at Randolph-Macon Woman's College
Bridges is a club for lesbian, bisexual, questioning and straight supportive women at Randolph-Macon Woman's College.
What does Bridges do?
Bridges meets biweekly to organize events and trips sponsored by the club. So far this year we have taken trips to both Richmond and Roanoke Pride Events, and had a Picnic for National Coming Out Day. It was a great success as we had many people from R-MWC and Hollins University in attendance. We are currently in the process of planning and organizing Gay Awareness Week, which will take place from November 16-20. Bridges also runs a student led support/discussion group where students can confidentially discuss various issues dealing with sexuality.
What did we do last year?
We went the Richmond and Roanoke Pride Events, and had a picnic for National Coming Out Day. We celebrated Gay Awarenss Week with a variety of activities, helped sponsor and attended an Anti-Hate Crime Vigil, and sent representatives to two different queer conferences. We are also taking a trip to DC Youth Pride. Bridges has been involved with the Lynchburg chapter of GALA (Gay and Lesbian Alliance), and the GALA youth group. We also did some work to get the school to include sexual orientation in it's non-discrimination policy.
Who are the Bridges Officers?
Sometimes being gay isn't easy, so we put together this Resources
page to help you find the support you might need.
Visit the Safe Zone site to find out about Safe Zones at R-WMC.
See a review of Gay Awareness Week 1997.
Check out our amended Constitution! Student Government took an entire year to pass this, just so we could legally have two co-chairs instead of chair and vice, and so a first year could serve as treasurer. You wouldn't think such a small school would have so much red tape!
This page was designed and created by Stephanie. R-MWC class of 2000 and 1998-99 Bridges Co-Chair.
Need help? Got questions? Just wanna talk? E-Mail Bridges.
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