From the original theatrical release of aliens several scenes where cut. Twentieth Century Fox was worried that people wouldn't want to sit through a 154 minute movie ,So director James Cameron had to shorten his "master Piece" to 137 minutes . These cuts hurt the film,It adds extra plot and character development which gives more depth to the story. These scenes have been restored in the Special Edition. Here are some of those scenes...

Hear are the additional scenes which where cut from the origanal theatrical release of aliens

Park Bench Scene
Scene involving Burke and Ripley before the inquest about Ripleys Daughter...
note:the picture of ripleys daughter is actually a digitized photo of Actor Sigourney Weavers Grandmother

Boardroom Scene
Extra Dialog between Van Lewuen involving the review board findings

"It is the finding of this court of inquiry that warren officer E. Ripley NoC 107472 has acted with questionable judgment and is unfit to hold a I.C.C licensee as a commercial flight officer" Van Lewuen

Colony Scenes Restored

Some whole scenes involving establishing shots of the colony and it in operation...Inside the colony
"Some guy in a cushy office back on earth  Say's go look at a grid referance, we look, they dont say why and I dont ask, I dont ask because it takes two weeks to get an awnser out here and the awnser is always dont ask",Colony Director Simpson

Going into Derelict
Scenes involving newt and her family discovering the derelict and going inside.
          " Look at this we have scored big this time"
"Newt stay Inside ,I mean it"

Sulaco Footage
Immediately following the established shot of the Sulaco is a restored introduction to the interior of the ship, eventually leading to the frost-covered hypersleep chambers.

Dropship Scenes
Extra Dialog in dropship involving hudson showing off

"Check it out I am the Ultimate Bad Ass..State of the bad ass art...Hey Ripley Don't worry.My squad of ultimate bad asses wil protect you...Check it out . Indepedantly targeting partical beam phalanx  .VWARP! Fry out a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart missiles...Rpg's we got sonic electronic ball breakers" Hudson...We got nukes,We got knifes sharp sticks"Hudson

Entering the Colony
Vasquez and Hudson check out some motion they detected

Additional footage of Gorman ,Ripley ,Burke  and Hicks as they make there way inside the colony

Discussing the Apc Weckage
Extra dialog involving apc wreckage and sentry guns...

"but the good news... two of these robot sentys with displays and scanners intact ...think they'll come it handy"Hicks

Inside the Colony
Changed dialog when viewing the Colony Blueprints
"Cant we put sentry units in the tunnel and then seal that door?"

The sequence of Hicks arming the sentry guns, and Hudson and Vasquez testing one of the sentry untis has been restored.

Extra dialog in the medlab scene when ripley puts newt to bed...

"people babies they grow inside you"Newt

Extra scenes invoving the sentry units

"Maybe there looking for other ways to get in , that'll take em a whille"Ripley
"Maybe we gottem demoralized",Hudson



If you haven't seen the special editon , I urge you to do it today. The extra scenes make a great film ten times better!.

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