My Folders were getting crowded in my mail program and I am getting real tired of reading the same requests for info and  Sales TIPS, build your business tips, how to get new customer tips, how to save money tips, etc., etc., etc. So I thought I would start putting together a collection of tips that  I  really really liked. This is not too say that all posted tips are not great, which they are, however some tips don't  fit my situation. Perhaps if this works real well for all loopers we can improve on it together. If anyone has any suggestions or comments please e-mail me. For all of you that do read all 100 or more posts (which I do) each day, hopefully this will help make for less mail and more content. (this is my idea, I wonder what Tonya is going to think...hmmm) Don Baughn "The Spouse"

From: Jeny * <>
Places to leave Avon Brochures.
1. Doctors offices
2. Dentists offices
3. Mechanics waiting rooms
4. Laundromats
5. College campuses
6. On backs of stalls in public restrooms
7. Library
8. Beauty Parlors
9. Tax Preparation Offices
10. Orthodontist Offices
11. Insurance Offices
12. Dry Cleaners
13. Dairy Queen/Baskin Robins
14. Bagel shops
15. Donut shops
16. Deli's
17. ATMs
18. veterinarians
19. nail salons
20. Day care center
21. Retirement homes
22. Model home centers
23. Real estate agents offices
24. 7-11's or corner stores
25. In front of magazines at the check out line of the grocery store 26. With your Tip at a Restaurant 27. With toll booth collectors 28. Grocery Store Clerks 29. Video Stores 30. Dressing rooms 31. With fast food clerks 32. With Bank tellers 33. Shoe stores 34. Kids Resale shops (Lots of Moms) 35. Gymboree centers (Lots of moms) 36. Temporary Staff Offices 37. Flower Shops 38. Restaurants (I got lots of customers here!!!) 39. Pet Stores 40. Dance Studios 41. Grocery Stores where you leave your ads. 42. Mortgage offices 43. Computer stores 44. School Administrative Offices 45. Fabric stores 46. The Bakery 47. Print Shops 48. Cashiers at the dealerships 49. Tanning salons 50. Vitamin Stores 51. salespeople at Sears, Kids R us and Toys R Us, Target, Kmart, 52. Senior Activity centers 53. Walk-in Medical clinic's waiting room 54. Credit Union 55. Restaurant Supply store 56. Park benches 57. Bus Stop benches 58. The Pharmacy 59. Bowling Alleys
60. With the Clerks at the Post Office
61. Gas Station attendants
62. Movie Theater Lobbies
63. Print Shops
64. Furniture stores
65. Donut Shops
66. Jewelry Stores
67. Fitness Centers
68.  Video store drop off box

More Loop Tips

Avon Reps- In The Beginning... | Presidents Council Info | Avon Sales Ideas | Long ago and far away... | How to Sell over $100,00 per year | What Do You  Think ? | My Favorite Things | FAQ FLYER | TIPS FROM THE LOOP