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Friday, March 7, 2025

Schwann Opus
Schwann Opus

Magazine DescriptionSchwann Opus is the most comprehensive listing of classical recordings available in the United States. Recognized as the "definitive reference guide to classical music," this annual publication contains over 45,000 CDs and cassette tapes, and features an "Artist of the Year" profile. Items are organized under the composer name, and each piece on the recording is fully listed. Thousands of classical music enthusiasts find Schwann Opus indispensable in making their purchasing decisions.

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  1. OAKLEY, Sir Herbert Stanley (1830-1903)
  2. OBERSTADT, Ferdinand ( 1835 - )
  3. OBOUSSIER, Robert (1900-1957)
  4. OBRECHT, Jacob (1450 - 1505)
  5. O'BOYLE, Sean ( - )Australian cond/com, born in Hexham UK.
  6. O'BRIEN, Daniel ( - )AM=Comp
  7. OCHS, Siegfried (1858 - 1929 )
  8. OCKEGHEM, Johannes (yoh HAHN ess OH keh guhm)(1410 - 1497)
  9. O'DONNELL, Bertram Walton (1887-1939)
  10. OFFENBACH, Jacques ( 20 JUN 1819 - 1880)Ger-Fr
  11. OHANA, Maurice (1914 - )
  12. O'HARA, Geoffrey (1882-1967)
  13. O'HEARN, Patrick (6 SEP 1954 - )
  14. OKEOVER, John (c.1595-c.1663)
  15. OLCOTT, Chauncey (1858-1932)
  16. OLDHAM, A (6 SEP - )Eng=Com-Choral Con
  17. OLDHAM, Kevin (1960-1993)
  18. OLSEN, Poul Rovsing (1922 - 1982)
  19. OLSSON, Hakan (1961-)
  20. OLSSON, Otto (1879-1964)
  21. O'NEIL, Norman (1875-1934)
  22. ONSLOW, George (1784-1853)
  23. OREFICE, Giacomo (1865-1922)
  24. ORFF, Carl (karl orf) (10 JUL 1895 - 1982)Ger
  25. ORNSTEIN, Leo ( - ) am = Comp Madison WI
  26. OROLOGIO, Alessandro (c.1550-1633)
  27. ORR, Buxton (18 APR 1924 - 27 DEC 1997)
  28. ORTHEL, Leon (1905-1985)
  29. ORTIZ, Diego (c.1510 - c.1570)
  30. OSBORNE, N (23 JUN - )Eng
  31. OSIANDER, Lucas (1534-1604)
  32. OSTRCIL, Otakar (1879-1935)
  33. OSWALD, James (1711-1769)
  34. OTHMAYER, Caspar (1515-1553)
  35. OTTANI, Bernardo (1736-1827)
  36. OTTERLOO, Willem van(1907-1978)
  37. OUSELEY, Sir Frederick Authur Gore (1825-1889)
  38. OWEN, Albert Alan (1948-)
  39. OYENS, Tera de Marez(TAY rah deh MAH rehz OY ehns)( 1932 - 1996 )
  40. OZI, Etienne (1754-1813)

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