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  1. RAAIJMAKERS, Dick (1930-)
  2. RABAUD, Henri (1873 - 1949)
  3. RABE, Folke
  4. RACHMANINOV, Serge (sir GAY' rok MAH neen off)(1 APR 1873 - 1943)Rus
  5. RADESCA di Foggia, Enrico (c.1575-1625)
  6. RAES, Godfried-Willem (3 JAN 1952 - )
  7. RAFF, Joachim (27 MAY 1822 - 24 JUN 1882)Sw
  8. RAICKOVICH, Milos (1956 - )Serb
  9. RAINIER, Priaulx (3 FEB - )S Afr-Eng
  10. RAIMONDI, Pietro (1786-1853)
  11. RAISON, Andre (c.1650-1719)
  12. RAMEAU, Jean-Philippe (zhan feh LEEP rah MOH') ( 25 SEP 1683 - 1764)Fr
  13. RAMOND, Archimedes (1952 - )
  14. RAN, Shulamit ( - )
  15. RANDALL, John (1717-1799)
  16. RANDALL William (c.1550-c.1604)
  17. RANDALL William (c.1720-c.1776)
  18. RANDEGGER, Alberto Iginio (1832-1911)
  19. RANDS, B (2 MAR - )Eng
  20. RANGSTROM, Anders Johan Ture (1884-1947)
  21. RAPHAEL, Gunter (GOON ter RAH fay el) (Berlin, 30 APR 1903 - Herford, 19 OCT 1960)
  22. RASI, Francesco (1574-1630)
  23. RASMUSSEN, Karl Aage (Kolding, 13 DEC 1947 - )Dan
  24. RATHAUS, Karol (1895-1954)
  25. RATHGEBER, Johann Valentin (1682-1750)
  26. RAUCH, Andreas (1592-1656)
  27. RAUTAVAARA, Einojuhani (9 OCT 1928 - )Fin
  28. RAUZZINI, Venanzio (1746-1810)
  29. RAVANELLO, Oreste (1871-1938)
  30. RAVEL, Maurice (maw REESE RAH' vel) (7 MAR 1875 - 1937)Fr
  31. RAVENSCROFT, Thomas (1582 - 1635)Eng
  32. RAWSTHORNE, Alan (2 MAY - )Eng
  33. RAYNOR, John (1909-1970)
  34. RAZDOLINA, Zlata (1959-)
  35. REALE, Paul (-)
  36. REBEL, Francois (1701-1775)
  37. REBEL, Jean-Fery (1661-1747)
  38. REBIKOV, Vladimir Ivanovich (1866-1920)
  39. REDANO, Alfonso (Al FOHN so reh DAH no) ( 1853 - 1931) It
  40. REDFORD, John (c.1485-1547)
  41. REED, H. Owen (Odessa, MO 17 JUN 1910 - )Am
  42. REED, William Henry (Frome, 29 JUL 1876 - 2 JUL 1942)Eng=Comp-V and leader of the LSO from 1912 to 1933.
  43. REEVE, William (1757-1815)
  44. REEVES, Donald Wallace (1838-1900)
  45. REFICE, Licinio (lee CHEE nyo RAY fee chay)( 1885-1954 )
  46. REGER, Max (RAY' ger) (1873 - 1916)
  47. REGGIO, Pietro Francisco (1632-1685)
  48. REGIS, Johannes (c.1430-1485)
  49. REGONDI, Giulio (1822-1872)
  50. REICH, Steve (steev RYk) (3 OCT 1936 - )Am
  51. REICHA, Antoine (1770 - 1836)
  52. REICHE, Johann Gottfried (RY' kah)
  53. REIUCHA, Josef (1752-1795)
  54. REICHARD, Heinrich Gottfried (1742-1801)
  55. REICHARDT, Johann Friedrich (1752-1814)
  56. REIGGER, Wallingford (REE' ger)See:RIEGGER, Wallingford (1885 - 1961)
  57. REILLY, Terry See: RILEY (21 AUG 1935 - )Can
  58. REIMANN, Albert (4 MAR 1936 - )Ger
  59. REIMANN, Heinrich (1850-1906)
  60. REINDL, Constantin (1738-1799)
  61. REINECKE, Carl (RYn eh kuh) (23 JUN 1824 - 10 MAR 1910)Ger=com-P-con
  62. REINER, Jacob (c.1559-1606)
  63. REINKEN, Jan Adams (1623-1722)
  64. REISSIGER, Carl Gottlieb (1798-1859)
  65. RENNES, Catharina Van (kah tah REE nah vuhn REH nis) (1858 - 1940)
  66. RENTOWSKI, Wieslaw V.
  67. RESPIGHI, Ottorino (ah tuh REE' noh res PEEG' ee) (9 JUL 1879 - 1936)It
  68. RESNICEK, Emil Von (eh MEEL fon REZ' neh check) (4 MAY 1860 - 2 AUG 1945)
  69. REUBKE, Julius (ROIP kah) (1834 - 1858)
  70. REUSNER, Esaias (1636-1679)
  71. REUTTER, Georg (1656-1738)
  72. REUTTER, Hermann (1900-1985)
  73. REUTTER, Johann Adam Joseph Karl Gerog von (1708-1772)
  74. REVUELTAS, Silvestre (seel VAES tray rave WELL tahs)(31 DEC 1899 - 5 OCT 1940 )Mex
  75. REXER, Ernest (rex AIR)
  76. REYER, Louis-Etienne-Ernst (1823-1909)
  77. REYNEAU, Gacian (c.1370-1429)
  78. REZNICEK, Emil Nikolaus von (aka RESNICEK) (1860-1945)
  79. REYNOLDS, Roger ( 1934 - )
  80. RHEINBERGER, Josef (Yoh zef RYN ber ger) (17 MAR 1839 - 1901)Ger
  81. RHENE'-BATON, (1879-1940)
  82. RHIM, Wolfgang (volf gahn rim) (13 MAR 1952 - )Ger
  83. RICARD, Gisele (22 NOV 1944)Can
  84. RICCI, Frederico (1809-1877)
  85. RICCI, Luigi (1805-1859)
  86. RICCIOTTI, Carlo (1681-1756)
  87. RICHAFORT, Jean (c.1480-c.1547)
  88. RICHARDS, Henry Brinley (1817-1875)
  89. RICHARDSON, Vaughan (c.1670-1729)
  90. RICHTER, Ferdinand Tobias (1651-1711)
  91. RICHTER, Franz Xaver (1709-1789)
  92. RICHTER, Johann Christoph (1700-1785)
  93. RICKETTS, (Lt.)F. J. (1881 - 1945)Comp using name Kenneth Alford.
  94. RIDOUT, G (6 MAY - )Can
  95. RIEDING, Oscar
  96. RIEGER, Gottfried (1764-1855)
  97. RIEGGER, Wallingford (REE ger)( - )
  98. RIES, Ferdinand (29 NOV 1784 - 1838)Ger
  99. RIES, Franz Anton (29 NOV 1755 - 1846)
  100. RIETI, Vittorio (veet TOH ree oh ree AY tee)
  101. RIETZ, Julius ( yoo lee us REETz) ( 1812 -1877 )
  102. RIGHI, Giovanni (1577-1613)
  103. RIGHI, Giuseppe (1694-1717)
  104. RIGHINI, Vincenzo (1756-1812)
  105. RIHOVSKY, Vojtech (1871-1950)
  106. RILEY, Terry (24 JUN 1935 - )Am
  107. RIMSKY-KORSAKOV, Nikolay Andreyevich (nih kuh LY' RIM' skee KORSE ah kuff) ( 18 MAR[27 MAR?] 1844 - 1908)Rus
  108. RINCK, Johann Christoph Heinrich (1770-1846)
  109. RIPA da Mantova, Alberto da (c.1500-1551)
  110. RITTER, August Gottfried (1811-1885)
  111. RITTER, Christian (c.1648-c.1718)
  112. RITTER, Karl (1830 - )
  113. RIXNER, Joseph ( - ) Bavarian=Comp
  114. ROBERDAY, Francois (1624-1680)
  115. ROBERT, Pierre (c.1618-1699)
  116. ROBERT, John Henry (1848-1924)
  117. ROBERTS, John II (1822-1877)
  118. ROBERTSON, Sir Hugh Stevenson (1874-1952)
  119. ROCHBERG, George (ROCK' berg)
  120. RODE, Pierre ( 1744 - 1830 )
  121. RODGERS, Richard (NYC, 28 JUN (1902-1979) Am
    • With Lorenz HART, he wrote musicals The Girl Friend (1926), Babes in Arms (1937), and Pal Joey (1940). With Oscar HAMMERSTEIN, II, he composed Oklahoma! (1943; Pulitzer Prize winner),Carousel (1945), and The King and I (1951).
  122. RODRIGO, Joachin (22 NOV 1901 - 6 JUL 1999)Sp
  123. ROGER-DUCASSE, Jean (1873 - 1954)
  124. ROGERS, Benjamin (1614-1698)
  125. ROGERS, Wayland (1941 - )
  126. ROGESTER, Jean Francois Taussaint (1879-1964)
  127. ROGOWSKI, Ludomir (1881 - 1954)
  128. ROIG, Gonzalo (1890 - )
  129. ROLAND-MANUEL, Alexis (1891-1966)
  130. ROLLA, Alessandro (1757-1841)
  131. Rolle, Johann Heinrich (1716-1785)
  132. Rollig, Johann Georg (1710-1790)
  133. ROMAN, Johan Helmich (1694-1758)Swed
  134. ROMANI, Pietro (1791-1877)
  135. ROMANO, Marcantonio (c.1552-1636)
  136. ROMBERG, Andreas Jakob (1767-1821)
  137. ROMBERG, Bernhard Heinrich (1767-1841)
  138. ROMBERG, Sigmund (1887-1951)
  139. ROMERO, Mateo (1575-1647)
  140. RONALD, Sir Landon (1873-1938)
  141. RONTGEN, Julius (yoo lyoos ROHNT khen) (1855-1932)
  142. ROOTHAM, Cyril Bradley (1875-1938)
  143. ROPARTZ, Joseph-Guy (1864 - 1955)
  144. RORE, Cipriano de (1515 - 1565)
  145. ROREM, Ned (23 OCT 1923 - )AM
      Ned Rorem "Diaries 1986-1999"
      ...order this book here.
      With a nomination in this year's Grammy Awards for the category Best Contemporary Classical Composition (for his song cycle "Evidence of Things Not Seen"), Ned Rorem seems finally to be gaining more widespread recognition as one of our leading composers. He's also long since earned his reputation as part of an even smaller elite, the happy few who are equally at home writing music and words. As a belletrist, Rorem has focused his gift on a lifelong series of diaries, regularly published through the years. The latest installment, "Lies," covers the period 1986-1999, with Rorem confronting the mortality of loved ones and musing on his own aging.

      "The Later Diaries 1961-1972"
      cover Ned Rorem
      ...order this book here.
      And for those who succumb to the strangely hypnotic--not to say voyeuristic--enchantment of reading a well-written diary, Rorem's "Later Diaries: 1961-1972" makes a fascinating read. Along with the personal journey, narrated via Rorem's signature elegance, wit, and occasionally wicked style, we also get a chronicle of turbulent times, all the more valuable as filtered through a consciousness so sensitive and intelligent.

  146. ROSAS, Juventino (1868-1894)
  147. ROSE, David ( London, 15 June 1910 - Burbank, CA 23 August 1990)Am
  148. ROSE, John ( - )Eng
  149. ROSENBERG, Hilding (1892-1985)Sw
  150. ROSENCREUTZ, Christian (1378 - 1484)
  151. ROSENGRAVE, Thomas (1690-1766)
  152. ROSENMULLER, Johann (1619-1684)
  153. ROSENTHAL, Manuel (1904 - )Fr=Com-Arr-Cond
  154. ROSENTHAL, Moriz (1862 - 1946)Ukrainian=Com-P-Con
  155. ROSETTI, Franciso Antonio ( 1746 - 1792 )
  156. ROSING-SCHOW, Neils (1954 - )
  157. ROSLAVETS, Nikolay Frederic (1881-1944)
  158. ROSNER, Arnold
  159. ROSNER, Ellen
  160. ROSSETER, Philip (c.1566-1623)
  161. ROSSETTI, Stefano (c.1529-1585)
  162. ROSSI, Luigi (1598-1653)
  163. ROSSI, Michelangelo (c.1600-c.1660)
  164. ROSSI, Salamone ( - )
  165. ROSSINI, Gioacchino ( jwah KEE' noh Row SEE' nee) (28 FEB 1792 - 1868)It
  166. ROTA, Andrea (1553-1597)
  167. ROTA, Nino (3 DEC 1911 - 1979)It
  168. ROTOLI, Augusto (1847-1904)
  169. ROTT, Hans (1858-1884)
  170. ROUSE, C (15 FEB - )Am
  171. ROUSSEAU, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778)
  172. ROUSSEAU, Marcel Samuel (1882-1955)
  173. ROUSSEAU, Samuel (1853-1904)
  174. ROUSSEL, Albert ( al BAIR' rew SEL') (5 APR 1869 - 1937)Fr
  175. ROUTH, Francis ( - ) Br
  176. ROUX, Gaspard le (c.1660-c.1707)
  177. ROVETTA, Giovanni (c.1595-1668)
  178. ROWLANDS, William P. (1860-1937)
  179. ROWLEY, Alec (13 MAR 1892-1958)Eng
  180. ROY, Stephane (1959 - )
  181. ROYER, Joseph-Nicolas-Panrace (c.1705-1755)
  182. ROZSA, Miklos (MEEK losh ROH zhah) (Budapest, 18 APR 1907 - 1995) Hungarian-Am=Com-Con, films
  183. ROZE', Nicolas (c.1760 - c.1823)
  184. RUBBRA, Edmund (RUH bruh)(23 MAY 1901 - 1986)Eng
  185. RUBINSTEIN, Anton G. (ROO bin shtyn) (28 NOV 1829 - 1894)Rus
  186. RUBINSTEIN, Nikolay Grigorevich (1835-1881)
  187. RUDERS, Paul (27 MAR 1949 - )Dan
  188. RUDIN, Andrew (1939 - )
  189. RUDOW, "Vickie" Vivian Adelberg (1 APR 1936 - )
  190. RUFFO, Vincenzo (c.1510-1587)
  191. RUGGLES, Carl (11 MAR 1876 - 1971)Am
  192. RUMSON, Gordon(Montreal, 1960 - )Can
  193. RUPPE, Christian Friedrich (ROOP puh) ( 1753-1826 )
  194. RUPERT, Chris (1965 - )
  195. RUSSEL, William (1777-1813)
  196. RUSSELL, Henry (1812-1900)
  198. (((RUSSIAN COMPOSERS GALLERY))) (Wellesley)
  199. (((RUSSIAN CONTEMPORARY COMPOSERS))) Onno van Rijen's Soviet Composers Page
  200. RUSSOLO, Luigi (1885-1947)
  201. RUST, Friedrich Wilhelm (1739-1796)
  202. RUTTER, John (London, 24 SEP 1945 - )Eng=Com-Cond Cambridge Singers.

  203. RUYNEMAN, Daniël (1886-1963)
  204. RUZITSKA, Gyorgy (1789-1860)
  205. RUZITSKA, Ignac (1777-1833)
  206. RUZITSKA, Josef (c.1775-c.1823)
  207. RYELANDT, Joseph (1870-1965)
  208. RZEWSKI,(AR-ZHEV - skee) Frederick Anthony ( Westfield, MA 13 APR 1938 - )

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