Kunzite is a relatively new stone and not mentioned in ancient texts. This mineral is relatively unexplored for magical uses. Cunningham suggests that it is a centering/grounding stone and may also be useful for attracting love. The position for this stone is the Crown Chakra. Because of it's high lithium content, it is recommended for psychological disorders involving severe/manic depression.

Kunzite will gradually fade with exposure to sunlight. Very high spiritual love vibration. Heart opener - it awakens the highest heart consciousness. It will connect one to their infinite source of love. Aligns the crown and heart chakras. Symbolizes a pure expression of joy in thoughts and feelings. A good stone to be worn by star children or walk-ins to help them adjust to earth plane environments and energy.

(Pink Spodumene): high lithium content makes Kunzite beneficial to individuals with addictive behavior. Strengthens cardiovascular system. Aids manic depression. Excellent balancer for physical/emotional/mental bodies. Powerful stone for opening/healing heart. Helps one surrender to Higher Self. Enhances self-esteem. Tolerance, acceptance. Soothing, calming.


Strengthens throat chakra. Enhances creative expression, communication, truth, loyalty, reliability, and serenity. Connection to causal plane. Facilitates astral/inter dimensional travel.

  Black Kyanite


Gem healers claim it elevates the wearer's consciousness and connection with the energies of the universe. This awesome stone comes from the sun/moonstone family. The stone is a opaque smoky quartz color, but when rotated in sunlight, has flashes of vivid green, blue, red, yellow, orange, and gold. This stone carries some of the properties from both the moon and the sun. Helps in opening the heart chakra in order to more readily receive love. Increases inner strength and convictions, as well as promoting courage. Draws success to the owner's life. Greatly enhances dreaming, and the ability to remember the content of the dreams during the waking hours. Also helps to enhance all forms of perception during the day. The stone may be more powerful in one area than another, dependant upon what color the "flash" is. (See color magick for more). This is a fantastic stone to acquire, and then to continue to carry or use throughout one's life - as the results of the stone's energies continue to build and each result enhances the next result. Subtle green/blue/yellow/etc. metallic iridescent. Brings forth each person's strengths to share with the world. Originality. Easier, more restful sleep. Helps us relate to others. Opens energy flow to Solar plexus and Brow Chakra and whatever other centers are most in need. Still evolving along with us. Fragile, avoid salt cleansing.
This stone is sometimes called "Spectrolite", in the non-crystallized form.





Lapis Lazuli was a favorite stone of the ancient Egyptians. In the past Lazurite has been burned and ground to form the pigment "ultramarine." It was consider an aid to childbirth, and has long been associated with altered states of consciousness and trance work. Lapis is sometimes designated as a birthstone for December, although turquoise is most common. It is receptive and is the stone of Isis an ancient Egyptian goddess. It promotes healing, love, joy, fidelity, psychic, and gives the wearer protection and courage. Its beautiful blue hue is associated with Kings and
Queens. It was a popular substance for cylinder seal found in ancient Summer.
To quote Cunningham: "This stone is used in rituals designed to attract spiritual love. Take an un-tumbled piece of lapis with a sharp edge. Empower the stone and a pink candle with your need for love. Then, using the lapis lazuli, carve a heart onto the candle. Place the stone near the candleholder and burn the candle while visualizing a love coming into your life." Actually, the most important magical aspect of lapis is it's ability to strengthen psychic awareness. Cunningham says, "Despite its somewhat high price, lapis lazuli is one stone every stone magician should own and utilize." It is an uplifting stone and will boost your psychic awareness and promote gentleness in the wearer. This stone is used at the Ajina, the Brow Chakra. It's related gland is the pituitary. The pituitary gland is also referred to as the "master gland" because it regulates all of the others. This location is also the center for the eyes, ears, nose and brain. Used by ancient healers as an energy stone to strengthen the mind and prepare the body for spiritual awareness. Stimulates inner vision and enhances wisdom, insight, and good judgment in the practical world. Powerful thought amplifier. Opens the chakras, strengthens and balances, and induces psychic experience. It attracts spiritual love, cheers all moods and ills, and is useful in incest recovery. Helps us become more in touch with our essence and play a more active role in the control of our existence. Stimulates creativity, speech, and sincerity. Not to be confused the Ruby in Celtic Mythology or with the Sapphire.

In Egypt, this is the stone for Royalty only. It gave wisdom and psychic experiences and guided the soul into the afterlife. It is thought to represent truth. It strengthens the mind and body through spiritual awareness. It is the stone of truth and also the stone of mystery. It will aid in meditation and psychic development, it lifts depression and melancholy and brings success in love. The color is inherently soothing.

It has been used for skin diseases and circulatory problems and against recurrent fevers. Strengthens skeletal system. Activates thyroid gland. Releases tension and anxiety. Energizes throat chakra. Augments strength, vitality, and virility. Facilitates opening of chakras. Mental clarity, illumination. Enhances psychic abilities and communication with Higher Self and Spirit Guides. Creative expression.

Solid, med. to dk. blue. In meditation, opens Brow Chakra: higher guidance, intuition, and connection to higher self, overview, and decisions for good of all. Organizes, quiets mind. Opens Throat/Thyroid Chakra: Self-expression, writing, creativity, dream insight, allows total awareness...Anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, autism, shyness, nervous system, depression, serenity, self-acceptance; MS, speech, hearing, pituitary, DNA, lymph, inflammation, pain (especially head), protection stone. Shelters the wearer like a shield.

A gentle, soft, sky-blue
Caribbean healer. Brings tranquility of water/sea and air to heart and mind. Soothes and uplifts hurt, fear, depression, pain of life, changes with love. Self-expression, patience, accepting ness, simplicity, creativity, artwork. With red spots: helps gentle people be assertive. Cools, draws out inflammation, fevers, sunburn heat. Especially helps the creativity and Throat Chakra. (Shoulder, thyroid, nose). Pleasantly uplifts the heart and eases stress.


Lepidolite is a stone that could certainly be considered "new age" in the sense that it is just now coming into recognition by healers and magicians. There is no "past lore" on this stone, to the best of my knowledge. Part of this may be due to the fact, that it is native to the
United States. This stone soothes anger, hatred or any other negative emotion. To quiet the entire house, place Lepidolite stones in a circle around a pink candle. Lepidolite is also known as the "Dream Stone". It will protect the individual from nightmares, especially those caused by stress or an upset in personal relationships. It can be used in the same types of circumstances as Kunzite, namely for manic depression or schizophrenia. This is one of the most soothing and relaxing stones. It is a beauty to look at, and calms the mind enabling it to concentrate on the TRUE source of a problem...instead of running around in frantic circles accomplishing nothing. The more rubellite in the stone, the better it will help the heart and mind work together.

Lepidolite has been used as a source of lithium. The above description of the appearance of this stone may be deceiving, as I found Cunningham's to be, also. All of the specimens of this stone that I have seen so far have been gray to a pale lavender gray with "sparkles" of the lithium mica embedded in it. The heart-shaped cabochon that I have also has very distinctive crystals of rubellite (pink tourmaline) and veins of white running through it. It is unusual, also, to find specimens that are cut and polished. Usually the stone is too "crumbly" to take a good polish. However, it is equally handsome in rough form.

Aids muscles, strengthens heart, beneficially influences blood. High lithium content aids emotional/mental balance and stability. Aids sleep. Enhances expression of one's inner light and joy.

Metallic black, natural magnet. Related to hematite. Used for grounding, clear thinking; focus on detail work, decisions. Electro magnetically pulls toxic blocks. Old story of its use for faithfulness test: Unfaithful one is said to fall out of bed if touched by this stone.

It is said that if malachite is worn, it will break into pieces to warn the wearer of danger.

Used to direct power towards magical goals. Protective, especially towards children. According to Cunningham, Small pieces of malachite placed in each corner of a business building or a small piece placed in the cash register draws customers. Worn during business meetings or trade shows, it increases your ability to obtain good deals and sales. It is the salesperson's stone.

If the malachite is of the blue-green variety, it can be associated with the Sacral Center, or Splenic Chakra (Svadisthana). Here, it's energy branches to the left, to the spleen. (It is intended in this position for those who are celibate.) In addition, if it is grass green, it can be used at the Lumbar/Solar Plexus Center. "When the malachite is placed at the solar plexus and a piece of green jade is placed at the heart center and a double-terminated quartz crystal is placed between them, people may remember events that have been blocked for years. They may cry or scream. As these buried emotions are brought to the surface and released, a great weight is lifted and they soon feel renewed."

Be very careful about using Malachite. The emotions that it releases can be very powerful, to the point of overwhelming some people. On the other hand, if the individual is ready to deal with them (in a "growth" period) it may work out just fine. You could "balance" the emotional content with a pink stone (such as rose quartz) to cut down some on the intensity. Acts as a purge and a mirror to the subconscious, reflecting into the conscious mind that which needs to be cleansed. It absorbs energy, so it is good to place over diseased or painful areas to draw out negative energy. It is important to cleanse these stones after every use but saltwater is too harsh. Serves best over the solar plexus to clear static or repressed emotions (use aventurine to soothe). Purifies the digestive system, balances blood sugar and bile levels. Salesperson's stone. A small piece in the cash register draws customers. Aids functions of pancreas and spleen. Reduces stress and tension. Aids tissue regeneration. Strengthens heart, circulatory system, pineal and pituitary glands. Aids sleep. Vitalizing for body/mind. Reveals subconscious blocks. Excellent balancer on all levels. Steady pulsing electromagnetic energy. (High copper content) Malachite and azurite are the same chemical, practically, Copper Carbonate. The only difference is the ordering of the elements in the molecule. On brow: Stimulates physical and psychic vision, concentration. For heart and solar plexus centers: Stomach, liver, kidney stones, lungs, immune system, radiation, MS, circulation. Powerful healer with azurite or chrysocolla for healing: Releases and draws out pain, inflammation, depression, anger; heals blocks. Protects well by powerfully cleaning the aura field, rapidly absorbing undesirable energies, including: computer, TV, and other radiation, etc. Place in the 4 corners of a room to cleanse carpet toxins/gases. Clean very frequently -- daily if possible!

Marcasite helps one re- evaluate life's issues in a gentle way. It provides a view of oneself from an outside perspective and produces insight into the perfect method for eliminating unwanted traits. It helps one change these corrections easily. Dark gray with bright flecks.



GOLD: Purifies and energizes the physical body, improves circulation, strengthens nervous system. Balances and develops heart chakra. Balances hemispheres of brain. Aids tissue regeneration. Attracts positive energy into aura. Amplifies thought forms. Aids personal illumination. Solar energy/male aspect.

SILVER: Enhances mental functions. Aids circulation. Strengthens blood, physically and ethereally. Strengthens pineal and pituitary glands. Relieves stress. Relates to the moon, subconscious, female aspect. Emotional balance. Speech improvement. Excellent energy conductor.

COPPER: Influences flow of blood. Supplies strong energy to body/mind. Aids metabolism. Helps detoxify body. An aid for exhaustion and sexual imbalance. Aligns physical/emotional bodies. Raises self-esteem. Strong conductor of energy.

Helps reveal past lives from other planets and galaxies. Enhances connection with extraterrestrial energies. Expands awareness. Similar to obsidian, but denser.


A deep green silica-based tektite (meteorite) that fell to Earth about 15 million years ago. Aids alignment with Higher Self. Balancing and healing for physical body/mind. Aids in channeling extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional sources. A stone, which is useful in healing magick. Moldavite encourages self-healing, protects spiritual healers, and gives protection during astral travel. Greenish to brown-green Tektite (fell to earth). Dull outside, deep clear green inside. Powerfully expands psychic ness, channeling. On Heart Chakra. Eases longing to leave earth. On pillow, brow, and crown: Telepathic access to spiritual laws, info from higher regions/places to help us and Earth to be healthier and more spiritual. An intense meteorite helping people incarnating from elsewhere be more comfortable here on earth (reducing asthma, toxin sensitivity, emotional intensity, epilepsy...)(May make some too spacey; be sure to ground self after use and before driving). Fragile - Don't salt cleanse! More rare, expensive and powerful than a plain "tektite."

Tektites are a type of glassy mineral believed to be of extraterrestrial origin. Enhances/Strengthens: ability to withstand mental or emotional stumbling, wisdom, knowledge, extraterrestrial communication Diminishes/Lessens: challenges with mental processes







This stone has always been revered because of its lunar attraction. It was believed that the shiller in the stone would follow the cycles of the moon. (Becoming greatest when the moon was full.) In addition, it has always been considered a "feminine, or Goddess" stone. Meditation with moonstone calls into consciousness the three-form moon phase goddesses, Diana/Selene/Hecate, the waxing, Full and waning Moon. These are woman as goddess in her ages and contradictions, Maiden/ Mother/Crone. Cunningham favors this stone for spells involving love. In addition he has a longish essay on using it for a "diet" stone. Because of it's feminine nature, Moonstone has long been considered a "women's healing stone". It is used traditionally for healing/balancing of female organs and hormones. It is receptive and comes in blue, white, or pink opalescent colors. It has long been dedicated to the Moon goddess. It is protective and should be carried when away from home. If you are on a diet, wear a charged moonstone and reprogram your eating habits. Eat light meals with lots of steamed vegetables and fresh fruit, avoiding sugar and red meats. Use Moonstone at the Transpersonal Point, for connection to the Goddess and Universal Feminine Energy. This is the connection to dreams and dreaming, feminine "intuition", and "cycles". There are cycles of time, seasons, the moon, stars, etc. Also use/give this stone for those clients who are having difficulty being in tune with the feminine side of their nature. (Everyone has a masculine and a feminine side.) In the past, this stone has also been called "Cylon Opal".

Bestows the gift of prophecy and second sight. Heightens psychic sensitivity and trance states. A psychic mirror (feminine) for the emotions. Brings happy love experiences. Accentuates the receptive (feminine) qualities of the personality. Renews or maintains a youthful appearance and attitude. Helps you lose weight - rub over problem areas. Helps balance women's cycles and is of considerable aid during the birthing process.

A stone of good fortune and a gift between lovers to insure enduring love as opposed to passionate but short term love. It is not a stone for everyone, as it will indicate mood and personality by changing color and transparency to reflect the feelings of the wearer. It also changes to suit the phase of the moon, i.e. waxing grows brighter, full color, waning grows darker. They aid in the accuracy of scrying and divination especially if held by the client. It reunites lovers and loved ones who have parted in anger, protects those who travel on water, and clears the mind of confusion and aids in clear, concise decision making. Has healing affinity with stomach, spleen, pancreas, and pituitary gland. Unlocks lymphatic system. Relieves anxiety and stress. Aids birthing process, helps female problems. Emotional balancer; helps lessen tendency to over-react emotionally. Flexibility in attitudes. Aligns emotions with higher self.

Grey Moonstone: Helps one accept other stone's powers by cleansing blocks. This can be hard to wear.

Invoking the reflective, intuitive power and Goddess energy of the waning moon, this silver-grey stone eases frustrations and lends a greater ability to flow and move in harmony natural tides of life.


Orange Moonstone: Helps one accept other stone's help by comforting you. This is less powerful than white - but helpful when one really needs a certain stone.

White Moonstone: Helps one accept other stone's help through highlighting the others effects. I like this moonstone the most. When worn by itself is balances yin/yang.

Rainbow Moonstone

MOQUI MARBLES - See Shaman Stones or Boji Stones. Mochi Balls © are made of Iron and Sandstone. Named after a Native American tribe who live in the Moqui Desert, they would use these balls for sport, similar to Marbles. Sacred among the Shamanic members of ancient tribes, they were also used in rituals to contact extra-terrestrials, for visioning and for journeys. Needing no special care, the act as a protector when placed in ones environment. They synthesis male/female duality, liberate one's nature and help to recognize and understand the self. They realign the energy centers, relieve energy blockage, stimulate Chi energy, ground, center and protect. They have been used to treat physical instabilities in the veins, muscles, arteries, bone loss, RNA/DNA balancing, immune system and cellular renewal.

This stone is a pink form of beryl. It is useful in magick involving love and fidelity. It also aids in healing emotionally related matters, including karmic suffering and pain from past-life traumas. Related to Emerald and Aquamarine. Clear/soft pink to violet, translucent to clear. Inspires spiritual lovingness, compassion, and equality, up lifts, empathy, and patience. Spiritual Heart Chakra. Also heart, lungs, breathing, throat, oxygenation. One of the highest frequency stones available.

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This receptive stone is lustrous and opalescent. It is the product of living creatures, the exterior skeleton of sea mollusks. Collect it in streambeds and ocean shores since commercial mother of pearl is obtained by killing the animal. It is related to the fifth element, the Akasha. In many parts of the world, seashells were once the medium of exchange.



Polished pieces of black Obsidian have been used for Scrying. Primitive peoples once valued obsidian highly, chipping and flaking it into knives, spearheads, and many other implements with razor-sharp edges resulting from the intersecting conchoidal fractures. It is projective and is used for grounding and divination. Obsidian is naturally occurring glass: it is simply lava that cooled so fast that the minerals contained within didn't have time to form. The ancient Aztecs fashioned it into mirrors. It also was popular for fashioning stone knives and spearheads. In
Mexico obsidian is still fashioned for scrying tools. For some, the blackness of the stone allows easier contact with the subconscious mind. Obsidian is a very protective stone. It is also associated with the inner mysteries of the Goddess, symbolizing entrance to the labyrinth, the womb or the subconscious self.

Because of its protective qualities, Obsidian is a good stone for those who are softhearted and gentle. It will help to guard them against abuse. This stone cleanses toxins from the liver, so it is also good for people who are exposed to environmental pollutants. This is the "balance" stone for Clear Quartz Crystals. It will absorb all sorts of negative things. It is also a grounding stone, and uses it at the Base Chakra (below the feet) at the beginning of a layout to keep "grounded". In India, the women wear obsidian toe rings for the same purpose. Use Black Obsidian in conjunction with Quartz. If not using Clear Quartz, use Snowflake Obsidian. Protective stone: helps prevent emotional draining by others and prevents the softhearted from being misused. A psychic mirror (masculine) for hidden emotions. Help you accept higher vibrations. Involved with survival bringing body and spirit together. Grounding.

Solid/translucent black to smoky. (Incl. "Navaho/Apache Tears") Objectivity, non attachment, grounding. Reduces fantasy/escapism. Absorbs and dissolves anger, criticism, fear, thus protective. Unusual black stone: Absorbs dark and converts to white light. Friendly. Can't be misused. Root Chakra. Brings higher Chakra light into lower ones; cleanses, uplifts. Changes fear into flexibility with change.

Obsidian balls: help to see truths by initially amplifying beliefs, patterns, fears, blocking our growth.

MAHOGANY OBSIDIAN Mahogany obsidian stimulates growth of the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual centers and can be used in the elimination of energy blockages and in the relief of tension. Rich reddish brown with black flecks. Also called Buffalo Obsidian.

Shows the presence of light within darkness. Purpose is to show mankind and womankind that within darkness of despair and depression, there is a light of hope and healing. Within the darkness every color of the rainbow is vibrating with a purpose.  More likely to be love:-) The black color may be a veil or an illusion; we must go to a deeper level to discover the light. Obsidian reflects our true-selves.....the good AND the bad.  Helps us to understand the dark side of ourselves so we can walk into the light. A circle of color in rainbow obsidian /compared to rings: The circle of color seems to be more of a focusing point; where the rings are secondary but still in unison.  Cannot have a ring without a circle of color and vice a versa. Maybe the circle of color is the heart chakra and the rings relate to the other chakras.

The circle of color is the physical body while the rings represent the etheric, emotional, mental, astral, celestial and ketheric bodies. Each ring maybe a past life.  You can use Obsidian to tap into these lives to see where one went wrong and correct the behavior. A mirror which reflects our weaknesses, allowing us to become aware of our dark side. Obsidian is associated with negativity because of this.  People are fearful of their dark side so they avoid Obsidian. Being Obsidian is natural glass, it seems it would allow one clarity into their lives. It is from a volcanic flow, so therefore Obsidian could help us to flow with life

Beneficially influences stomach and intestines. Connects mind and emotions. Slightly masculine energy. Grounds spiritual-energy into physical plane. Absorbs and disperses negativity. Reduces stress. Helps clear subconscious blocks. Brings an understanding of silence and "the void". Detachment, but with wisdom and love. Powerful healer for those attuned to it.

Stimulates Throat Chakra, communication, helps in astral travel, Tarot reading. Heals broken crystals and charges them. Balances Heart Chakra. Assists in energy healing during Reiki. Sharpens the external and internal vision. Shows the contrast of life: black - symbolizes mastery over the physical plane, white - symbolizes the purity inherent in all of us. It will help you clear out all the cobwebs in the corners of your mind. Promotes self-esteem and confidence. Clairaudience and owning our lower aspects for growth; Healthy balance.


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A variety of chalcedony. Relieves stress. Balances male/female polarities. Strengthens bone marrow. Aids detachment. Enhances emotional balance and self-control. Higher inspiration. Works with chakras and attitudes according to color of stone. Onyx is a projective stone used for protection, defensive magic and when facing adversity. In ancient times onyx was thought to be an imprisoned deity. It is worn to still sexual desires. Natural sexual impulses exist for pleasure, union with another and the divine. Suppression of this desire leads to hatred, isolation and lessening respect for all life forms. In this present day, sex is risky. Wear this stone to control ones desires when there is no chance of quenching it with your partner. When you are with your loved one again, stimulate your desires with a diamond or carnelian. See also: carnelian and diamond


Opal is a birthstone for October. Opals have traditionally been considered "lucky" stones...but only for those born in the month of October. It has been considered bad luck to wear them if you were born in any other month. Opal is considered to be able to confer the gift of invisibility on its wearer. To accomplish this, Cunningham says, "The gem was wrapped in a fresh bay leaf and carried for this purpose." He also says, "Opals are also worn to bring out inner beauty. A beauty spell: Place a round mirror on the altar or behind it so that you can see your face within it while kneeling. Place two green candles on either side of the mirror. Light the candles. Empower an opal with your need for beauty -- while holding the stone, gaze into your reflection. With the scalpel of your visualization, mold and form your face (and your body) to the form you desire. Then, carry or wear the opal and dedicate yourself to improving your appearance."

Opals contain all the colors of the other stones, thus, it could be used in place of any of them. (They are akin to quartz crystals, in this aspect.) Generally speaking, Opal is used more frequently for healing the spirit, rather than the physical body. The opal is projective and receptive. The opal contains colors as well as the qualities of every other stone. The ancients used it to promote astral projection. They can be used to recall past incarnations. Opals are worn to bring out ones inner beauty.

Fire opals are used in drawing money.

Black Opal
See self as Soul. I find this stone is great for helping one see the possibilities of how one can be all they can be. This stone seems to strengthen bones too. Black opals are prized by magicians and Wicca's to increase the power aroused and released from the body during magical rites. They are protective and invigorating. Use them during Journeying, and when doing "readings" for other...anything where using altered states of consciousness. They help to understand the symbols of visions in a way that makes them meaningful. This stone carries immense quantities of energy, both positive and negative and is thus the stone of fortune and misfortune. It is also called the stone of the Gods since it carries all colors. It represents all four elements. It attracts to the wearer whatever is written on its self. It opens the visionary aspects of the mind and encourages and aids visions and psychic journeying. It also strengthens memory and revives and clears the mind. It is also used in prophecy and divination by placing over the third eye.

It offers protection from eye diseases (often by being wrapped in a bay leaf and being placed on the eyelid) it is used to grant wishes and to add to magickal workings. Placed in the left hand it gives affirmation of purpose, in the right hand it will strengthen the work its self. Placed on the forehead, it gives direction to thoughts and gives direct linkage to Mercury.

It provided strong aid when offering help and guidance for others but may be quite negative when used selfishly for ones self. Opals are absorptive; they pick up energy of every type around them. They do not water. When surrounded by positive ness and security, they are quite clean and they are quite clear and bright but when negativity comes along they become cloudy. They guard a person's honor. They were once considered to be the patron stone of thieves. Also they keep the hair from going gray and are useful against boils. Stimulates pineal and pituitary glands. Aids eyesight. Emotional balancer. Enhances intuition. The full spectrum of colors resonates with all chakras. Helps conscious connection with highest aspects of being. (4 others depending on color)


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Pearl, like amber, jet, and mother of pearl, is the product of a living creature. The power is receptive and attracts love, money, protection and luck. Since the oyster must be killed to obtain the pearl, the use of pearls in magic may carry a heavy debt. Pearls have long inspired religious and magical lore. The Romans imported pearls from Egypt were they were worn to grant favors from Isis. The early Chinese thought pearls fell from the sky when dragons fought amongst the clouds. They are connected with the moon, so that they should only be worn at night for magic. Pearls come in many different colors and have many specific magical uses

This colorful metal can aid in psychic and clairvoyance. It facilitates inner knowing and helps you to trust what you see psychically. It is also useful when doing healing work for someone who is at a distance. A stone of happiness, innocence, vitality. Encourages magical, imagination that leads to new directions, hope, and trust. Protection from negativity. Helps heal the cellular structure, nervous system, lungs, and heart. Attunes to all chakras. Cancer stone. #3 vibration.

Found in meteorites. Completely aligns all the subtle bodies. This helps one receive information from the higher self more easily. Good stone for channeling. Visionary stone - it helps connect us to our destinies and to an understanding of the purpose of existence. Keeps the mind free from envious thoughts and jealousies. A good stone for people who cannot relate to realities beyond the physical world. Aids in manifesting physical work into material abundance. A healing stone working with the heart and solar plexus chakras. They are receptive and promote protection, health, wealth and sleep. Peridot is worn or carried for general healing purposes. Its deep green hue suggests peridot's use in wealth attracting spells. (Olivine): Balances glandular system. Aids tissue regeneration. Has beneficial influence on heart, pancreas, spleen, liver, and adrenals. Purifies body. Enhances bloodstream. Overall balancer and tonic for body/mind. Aligns subtle bodies. Increase intuitive awareness. Reduces stress. Stimulates mind. Accelerates personal growth. Opens new doors or opportunity.


Stones 1-Agate to Boji Stones

Stones 2-Calcite to Epidote

Stones 3-Fluorite to Jet

Stones 4-Kunzite to Peridot

Stones 5-Petoskey Stone to Sunstone

Stones 6-Tanzanite to Zoisite



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