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2016 Event Schedule



10th Massachusetts               

V. I. M. Schedule

      Tentative Schedule for 2016


2/22/ 2016



31st New Britain, Ct. Annual NECWE coordinators meeting, 12:00 PM -3:00 pm at    Central CT State University, Student Building, 105 Ella Grasso Boulevard, New        Britain, Ct.



21st  Florence Mass. Co. Meeting; Installation, Scheduling

and Pot Luck Dinner, set up1:30 PM Dinner 2:00PM,  meeting starts at 2:30-2:45 PM.  


O  28th  , Florence, Mass, Snow date,  Co. Meeting; Installation, Scheduling

and Pot Luck Dinner, Same info as above  Lobby room option.




Date to be decided for Ammo loading party ;

Florence, Mass., Ammo loading Party. @ Florence 10th Mass Co. C Headquarters Majors home @ 1:00 PM.



O  20th  Holyoke, Mass.  +&O            The Holyoke St. Patrick’s Day Parade,  2014. 

64th   Annual Parade.    

            Stephanie Joyce  (413)348-7616     Heather McMahon (413)209-0267


(Waiting to hear from them and there invitation)     MIWA                                 Yes



O 5th  +, Florence, Mass. Co. meeting at Florence VFW Post 8006,

             in the downstairs meeting room. Starting promptly at 7:30 PM.



6 7 8th     New Port, R.I. Fort Adams Event.

            Registration Fees and Deadlines Register with Lt. R. Dolan

            Information contact RMcCormack@fortadams.org                                                  Yes



O  21st,  +$$$$ Chester, Mass. “Chester on Track  25th Annual.

            It will be held on Saturday,  from 9 AM to 4 PM. The parade lines up at

            9:30 AM and starts at 10 AM from the old Bendix plant on Bay State Dr.

            We will have exhibit space for you on the station grounds.

            At depot, Train show and other activities.

Drill & Recruiting Camp. Railroad Depot Guard & Parade scenario.  

Camp setup Friday afternoon limited space, contact major if

camping over . Or Saturday morning. Haversack delights or forage area

One day event”  On Saturday, stipend

Participants since 1988

MIWA                                                                                                            Yes 




O  28th   Hampden, Wilbraham, Mass.  Memorial Day Observance,




O  30th Florence, Mass, O  +,  Florence Memorial Day Memorial Day

            VFW Obligation, Yes



O  7th +, Florence, Mass. Co. meeting at Florence VFW Post 8006,

            in the downstairs meeting room. Starting promptly at 7:30 PM.


    O  10, 11,12th .+$$$ Granby, Mass.  Granby Charter Days

            Annual Charter Day. Weekend Festival. Living History Camp weekend.

            Fireworks Saturday night. Camp set up Friday afternoon.

            Register with Major for count. and your schedule $5.00 mess assessment.                                       stipend      MIWA            http://www.granbyma.net/granby-charter-days.php                                                                                                                                                                           Yes


17,18,19 Millis Mass. Civil War Weekend

            Registration Fees and Deadlines Register with Lt. R. Dolan

            E-mail    blazing bailey@yahoo.com                                                              Yes


 18th Springfield, Mass. Springfield Armory Day, Annual Armory day.

                MIWA (No invitation yet) Those not attending Millis event                                        Yes




O  4th $$$$ Monson, Mass. Parade)    

MIWA        Stipend                                                                                   Yes 



        22nd -24th Middletown Va. Cedar Creek Battlefield.

            155th Anniversary of the Battle of 1st Manassas (Bull Run)

Battle of Cedar Creek New Union camp location will be next to the sutlers

on the ridge line.

Ask for Copy of Waiver form must be signed,

and turned with your registration fee.

Registration Fees and Deadlines Register with Lt. R. Dolan

Children over age 13 will be charged as adults,

8 -12 year of age are ½ price under 7 are free.

 Early registration $15.00 dead line date Jan.24th 

Regular Registration$25.00 February 1st– Deadline date May 14th,

Late registration $30.00 June 1st - deadline date June 30th or YOYO 

Walk-ons July 1st - 8th. limited to number of attendance pay at the

forward picket.

Substitution request must reported by July 1st or a

walk-on fee will be charged.

Register Early !    http://www.cedarcreekbattlefield.org/events.html        Yes  



O  2nd +, Florence, Mass. Co. meeting at Florence VFW Post 8006,

     in the downstairs meeting room. Starting promptly at 7:30 PM.


13th/14th  Belchertown, MA,  Enfield Mass. Bi-Centenial

            Department of Conservation and Recreation

            Quabbin Section  485 Ware Road

            We would be looking for just a day living history camp. We’re thinking the

            hours for the event will be open to the public from like 11 – 5, though that’s

            not set in stone yet. But it would be the same if we had to go with the rain

            date on  the next day (the Sunday). We’re still waiting to hear back from

            some of the other groups, but the are still our first choice, depending on the

            majority of  availability. I will let you know as soon as possible.

            Nancy Huntington      nancy.huntington@state.ma.us

            Visitor Services Supervisor     Department of Conservation and Recreation

            Quabbin Section

            485 Ware Road

            Belchertown, MA 01007

            Phone: (413) 323-7221           FAX: (413) 784-1751

            Register with Major for count.

          MIWA                                                                                     Yes


26 -28th Phillipston, Mass. Red Apple Farm 555 Highland Ave.

            Civil War Weekend Event Registration Fees and Deadlines

            Register with Lt. R. Dolan

            For info Contact Mike Flye secondwind2001@yahoo.com

MIWA                                                                                              Yes 




30th Florence, Mass. Look Park, “Battle of the Pines”

            Civil War Weekend Event Registration Fees and Deadlines

            Register with Lt. R. Dolan

            For info contact Debbie Martin auggie15thmass@aol.com

            Early registration fee of $10.00 per person age 16 or older

            before August 1st Afterwards $15.00                                                              Yes 





O  6th +, Florence, Mass. Co. meeting at Florence VFW Post 8006,

            in the downstairs meeting room. Starting promptly at 7:30 PM.



O  10th   Northampton, Mass.,  O+, Polish Heritage & Columbus

            Day Parade every year, gets better.  Firing squad, Collalation after at

            Church parish             Participants since 1999           

          MIWA                                                                                     Yes


 7-9th Milllers Falls, Mass. Rod and Gun Club, Advance Party, Work party

for preparation for next weekends event.  Report to Major & Sgt. J. Coll

Planning on Attending                                                                                                MIWA  


14- 16th Millersfalls, Mass. “Clash at Millers Meadows”

            Millersfalls Rod & Gun Club & 10th Mass. Co. C Host.

            Civil War Tactical Weekend.

            Registration Fees and Deadlines Register with Lt. R. Dolan

          MIWA        $$$$  Paid Function Maximum Effort                    Yes                         



O  11th Northampton, Mass. +O; Wednesday Veteran’s Day observance     

                                VFW Obligation, Yes



22nd  NEB $ Date to be announced, Plymouth, Mass. Thanks giving Parade.

The Plymouth Parade info is at:


Saturday - November,19th
Plymouth Center, 10:30AM

The Saturday morning Celebration festivities begin at 10:30am

on the Plymouth Massachusetts historic waterfront. The parade starts

in North Plymouth.     

MIWA                                                                                     Volunteer ?



O  6th , Florence, Mass. Co. meeting at Florence VFW Post 8006, in the

            downstairs meeting room. Starting promptly at 7:30 PM.



Check Company Newsletter for updated and detailed information.


“ This schedule self destructs”          



            MIWA  More Information When Available

                                                Y.O.Y.O. Registration, Your On Your Own

            O National

                        +10th Mass

                        +2nd Conn.

                                                LHA Living History Association

                                                NEB New England Brigade

                        & S. U. V.

                                                $$$$  Paid Function Maximum Effort


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