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  1. SLAVIK, Josef (1806-1833)
  2. SLONIMSKY, Nikolas ( - ) =Writer-Editor
  3. SLOTHOUWER, Jochem (YOH cum SLAW tower) ( - )
  4. SMALL, Haskell ( - )Am
  5. SMART, Sir George Thomas (1776-1867)
  6. SMART, Henry (1778-1823)
  7. SMART, Henry Thomas (1813-1879)
  8. SMETANA, Bedrich (BEH' dreech SMAY' tah nah) ( 2 MAR 1824 - 1884)Bohemian
  9. SMIT, Leo (Philadelphia, 1921-1999)Am=comp-P
  10. SMIT, Leo (Amsterdam, 14 MAY 1900 - Aushwitz, 1943)Dutch
  11. SMITH, David Stanley (1877-1949)
  12. SMITH, Geoff ( - )Eng=Com
  13. SMITH, John Chrisopher (1712-1795)
  14. SMITH, John Stafford (1750-1836)
  15. SMITH, William (1603-1645)
  16. SMITH BRINDLE, Reginald ( - ) Br
  17. SMOLENSKY, Stephan Vasil'yevich (1848-1909)
  18. SMYTH, Dame Ethel Mary (London, 22 APR 1858 - Surrey, 8 MAY 1944)Eng
  19. SODERLUND, Gustave Frederic (1881-1972)
  20. SODERMAM, Johan August (1832-1876)
  21. SOJO, Vicente (1887-1974)
  22. SOLA, Andres de (1634-1696)
  23. SOLER, Antonio (Padre) (soh LAIR') (1729 - 1783)SP
  24. SOLERE, Pedro Etienne (1753-1817)SP
  25. SOLOMONS, David Warin (1953-)
  26. SOMERVILL, Sir Arthur (5 JUN 1863 - 1937 )Eng
  27. SONDHEIM, Stephen (22 MAR - )Am
  28. SPOHR, Louis Ludwig
  29. SOR, Fernando (fer NAN' doh SOAR') ( 14 FEB 1778 - 1839 )Sp=Com-G
  30. SORABJI, Kaikhosru Shapurji (14 AUG 1892 - 1988)Eng=Com-P
  31. SORIANO, Francesco di (1549-1621)
  32. SORO, Barriga Enrique (1884-1954)
  33. SOROZABAL, Pablo (Sebastian, 1897 - 1988)Sp
  34. SOUSA, Carvalho, Joao de(1745-1798)
  35. SOUSA, John Phillip (Wash.DC, 6 DEC 1854 - Reading, PA 1932)Am=Com-Con
  36. SOUTHER, Richard ( - )Am=Com
  37. SOUTULLO, Reveriano (Pontevedra, 1 JUL 1880 - 1932)Sp
  38. SOWANDE, Fela (1905 - 1987)Nigerian=Organist
  39. (((SOVIET COMPOSERS 1918 - 1990))) Onno van Rijen's Soviet Composers Page
  40. SOWASH, Bradley (9 MAR 1960 - )Am=Com-P
  41. SOWERBY, Leo (1895 - 1968)
  42. SPEAKES, Oley (1874-1948)
  43. SPEER, Georgy Daniel (1636-1707)
  44. SPENDIAROV, Alexander (1871-1928)
  45. SPERGER, Johann Mathias (sch PAIR' ger) ( 1750 - 1812 )
  46. SPIRIDON, Nenning Johann (1615-1685)
  47. SPOFFORTH, Reginald (1770-1827)
  48. SPOHR, Louis (lood vig shpoor) ( 5 APR 1784 - 1859)Ger=Com-V-Con
  49. SPONTINI, Gasparo (GAS pahr oh spon TEE nee) (1774 - 1851)It
  50. SPROSS, Charles Gilbert (1874-1961)
  51. SQUIRE, William Henry (1871-1963)
  52. STADLER, Anton Paul (1753-1812)
  53. STADLMAYR, Johann (c.1575-1648)
  54. STAHLE, Hugo (1826-1848)
  55. STAINER, John (London, 6 JUN 1840 - Verona, 31 MAR 1901)Eng
  56. STALDER, Joseph Franz Xaver (1725-1765)
  57. STALHEIM, Jostein (1960 - )
  58. STAMITZ, Anton (1750 -1789)
  59. STAMITZ, Carl (SHTAH mitz)(1745 - 1801)
  60. STAMITZ, Johann (1717 - 1757)
  61. STANCHINSKY, Alexei Vladimirovich (1888 - 1914)
  62. STANDEN, Johann (1581-1634)
  63. STANDFORD, Patric (Gledhill)(Barnsley, 5 FEB 1939 - )Eng.
  64. STANFORD, Charles Villiers ( 30 SEP 1852 - 1924)Ir=Com-Organist-Con
  65. STANLEY, John (1712 -1786)
  66. STANLEY, Leo R. (1885-1966)
  67. STANTS, Iet (eet stahnts) ( 1903 - 1968 )
  68. STARK, Robert (1847-1881)
  69. STARZER, Josef (1726-1787)
  70. STEARNS, Peter (NYC, 7 JUN 1931 - )Am
  71. STEENWICK, Gisbert van (c.1605-1697)
  72. STEFANINI, Giovanni Battista (1574-1630)
  73. STEFFANI, Agostino (1654-1728)
  74. STEFANUK, Misha V
  75. STEFFENS, Johann (c.1560-1616)
  76. STEGGAL, Charles (1827-1905)
  77. STEIBELT, Daniel (1765-1823)
  78. STEIGER, Rand (1957 - )
  79. STEINBERG, Maximilian Osseyevich (1883-1946)
  80. STEINER, Max (10 MAY 1888 - 28 DEC 1971)Rus-Am
  81. STEINWAY, H. E. (15 FEB - )Ger=Piano Mfgr
  82. STENHAMMER, Karl Vilhelm Eugene (1871-1927)
  83. STEPAN, Josef Antonin (1726-1797)
  84. STEPAN, Lucky ( 1919 - )
  85. STEPHAN, Rudi (1887-1915)
  86. STEPHANESCU, George (1843-1925)
  87. STEPTOE, Roger ( - )
  88. STERNDALE BENNETT, Sir W (13 APR - )Eng=Com-Con-P
  89. STEVENS, Bernard (1916 - 1983)
  90. STEVENS, Gillian ( - ) Eng
  91. STEVENS, Richard John Samuel (1757-1837)
  92. STEVENSON, Ronald (1928 - )Scot
  93. STEWART, Charles Hylton (1765-1838)
  94. STEWART, Charles Hylton (1884-1932)
  95. STEWART, Sir Robert Prescott (1825-1894)
  96. STIEGLER, Karl (1876-1932)
  97. STIEHL, Heinrich Franz Daniel (1829-1886)
  98. STILGOE, R (28 MAR - )Eng=Com-P
  99. STILL, Wm Grant ( 11 MAY - )Am
  100. STOCKHAUSEN, Karlheinz (schtok how zin) ( 22 AUG 1928 - )Ger=Com-Con
  101. STOELZEL, Gottfried (1690-1749)
  102. STOJOWSKI, Zygmunt Denis Antoni (1870-1946)
  103. STOLZ, Robert (25 AUG 1880 - 1975 )Austrian=Com-Con
  104. STOLZEL, Gottfried Heinrich (GOHT freed HYN rik SHTOL tsuhl) ( 1690 - 1749 )
  105. STOLTZER, Thomas (c.1480-1526)
  106. STONE, Robert (1516-1613)
  107. STORACE, Stephen John Seymour (1762-1796)
  108. STORL, Johann Georg Christian (1675-1719)
  109. STOTHART, Herbert (1885-1945)
  110. STOVER, Franklin (1953 - )
  111. STRADELLA, Allessandro (ah leh SAHN dro strah DEL lah) (1642 - 1682)It=com
  112. STRAESSERE, Joseph "Joep" Willem Frederik (1934 - )
  113. STRATEGIER, Herman (1912-1988)
  114. STRAUS, Christoph (c.1575-1631)
  115. STRAUS, Oscar (1870-1954)
  116. STRAUSS, Eduard (1835 - 1916)
  117. STRAUSS, Franz Joseph (1822-1905)
  118. STRAUSS, Johann I ( 14 MAR 1804 - 1849)Austrian
  119. STRAUSS, Johann II ( 25 OCT 1825 - 1899)Austrian=Com-Con
  120. STRAUSS, Joseph (1827 - 1870)
  121. STRAUSS, Oscar (1870 - 1954)
  122. STRAUSS, Richard (REE' kard STRAHWltz) (11 JUN 1864 - 1949)Ger
  123. STRAVINSKI, IGOR (EE' gohr stra VIN' skee) ( 17 JUN 1882 - 1971)Rus
  124. STRIGGIO, Alessandro (c.1540-1592)
  125. STROLMEYER, Alois (1822-1890)
  126. STRONG, George Templeton (1856-1948)
  127. STROZZI, Barbara (6 AUG 1619 - 1665)It
  128. STUART, Leslie (1866-1928)
  129. SUBOTNICK, Morton ( - )
  130. SUCHON, Eugen (EH oo gehn SOO kun) ( - )
  131. SUGAR, Rezso (1919-1988)
  132. SUK, Josef (sook) (4 JAN 1874 - 1935)Czech
  133. SULLIVAN, Sir ARTHUR (13 MAY 1842-1900)Eng=Com (See Sir William S. Gilbert)
  134. SULZER, Joseph (1850-1926)
  135. SUMERA, Lepo ( 8 MAY 1950 - 1 JUN 2000 ) Comp
  136. SUMSION, H (19 JAN - )Eng=Com-Org-Con
  137. SUOLAHI, Heikki (2 FEB 1920 - 27 DEC 1936)Fin
  138. SUPPE, Franz Von (SOO pay) (18 APR 1819 - 1895)Austrian
  139. SURINAC, Carlos (SOO ree nahk) ( - )Sp
  140. SUSA, Conrad (1935 - )
  141. SUSATO, Tylman (c.1500-c.1561)
  142. SUSLIN, Victor (1942 - )
  143. SUSSMAYR, Franz Xaver (1766-1803)
  144. SUTHERLAND, Margaret ( - )
  145. SVENDSEN, Johan (1840 - 1911)
  146. SVETLANOV, Evgeny (6 SEP - )Rus=Com-Con
  147. SVIRIDOV, Georgy (1915 - 5 JAN 1998)Rus=Comp-P
  148. SVOBODA, Tomas (6 DEC 1939 - )FR/CZECK=C=P=COMP
  150. SWEELINCK, Jan (Peterz own yahn SVAY link) (1562 - 1621)
  151. SWERTS, Piet (1960 -)
  152. SZABELSKI, Boleslaw (1896-1979)
  153. SZIRMAI, Albert (1880-1967)
  154. SZOKOLAY, S (30 MAR - )Hung
  155. SZULC, Josef (1875-1956)
  156. SZYMANOWSKA, Maria (1789-1831)
  157. SZYMANOWSKI, Karol (she mah NAHF' skee) (6 OCT 1882 - 1937)Pol

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