Welcome to the Hay Net!

Last updated ~ June 17, 1999

Thanks for visiting, Web Surfer!


A friend and I have created a brand new Sim Game! We are looking for members so e-mail kris_and_georgia@hotmail.com and to check out the site and the rules go here

There is a new link on the links page

Melanie won the Hay Net's award for her site.

Web Brawls!

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Just for Members!

Join the Club!: Sorry, we cannot accept any new members at this time.
The Members Page: Learn all about the rider club members here!
President's Page: Meet Kristen and her horses!
The Classified Page: Members can post want or for sale ads free!
Trivia Page: Test your horse knowledge here!
The Guess the Breed Page: Guess the breed contest!
The Jokes Page: Member's horse and pony jokes!
The Contests Page: Take the new JavaScript Quiz!

For Everyone!

The Dressage Page: Learn about this beautiful sport here!
The Hunter/Jumper Page: Ace facts on hunter/jumper here!
The Racing Page: Learn about horses in the fast lane!
The Dedications Page: A page for you to share the memory of a lost horse.
The Abuse Page: Find out what you can do to help equines in need
The Awards Page: A page featuring all of the Hay Net's awards!
Win Our Award: A page where you can apply to win our award!
The Cyberbarn!: A new home for our adopted ponies
The Webring Page: The all new page housing all of our webring banners
The Links Page: Check out some great links here!


Please send me any suggestions, comments
or questions!

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