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  1. FABINI, Eduardo ( 18 MAY 1882 - 17 MAY 1950)Urguayan=Comp-V
  2. FAGAN, Gideon (1904 - 1980)SoAfr
  3. FAHRBACH, Philipp (1815-1885)
  4. FAIN, Sammy (NYC, 17 JUN 1902 - LA, 6 DEC 1989) (Fineberg)
  5. FAITH, Richard ( 1926 - )Am
  6. FAKHRADOV, Zaur (1965-)
  7. FALCONIERI, Andrea (1586-1656)
  8. FALL, Leo (1873-1925)
  9. FALLA, Manuel de (man WEL' deh FY' ah) (23 NOV 1876 - 1946)Sp
  10. FALTONSON, Andrew
  11. FARINA, Carlo(c.1600-c.1640)
  12. FARJEON, Harry (1878-1948)
  13. FARKAS, Ferenc (1905-)Photo
  14. FARNABY, Giles (1563-1640)
  15. FARNHAM, Walter Lynwood (1885-1930)
  16. FARNON, Robert (24 JUL 1917 - )Can=Com-Con
  17. FARRANT, Richard (c.1525-1580)
  18. FARRAR, Ernest Bristow (1885-1918)
  19. FARRAR, Orion R. (1866-c.1925)
  20. FARRENC, Jeanne Louise (fah RENK) (31 MAY 1804 - 15 SEP 1875)Fr=Com-Pianist
  21. FARWELL, Arthur (1872-1952)
  22. FASCH, Carl Friedrich Christian (1736-1800)
  23. FASCH, Johann Friedrich (YOH hahn FREE drik FAHSH)( Weimar, 15 APR 1688 - Zerbst, 5 DEC 1758)Ger
  24. FAURE, Gabriel (gah bree EL' For A') (12 MAY 1845 - 1924)Fr
  25. FAURE, Jean-Baptiste (1830-1914)Fr=baritone-comp
  26. FAYRFAX, Robert (1464-1521)
  27. FEILER, Dror ( - )Swed.
  28. FELDMAN, Morton (NYC, 12 JAN 1926 - 1987 )Am
  29. FELZER, Oleg (1939-)
  30. FENBY, Eric (22 APR - 1997 )Eng=Com-writer, Delius assistant
  31. FERAGUT, Beltrame (c.1385-c.1450)
  32. FERGUSON, Howard (21 OCT 1908 - 31 OCT 1999)Ir. OBIT
  33. FERGUSON, W.H. (1874-1950)
  34. FERLENDIS, Giuseppe (1755-1802)
  35. FERNEYHOUGH, Brian (FIR nee HUFF) (16 JAN 1943 - )Eng
  36. FERNSTROM, John (1897-1961)
  37. FERRABOSCO, Alfonso (1575-1628)
  38. FERRABOSCO, Domenico Maria (FEB 1513-1574)
  39. FERRADINI, Mario (1863-1907)
  40. FERRANTI, Marco Aurelio Zani de (Bologna, 1801-1878)It=comp-G
  41. FERRARI, Benedetto (1597-1681)
  42. FERRARI, Fabrizio (1971-)
  43. FERRER, Jose Esteve (1835-1916)
  44. FERRETTI, Giovanni (c.1540-c.1610)
  45. FERROUD, Pierre-Octave (1900-1936)
  46. FESCA, Alexander (1820-1848)
  47. FESCH, Willem de(1687-1757)
  48. FESTA, Constanzo (1490-1545)
  49. FESTIG, Michael Christian (1680-1752)
  50. FESTIS, Francois-Joseph (1784-1871)
  51. FETRAS, Oscar (1854-1931)
  52. FEVRIER, Henri (1875-1957)
  53. FIALA, Joseph (1748-1816)
  54. FIBICH, Zedenek (ZEHd nek feh' bic) (21 DEC 1850 - 1900 )Bohemian
  55. FICKENSCHER, Arthur (Illinois, 1871 - )
  56. FIELD, John (1782 - 1837)
  57. FILLMORE, Henry (1881-1956)
  58. FILTZ, Anton (c.1730-1760)
  59. FINCK, Heinrich (1445-1527)
  60. FINE, Irving (3 DEC 1914 - 23 AUG 1962)Am
  61. FINE, Vivian ( 28 SEP 1913 - 20 MAR 2000 )Am
  62. FINGER, Gottfried (c.1660-1730)
  63. FINK, Christian Gottfried Wilhelm (1783-1846)
  64. FINK, Hans ( 3 NOV 1905 - )Austrian=Comp
  65. FINNISSY, Michael (17 MAR 1946 - )Eng
  66. FINSTERER, Mary (1962-)
  67. FINZI, Gerald (FIN' zee) (14 JUL 1901 - 1956)Eng
  68. FIOCCO, Joseph-Hector (1703-1741)
  69. FIORILLO, Federigo (1755-c.1823)
  70. FIRENZE, Gherardello da (c.1323-c.1363)
  71. FIRSOVA, E (21 MAR - )Russ
  72. FISCHER, Fred (1875-1942)
  73. FISCHER, Jean (1646-1721)
  74. FISCHER, Johann Caspar Ferdinand (1665-1746)
  75. FITELBERG, Grzegorz (1879-1953)
  76. FITELBERG, Jerzy (1903-1951)
  77. FITKIN, Graham (1963-)
  78. FITZENHAGEN, Willem ( - )Cellist-Comp
  79. FLAGELLO, Nicolas (12 DEC - )Eng=Com-Con
  80. FLECHA, Mateo (1481-1553)
  81. FLECHTENMACHER, Alexandru (1823-1893)
  82. FLEISHMANN, Aloys ( - ) Eng
  83. FLEGIER, Ange (1846-1927)
  84. FLEGL, Josef (1881-1962)
  85. FLETCHER, Percy Eastman (1879-1942)
  86. FLEURY, Andre (1903-1995)
  87. FLINTOFT, Luke (c.1680-1727)
  88. FLOTHUIS, Marius (1914-)
  89. FLOTOW, Friedrich Von (FREE' drik fon FLO' toh) ( 27 APR 1812 -n 1883)Ger
  90. FLOYD, Carlisle (11 JUN - )Am
  91. FODOR, Carolus Antonius (1768-1846)
  92. FOERSTER, Josef Bohuslav (1859-1951)
  93. FOGLIANO, Giacomo (1458-1548)
  94. FOMIN, Evstigney (1761-1800)
  95. FONTYN, Jacqueline ( 1930 - )
  96. FONTAINE, Pierre (c.1390-c.1450)
  97. FOOTE, Arthur (1853 - 1937)
  98. FORD, Thomas (c.1580)
  99. FORTNER, Wolfgang (1907 - )
  100. FORQUERAY, Antoine (1671-1745)
  101. FORQUERAY, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1699-1782)
  102. FORSTER, Christoph (1693-1745)
  103. FORSTER, Emanuel (1748-1823)
  104. FORSTER, Georg (c.1510-1568)
  105. FOSS, Lucas (LOO ( (15AUG1922 - )Am
  106. FOSSA, Francois de (1775-1849)
  107. FOSTER, Stephen Collins (1826-1864)
  108. FOWLER, Tommy (1948-)
  109. FOULDS, John(1880-1939)
  110. FRACKENPOHL, Arthur ( - )
  111. FRANCAIX, Jean (zhaun fran SAY') (23 MAY 1912 - 27 SEP 1997)Fr
  112. FRANCESCHINI, Petronio (c.1650-1681)
  113. FRANCHETTI, Baron Alberto (1860-1942)
  114. FRANCISQUE, Antoine (c.1575-1605)
  115. FRANCK, Cesar (SAY zar FRAHNK) (10 DEC 1822 - 1890)Belg

  116. Works List
  117. FRANCK, Johann Wolfgang (1644-c.1710)
  118. FRANCK, Melchior (1572-1639)
  119. FRANCO, Hernando (1532-1585)
  120. FRANCOEUR, Francois (1698-1787)
  121. FRANKEL, Benjamin(1906-1973)Eng
  122. FRANZ, Robert ( 1815 - -1892 )
  123. FRANZ, Vladimir ( 1959 - )
  124. FRASER-SIMSON, Harold (1878-1944)
  125. FREEDMAN, Ellis ( - )
  126. FREIRE, Osman Perez (1878-1930)
  127. FRENCH, William Percy (1854-1920)
  128. FRENSEL Wegener, Emmy (1901-1973)
  129. FRENSEL Wegener-Koopman, Bertha (1874-1953)
  130. FRESCHI, Giovanni Domenico (1640-1690)
  131. FRESCOBALDI, Girolamo (jeh ROL lam oh fres koh BAL' dee) (1583 - 1643)
    Read:"Fioretti del Frescobaldi" Marcon and Gaus, British Library Add. 40080 (Zimmern ob Rottweil: Edition Gaus, 1994)
  132. FREUNDT, Cornelius (c.1535-1591)
  133. FRICKER, Peter Racine (5 SEP 1920 - )Eng
  134. FRID, Geza (1904-1989)
  135. FRIDERICI, Daniel (1584-1638)
  136. FRIED, Philip ( 1955 - )Home Page
  137. FRIEDMAN, Ignaz (1882-1948)
  138. FRIML, Charles Rudolf (1879-1972)
  139. FROBERGER, Johann ( 1616-1667 )
  140. FROOM, David (1951 - )
  141. FRUMERIE, Gunnar de ( 1908 - )
  142. FROUNBERG, Ivar (1950- )
  143. FRY, William Henry (1813-1864)
  144. FUCHS, Robert (1847 - 1927)
  145. FUCIK, Julius (YOO lyooz FOO chick) (18 JUL - )Czech
  146. FUCITO, Salvatore (c.1875-1929)
  147. FUENLLANA, Miguel de (c.1500-c.1560)
  148. FUHRER, Robert Jan Nepomuk (1807-1861)
  149. FUNCK, David (1630-1690)
  150. FUNK, Eric (1949-)
  151. FURSTENAU, Anton Bernhard (1792-1852)
  152. FURTWANGLER, Wilhelm (1886-1954)
  153. FUSS, Janos (1777-1819)
  154. FUX, Johann Joseph (1660-1741)
  155. FUZZY, Jens Wilhelm Pedersen (1939 - )

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