Under construction, I'm out selling right now!

                           How to Sell over $200,000 per year with AVON
                                                    CHAPTER ONE
Those of you just starting may think that is virtually impossible, but it isn't, as long as
you have a little help. Last year 2001, I sold over $192,000 in Avon products. I
did this by making tremendous sacrifices and keeping a positive mental attitude.
The first and foremost key to reaching high sales, is establishing a daily sales
goal. To set a sales goal you need to (1) determine your income need (2)
determine how many hours a week you can devote and (3) how much you need to
sell per hour to reach your income need. That all sounds very simple doesn't
it... Well there is no secret to outstanding sales achievement. 1 2 3 that's it.
Yes, to those of you who are sooo smart, I do have "HELPERS". My helpers do
about $75,000 in sales per year. I have never relied on helper sales to reach my
INCOME goal and at times wished I didn't have helpers , but, only for a second. )
My current sales goal is $400 a day, 7 days a week, and or 20 customer
orders a day. I have a wipe-off board that tracks my # of customers and sales
per day for 4 months running. I always know where I'm at toward reaching my
sales goal. On my current board I have 2 days over $600 and 3 days under $200,
the rest are over my goal of $300 a day. Many nights have I stretched to
achieve my goal, working till 10pm on the phone, then doing paper work till 12 or
1:00 am. My husband works with me and does all the ordering on PC-AVON It really
is a full-time business. (That's why this page will be in construction for a while, I am so busy. (one of my personal goals was to get this started, yippee!)). I will try to add more each week, tips tips and more tips. If you would like to talk to me, e-mail and we can get together. If you sell over $250,000 a year please e-mail me. The truth is
Don did all the work on this web site,  he would sit in his office, me in mine, and
call me on the phone (got tired of yelling) and ask for my input on all topics.     

Avon Reps- In The Beginning... | Presidents Council Info | Avon Sales Ideas | Long ago and far away... | How to Sell over $200,000 per year | What Do You  Think ? | My Favorite Things | FAQ FLYER | TIPS FROM THE LOOP