
This is version 2.0 of the Marvel Fanfic Writers Guild. The original version went online on June 17, 2002.

Please enjoy your stay!

~01/01/04: Happy New Year! Not only does the index now have a new look, but so does the fiction archive! Expect more pages to have a new look soon!

Also, we are now back from our hiatus. We're accepting new members, and new fiction from our current members!

As always, I can be reached here for any comments, questions or submissions.

And if you're someone who has just found us and you're interested in joining, go to the Join the Guild page on the sidebar there, and follow the instructions! I hope to hear from you soon!

SKIN: Do you mind Amigo?

JUBILEE: Kick back, Skin. It's clear "Pinky" likes you, lots!

SKIN: Jubilee...I hate kids.

JUBILEE: No? Really? I am shocked. Capital "SH".

(from Generation X #6, August 1995)



If you would like to be an affiliate of the MFWGuild, send me an email and let me know!

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