The various crystallized forms of calcite include masses, grains, stalactites, scalenohdrons, and rhombohedrons.
It is, however, characterized by the rhombohedron crystallization.
Calcite is colorless or white and can become green, pink, peach, golden, orange, yellow, red, blue, grey,
or black when other compounds blend with it during formation.
This mineral releases electrical impulses when placed under pressure, and is an energy amplifier.
It is said to help the mind and body to remember - the mind, to remember information brought
to bear during astral travel and channeling experiences; the body, to remember the state of perfection
during disease in order to return to the natural state of flawless-ness.
Calcite is a world teacher for all of humanity, facilitating macrocosmic awareness and appreciate
of the creative forces of nature. It is an excellent stone when studying the arts and sciences.
Vibrates to the number 8
Very beneficial for the cleansing organs, bones, joints, and for sharpening mental clarity. Helps boost the memory. Softens the rigid boundaries of the intellectual mind so that true inner knowing can be attained. Recommended for those involved in the healing professions.
PINK CALCITE: Calms, centers, and grounds. Brings love.
ORANGE / GOLD CALCITE: Protective. Lends energy to the body. Brings joy.
GREEN CALCITE: Helps release old mental patterns and accept the new. Draws prosperity
CALCITE (OPTICAL) Optical calcite is useful in working gemstone magick, as it doubles the strength and power of your spell. It is also useful in cleansing the aura, clearing all attachments and entities. Allows you to see the spiritual more readily.
Carnelian has long been associated with courage and cleansing of the blood. It was believed that the stone would improve one's outlook, making the individual cheerful and expelling fears. Carnelian can be used to "see into the past". The "Crystal Oracle" says that Carnelian refers to the Self, and Current Conditions. It is a grounding stone, and associated with the Earth. As such, it is considered practical, sensible and balanced. Cunningham associates the stone with the element of Fire. He suggests it as a talisman against Telepathic invasion. It is recommended for infertility or impotency. In addition it is used for purification of the blood. It has also been suggested that this stone will stop nose bleeding. This stone may be worn to stimulate the sexual drive. This is the "sexy" stone...since it is believed to stimulate sexual appetites. Use it in the lower Chakras for infertility and impotency for men (Use Coral as the feminine counterpart.) In addition, use this stone for relief of pain from arthritis in men. This stone is projective and is a red form of chalcedony. Ancient Egypt believed it could promote peace and harmony and to dispel depression, healing, courage and sexual energy. Carnelian was worn to prevent skin diseases and as a general health-inducers. See also: diamond and onyx
The cat's eye is projective and is used to promote wealth, beauty, healing and again is good for gambling. The Ancient Asian cat's eye was a form of chrysoberyl. It is worn to increase beauty and preserve youthfulness. Those born in August will be drawn to this stone. The Cat's eye can dispel depression and gives pleasure. See also: chalcedony

Cat Iron (Bronzite)
Suggested Chakra : Base
Color: Golden Tigers Eye Mixed With Hematite

A very male energy stone, combining the steadfastness of hematite with the drive of tigers eye.
Good for helping one pick a direction and stick with it.
Helps you to really focus your will power and drive to complete a project or reach a deadline.
It can also aid the physical body to rejuvenate personal energy when the project itself depletes you.
Mystical Properties: Bronzite can help you to be more decisive. It can also help people develop more courteous to others.
Enhances thyroid functions. Reduces stress. Relaxing, peace of mind. Accelerates growth. Aids personal creative expression. Helps one adjust to higher, more rarefied states of awareness. Truth, reliability. Clear speech.
Clear/misty white to brown. Helps us be centered, confident, capable and versatile amidst life's challenges. Grounding to here/now and higher self. Graciousness, good listening/communication skills. Translate higher concepts to everyday language. Psychic ness, clarity. Shows what we can/can't change. Letting go (stress, addictions..) Insomnia, Central Nervous System, coordination, general healing. Both grounds root chakra and opens crown (& Throat) Chakra. Plant growth, protection against bugs.
Purple, solid. Newly coming into greater use. Works with Indigo & violet Chakra to transmute/lift us out of emotions, fear. Seeing old patterns with new possibilities. Opens heart, inspiration, service, seeing clearly (mentally, physically, psychically), faster healing. Some find useful also for entity release work and alcohol/liver detoxification.
Chalcedony is receptive and promotes peace, protection and is good for nightmares. It is common with other stones in that it banishes fear, depression and sadness. In the 16th century it was prescribed by magicians to dissolve illusions and fantasies. Italian mothers wear beads of chalcedony to increase lactation. See also: bloodstone and carnelian.
Aids in preventing ulcers, digestive problems, arthritic conditions. Strengthens lungs and thyroid gland. Enhances metabolism. Excellent for female disorders. Alleviates fears, guilt, and tension. Helps clear subconscious imbalances. Activates feminine qualities. Amplifies throat chakra-creative expression, power, and communication. Joy, emotional balance.
Lifts the emotions - a cheering stone. Banishes greed, envy, selfishness, tension, and stress. Worn for eloquence, success in new undertakings, and to attract friends. Draws out unknown talents. Carry a small piece with you at all times to attract money. Works with emotional, personal insight. Enhances fertility for both sexes and can help guard against sexually transmitted diseases. Helps gout, mental illness, and eye problems.
Opens conscious mind to intuition. For psychic and physical digestion and assimilation. Helps one adjust and adapt to process changes. Helps one feel confident and secure. Strengthens the will. Stimulates communication. Promotes mental clarity. Teaches unlimited prosperity - use, enjoy, and release so more and better things may come to you. A variety of quartz. Good for kidneys, colon, liver, gallbladder, digestive organs, heart. Tissue regeneration. Detoxifies physical/emotional/mental bodies. Enhances body's healing energy. Diminishes self-destructive tendencies. Raises self-esteem. Powerful alignment with Higher Self. Lightheartedness, cheerfulness, hope. Warming, energizing. Attracts abundance. The citrine is projective and is used also for nightmares and carried for protection. Citrine is a form of quartz and will facilitate psychic awareness. This stone is prized among the Wicca's and Shaman. See also: geodes and quartz
The oldest known findings of red coral date from the Mesopotamian civilization, i.e. from about 3000 BC. For centuries, this was the coral par excellence, and at the time of Pliny the Elder it was apparently much appreciated in India, even more than in Europe. Red coral has traditionally been used as a protection from the "evil eye" and as a cure for sterility. One of the Greek names for Coral was Gorgeia, from the tradition that blood dripped from the Head of Medea, which Perseus had deposited on some branches near the seashore; which blood, becoming hard, was taken by the Sea Nymphs, and planted in the sea.

Coral is associated with Venus, Isis and Water. It has been used as a form of protective magic for children for hundreds of years. Cunningham recommends it as a luck-attractor for living areas. Sailors use it as a protection from bad weather while at sea. Red-orange coral is one of the four element gemstones of the Pueblo Indians. It is one of the four colors used for the directions in the Hopi/Zuni Road of Life. Coral is considered a representative of the warm energy of the Sun, and the southern direction.

Coral's healing properties are mostly associated with Women, young children and the elderly. For women it is said to increase fertility and regulate menstruation. For young children, it is recommended to ease teething and to prevent epilepsy. For the elderly, it is used as a cure for arthritis. Use coral at the lower Chakras for "Women's Healing." In particular, use it for disorders relating to female reproductive organs. Also use it magically, to represent female fertility. Used it with some success for arthritis, but only for women. This is one of the stones that I "reserve" for female/feminine use. (Use Carnelian as the "male" counterpart.)

Coral is receptive and has healing powers. Protects and promotes wisdom. Coral is neither a stone nor a plant, but the skeletal remains of a tiny sea creature. We have gone beyond a time when we have to sacrifice living things to practice magic -- but if you find apiece washed up on the seashore, you are harming none. It is up to you if you wish to utilize commercial coral in magic. The Italians have long believed in the powers of the coral and in Greek coral comes from two Greek words meaning daughter of the sea. Coral is worn to effect inner changes.

Second hardest mineral. Insight to the unknown. Intuitive awareness stimulates ambition, confidence. Subdues and calms emotions, harsh and irritable attitudes, releases anger. Soothes and smoothes the skin, eye disorders, brings peace to the body.
Deep wine red. (High copper content) Opens flow of Root and Spleen Chakras, Kundalini energy, will power. Also, with Heart Chakra. Strengthens thymus, heart, blood, and oxygen, metabolism, stamina and healing. Historically also heals relationship with father, the yang side of us, masculinity (for men) and confidence/security issues. Access past life.
Clear crystal. Powerfully radiates bright, pure, white light, filling our body, mind, and spirit (and relationships) with loving light. Excellent to cleanse, purify, or debrief. Fills Crown Chakra with joy and illumination. Brings truth, honesty, and a smile to the heart and open receptivity to mind and spirit. Strengthens mind, nervous system, life force, and awareness. Excellent healing tool.
A gypsum. Lt. brown. Gently grounding; clarifies thinking and mental vision, perception. Quiets worry, brings out practicality. (Related to Selenite.) Quiets the mind. Used to access past/future lives, assists in bring material pursuits related to business. Provides flexibility to one's nature, strengthens decisions, align the spinal column and removes energy blockage. Stabilizes epileptic disorders.
Brings fierceness, strength and fortitude. Strengthens friendships and protects from evil, disease and plagues. If set in gold it drives away night monsters... When stolen attracts negative vibrations. Diamonds require cleaning often. Legend has it that the first diamond that Europeans found was in the pouch of an African Shaman. The projective powers of the diamond touch the spirituality in us all. It is protective and affords us courage and peace. It is the symbol by which many of us promise our devotion to one another. Today, the world's supply of diamonds is carefully monitored to maintain an artificially high price and make them so coveted. It is the stone of April. Six-sided luckiest square brings balance and harmony triangular disharmony and friction. See also: carnelian and onyx
Clear, deep green. Deep healing and expansion of Heart center, love, commitment, trust humbleness, heart, and lungs.
Strengthens cardiovascular and central nervous systems. Excellent aid for ulcers, nervous stomach, heart troubles, blood pressure. Vitalizes, balances, tones body/mind. Emotional stability. Peach of mind. Excellent for use with healing and affirmations. Abundance, prosperity, progress, health, well being
Pink/pastel/milky to clear. Clear varieties, especially pink are used to softly open and heal Heart Chakra. Soothes hurt, loneliness, and anxiety. Facilitates giving and receiving, generosity, spontaneity, creativity, and energy uplift. Calcium content strengthens bones, teeth, muscles, and woman's reproductive system; helps PMS.
Dumortierite reduces excitability and eliminates stubbornness. It helps one stand up for onešs self and promotes patience. A denim blue colored opaque stone.
EILAT STONE (chrysocolla and malachite) (Incl. turquoise). Excels in healing emotional and physical aspects of heart/lungs and Throat Chakra. Flushes out/heals hurt, fear, stress, and loss. Antidepressant. Sinuses, mouth; Bone and tissue regeneration. On Solar Plexus: Aligns the subtle bodies, harmonizes heart, mind, and body. Wholeness, peace of heart, self-expression, creativity. Balances yin/yang. Draws out pain, inflammation, and fever. Thus, to work with malachite-chrysocolla is to discover one of the most healing ways to release emotional blockages. It is also invaluable in creative expression. Both stones are associated with creativity; malachite can bring creative impulses to the surface. Chrysocolla both stimulates creativity and, by releasing the fear of creative expression, can make the creation process a more flowing and enjoyable experience. This versatile stone can be placed wherever you feel you have an energy blockage. It is especially effective on the throat, solar plexus, and throat. In meditating you may wish to imagine your body/spirit filled with its soothing colors - as if perhaps you were afloat in a beautiful tropical sea.
Special form of clear/Smokey quartz. Changes confusion/illusions to clarity, seeing truth, and overview. Psychic ness, openness to higher self/God/spirituality. Stimulates crown chakra/pineal to rise above situations, emotions. May initially intensify lower thoughts (ego, denial, self-judging...) to release these blocks to open heart/mind. Healing brain cells from drug/alcohol use. "All-seeing Stone" brings infusion of light. Use as a bridge stone to enhance energy flow between chakras.

Emerald is considered a birthstone for the month of May. The emerald is considered the most expense stone on our planet. It is representative of our planet. It is receptive and promotes the powers of love, money, protection and eyesight. Throughout the world the emerald was worn or utilized in magic for protection. In India it was once believed to halt nocturnal emissions.

"If you wish to bring a love into your life, buy an emerald and charge it with your magical need through your visualization, perhaps while placing it near a green candle. After this ritual, wear or carry the emerald somewhere near your heart. Do this in such a way that others cannot see it. When you meet a future love, you'll know it wasn't the visible jewel that attracted him or her." (3) The Greeks associated this stone with the Goddess Venus. It has come to represent, for many people, the security of love. Emerald, like almost all of the green stones, is also advantageous for business/money ventures. Emerald is said to aid perception and inner clarity. Because of this, they are also associated with healing diseases of the eye, and problems affecting eyesight. It was believed that emeralds could counteract poisons and cure dysentery. Sometime use Emeralds in a stone layout. Can use them for their psychological/spiritual values of clarity and perception. If using them for this purpose, use them in the area of the Heart Chakra, in conjunction with Rose Quartz, or Rhodochrosite for balanced energy. Also used for prosperity consciousness.

Deep green, striated. Strengthens over all health, heart, well being, and energy. Courage, stamina. Helps take good care of one's self (food, rest, etc.)



Stones 1-Agate to Boji Stones

Stones 2-Calcite to Epidote

Stones 3-Fluorite to Jet

Stones 4-Kunzite to Peridot

Stones 5-Petoskey Stone to Sunstone

Stones 6-Tanzanite to Zoisite



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