Highlands Ranch High School - Mr. Sedivy
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
- Advanced Placement European
History -
Class Activities
Tocqueville vs Marx
Questions to Consider
Tocqueville and Marx pose different responses to many of the same
issues in the selections presented in this reading. Your basic task
in answering the main questions of this chapter to compare their ideas.
Central to the thought of both men is a certain vision of historical
evolution. Indeed, Marx called himself a "scientific socialist" because,
in his view, he has discovered the immutable course of historical
What was this historical process
for Karl Marx? |
What patterns of history did
Alexis de Tocqueville identify? |
As you continue your study of modern European history
in this course, consider which of these thinkers' ideas seem most
adequately to have predicted the political and economic development
of the West.Both Marx and Tocqueville address the problem of revolution
in the selections that you have read.
First consider Tocqueville.
What threats to democracy did he see emerging in the West?
Why did he believe that revolution was not likely to be a threat to
What dangers, according to Tocqueville, did revolution pose when it
did erupt?
Do Tocqueville's liberal principles admit any circumstances under
which society should resort to revolution as a means of change? Recall
Tocqueville's attitude toward the government of King Louis Philippe
in Source 3.
Why did Tocqueville oppose the revolution of 1848 despite this view?
Now analyze Marx's ideas on revolution.
Examine the historical role for revolution that Marx believed he had
Why does Marx see the middle class, those who owned the factories
and embraced liberal ideas, as revolutionary?
In what ways, according to Marx, was capitalism sowing the seeds of
its destruction?
What vision of the future did that class have, according to Marx?
Did they want the political democracy Tocqueville was prepared to
accept or a broader reorganization of society? Why, why not?
How did Marx and Tocqueville differ in their views of the desirability
of revolution?
Both authors also wrote on the same revolution, the
French uprising of 1848, providing a further opportunity to contrast
their views. As your study of the 1848 revolutions no doubt has demonstrated,
it is impossible to consider the uprisings of that year a success.
Whether revolutionaries' goals were nationalist or liberal, the revolutions
ended everywhere in defeat. This was certainly the case in France,
where the conflict of June 1848 between the government of the Second
Republic and the Parisian unemployed created the political climate
for the election of Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte.
How did Tocqueville view the revolution of 1848?
How did Marx view the revolution of 1848?
What guiding emotion do you detect in Tocqueville's Recollections
of February 24, 1848? In formulating your answer, consult the selection
on which Tocqueville discusses general aspects of revolution and expresses
his ideas in government.
What is Marx's view of the failure of the June 1848 revolt?
Why was the victory that emerged in 1848 an essential step for Marx
toward the final revolution?
Compare the political and economic ideals advocated
by the liberal Tocqueville and the socialist Marx. Your task here
is made more challenging by the assertion of both these political
thinkers that they advocated democracy. To understand the differences
between them, review their writings to determine how each defined
Is Tocqueville conception of democracy expressed primarily in terms
of political participation?
Is there any room in his thought for social democracy, that is, a
more egalitarian distribution of society's wealth?
How does Tocqueville characterize his political thought in Source
Recall France's history of recurring revolution. Why might he accept
a monarch in Europe and an elected head of government in America?
Sources 5 through 7 express especially clearly Marx's
democratic philosophy.
Did Marx believe in political democracy?
How is he concerned with social democracy?
Who would control property, credit, and the means of production in
his ideal society?
What answers does Marx have to such abuses of industrialization as
child labor?
What impact would his system have on the lives of its citizens?
Finally, consider the two thinkers' views on the
role of the government.
What role does Tocqueville assign to the government in the lives of
its citizens?
How does that view mark him as a nineteenth-century liberal?
What sort of post-revolutionary government does Marx envision?
How does it differ from Tocqueville's ideal?
Are there areas where Marx and Tocqueville might agree?
With answers to these fairly specific questions in
mind, you are now ready to answer the general questions presented
earlier in this reading:
What visions of the future did liberals and socialists propose?
How did they hope to realize their ideals?
How did their ideologies differ?
Additional Relevant Info at This Site:
(Quotes from Marx and Tocqueville)
| Modern European History Quotes from the
1800s |
Back to top of page
- AP Modern European History
in Depth -
Lecture Notes and Further Reading
| Methods and Rules for a Prince: How Should
a Prince Rule? |
| Borg vs Hick: Theories on Jesus and Christianity
| Kant's Epistemological Model and Religious
Pluralism |
Liberating Dachau
| World War II - Dachau Concentration Camp
Complex |
| Unanswered Questions: The Railroad Boxcars
| I Company Recollections and Quotes
| Liberating Dachau: The 42nd Division at
the Jourhaus |
Dachau, Germany
| Dachau: WWII Concentration Camp
Memorial | 2 |
3 |
Related Information
| Poems
and Prose From the 8th - 15th Centuries | 1
| 2 |
| Marseillaise, the National Anthem
of France:
A Modern-day Controversy | Sacré
Phew! |
| French Culture: Historical Champagne and
Wine Trivia |
Modern European History Quotes
| Index of Quotes by Speaker / Historical
Period |
| Famous Quotes from the Dark and Middle Ages
| Relevant Quotes from the Reformation and
Renaissance |
| Quotes from England: 15th, 16th and 17th
Centuries |
| Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution Quotes
| Voltaire |
| Quotes from the French Revolution and Napoleon
Era |
| Quotes from Europe and Asia - 1900s
| Winston Churchill |
| American Quotes from the Early 1900s and
World War I |
| US 20th-Century and World War II Quotes
AP Class Activities
| Play the Role of Philip II |
| Visual Interpretations - French Revolution
Art |
| "Ism" Maps of Europe and Asia
| Industrial Revolution: England's Advantage
| Marx and Tocqueville | America's
Entry Into World War I |
Trials - Simulations
| Trial of Martin Luther | Trial
of Adolf Hitler |
Helpful Information for Students
| AP Essay Writing Skills |
| Student-Developed Class Presentation Topics
Debate Information
| Guide: Individual Debate Position |
Debate Self Evaluation |
| Existence of God | Catherine
the Great or Frederick the Great |
| Locke - Hobbes | Voltaire
or Rousseau |
Additonal Course Info / AP Class Policy
| AP European History Syllabus: Quarter 1
| Quarter 2 | Quarter
3 |
| Writing Assignments, Exams, Critical Book
Reviews, More |
| AP Booklist and Fees |