and expand psychic abilities, encourage psychic exploration, enhance curiosity, and guide you through spiritual beginnings and growth. (Cordierite) Clear bluish-lavender. Opens a light pathway from Throat Chakra up through Crown. Truth, simplicity, imagery, peace. Living at higher awareness level. Alcohol/addiction detoxification, sobriety. A newer stone recently more available.


Jade ornaments and implements of great antiquity have been discovered both in those parts of the world in which the mineral is found and in places far distant from these. It is the 'greenstone' so highly esteemed by the Maoris of New Zealand who carved it into pendants, sometimes representing their hero Tiki, and into chieftains' war clubs. It has been carved in Central America for well over a thousand years and the ancient Mayas prized it above gold. In ancient China a prospective bride would present her betrothed a jade butterfly to seal their engagement. Likewise the bridegroom would give his sweetheart a gift of jade before their wedding. Jade was and is a sacred stone in China. Its receptive qualities promote love, healing, longevity, and wisdom. They are good gardening stones. Ancient instruments were carved of jade.

Jade is believed to have the power over the weather. In New Zealand, a land untouched by time, jade images of ancestral figures are worn in ceremonies. The stone is protective and will guard against accidents. The Chinese sensed in jade the power to prolong life. Mayans wore jade amulets to guard against kidney disease and bladder problems. Jade is considered one of the most important symbols of purity and serenity. It is also revered as an ancient symbol of love. The Maoris regard Jade as a stone that brings luck, especially specimens that are dark olive-green in color.

The ancient Chinese felt that Jade helps to inspire the mind to make quick and precise decisions.  Use Jade as a Heart Chakra stone, for those that feel threatened or frightened. Also used to control swelling of various glands in the face and neck, by placing it directly over the gland.

Jade wards off infantile disease if placed around the neck and not removed. It is placed in the mouth of a corpse to protect the soul. Necromancers used it to raise the soul. Jade bracelets are worn to promote a long life and as a charm to prevent eye infection. It is considered to be the concentrated essence of love. It makes a good healing talisman for the kidneys, urinary and digestive problems. To it embodies the five cardinal virtues of the pentacle. Spirit Justice - Earth Charity - Water Courage - Fire Modesty - Air Wisdom - It also makes a good gambling talisman, especially for racing. Strengthens heart, kidneys, and immune system. Helps cleanse blood. Increases longevity and fertility. Aids eye disorders and female problems. Powerful emotional balancer. Radiates divine, unconditional love. Clarity, modesty, courage, justice, wisdom. Peaceful and nurturing. Dispels negativity. Healing affinity will correspond to particular color of stone.



Beautiful Jasper, with light and dark brown markings was referred to as "Egyptian Marble". Various Native American tribes used Jasper as a rubbing stone and some called it "the rain bringer".

In ancient Assyria one of the oldest civilizations Gug, or Jasper carvings, have been found. It comes in numerous colors. Jasper is stabilizing. It will help to reduce insecurity, fear and guilt. It has healing powers and can protect health and beauty. Agate, Jasper, Flint, Sardonyx, and onyx are all forms of Chalcedony. In addition, particular colors of Chalcedony have specific names, such as Heliotrope, Bloodstone, Chrysophrase and Moss Agate.

Darker colors: more grounding. Grounding because it gives connection to the earth. A stabilizing stone - it reduces your insecurities, fears, and guilt. De-crystallizes illusions. Used for cancer and other wasting diseases. Purifies the blood - helps the anemic. Vitalizes brain tissue, stimulates hormone balance. Excellent stone for healers as it enhances and balances the aura field. A variety of chalcedony. Strengthens liver, gallbladder, and bladder. Powerful healer; main impact on physical body. Represents earth element. Works with chakras according to color of stone.

LEOPARD SKIN JASPER It will enhance your total vibration. Stabilizes the heart and solar plexus areas. Helps stabilize your frustrations. It brings serenity (gray), protection (black), love (pink), mental clarity (yellow), vitality (red), and healing (green).

Connects to spiritual world.  Balances yin and yang energy, stabilizes aura.  Health:  sustains energy during fast, heals degenerative diseases, balances mineral deficiency.

BROWN JASPER is balancing and grounding. This stone, carved into an arrowhead, is worn to attract luck. It is a good stone to use after completing a ritual to help you regain your center and become grounded. Brown jasper is receptive and is used for grounding and centering ones own self. If you live with your head in the clouds, wear brown jasper to ward off danger.

MOTTLED JASPER is projective and is worn for protection against drowning. If a cross is carved on it, then you will be protected from the four elements.

Dalmatian jasper is a stone that lessens or removes disillusionment. It helps one to see their strengths and weaknesses, and encourages grounding both with the Earth and in reality. Dalmatian Jasper increases loyalty and is beneficial for long term relationships. Physically it can help purify the blood. It is a stone of protection from nightmares, depression, and negative thinking. It is also particularly beneficial for healing people who have trouble relaxing and having fun.

FANCY JASPER facilitates tranquility and helps eliminates worry and depression. It also brings mental clarity. Opaque creamy beige with lavender or green swirls.

GREEN JASPER is said to help balance the factors in your life. Its subtle energies allow you to stop concentrating on one aspect of life at the expense of the others. It can serve to remind you that the whole is a result of all of the parts.

Green jasper is especially beneficial to the heart and upper torso, the digestive tract, and the cleansing organs. Its energies work slowly, over time to help restore harmony to these areas.
 General tissue regeneration; mineral assimilation; general healing. Is receptive and is a healing stone. It can be worn to promote sympathy to others with emotion or mental problems.

 is attuned to the energies of the Earth. This quality can help you find stability and balance. It is said to help your body cleanse itself from the negative effects of environmental pollutants and other toxins. This cleansing effect is said to improve the skin and also stimulate the cleansing organs such as the liver and kidneys.

Wearing this color jasper can also help you become more in tune with the Earth. This quality can lead to greater environmental awareness and help remind you to strive to lower the amount of pollution you generate. This quality of brown jasper makes it a good choice for those wishing to quit smoking.

Is said to retain memories of the past, making it an excellent choice for those wishing to relive past events through regression or analysis. By reliving these events, the negative energies associated with them can be dispelled, allowing you to overcome them and move forward with your life.


Was used as a psychological tool: ask someone who is "looking for an answer" to gaze into the stone and describe all the symbols they see. Work with the client to form the "symbols" into some sort of answer. Picture jasper helps with the re-evaluation of lifešs issues. It facilitates development and continuance of business pursuits and activities leading to increase and as a strong grounding stone for those who have an excess of energy at the Splenic Chakra. Also used the stone as a basis for a "journey".... Opaque beige with darker brown patterns.


brings attunement to animals and heals animal allergies. Opaque dark red with black flecks.

is known to promote beauty and grace. Believe it or not, it can ease the pain of childbirth!!! Protective and especially useful in defensive magick -- use this stone to send negativity directed at you back to the original sender. Increases mental processes and forms a barrier against dangerous desires and whims. Also a great all-around good luck stone. Is projective and was used to protect and guard. It sends negativity back to its source.

for stomach, intestines, liver, spleen areas.
Protects during spiritual work and physical travel, channels positive energy.  Health:  energizes endocrine system is said to be helpful to the endocrine glands and the cleansing organs. It can make you feel more energetic, stronger, and in better physical condition. Yellow jasper is said to amplify positive energies, and this can help your thoughts assume a more positive light. Thoughts can and do have a dramatic effect on your overall physical and mental well being.

These are one person's stones! They ward off evil, especially magickal evil and lift fear and depression. They are a link between the physical and the spiritual and are used to balance the emotions. They protect from possession. They were once used to repel plague, fever and negativity. They tend to filter out germs and aid, headaches, toothache, stomach diseases, goiter, dropsy, hysteria and hallucinations caused by fever. They are used in women's complaints. Jet helps during labor and, when powdered and mixed with bees wax, is applied to tumors. They offer protection from thunderstorms.

Jet is the Wicca's receptive tool used for luck, divination, protection and health. Black and glasslike, Jet is actually fossilized wood that is millions of years old. Because it is black it is associated with the earth elements, but because of its organic origins it is also related to the Akasha. Jet shares with amber the ability to become electrically charged. When worn, it is believed to be absorbing part of the wearer's soul. Ancient Greek worshippers of Cybele, goddess of growth and plants, wore this to obtain her favor. Jet is a marvelous stone, but beware: much of what is sold today is actually just black glass. Jet has a very ancient history as it maintains proper energy, therefore avoiding ill health. Jet dispels fearful thoughts and protects the wearer against illness and violence. It protects one during pursuit of business, and helps stabilize onešs finances. Soft black.
See also: fossils and amber










Stones 1-Agate to Boji Stones

Stones 2-Calcite to Epidote

Stones 3-Fluorite to Jet

Stones 4-Kunzite to Peridot

Stones 5-Petoskey Stone to Sunstone

Stones 6-Tanzanite to Zoisite



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