Personnel DataBase

Name :  Dallas
Position:  Captain of the Nostramo
Current Status : Deceased
"A acoustical beacon that repeats itself at intervals of twelve seconds..."

Played By- Tom Skerritt


Dallas was the captain of the commercial towing vehicle the Nostramo which set down on LV-426 (an unsurveyed planet at that time) , to investigate a transmission of unknown origin. An acoustical beacon which repeats itself at intervals of every twelve seconds.
    Crew members Kane and Lambert joined Dallas as they went out to investigate the source of the signal. A derelict alien craft..
    They proceeded inside and found the remains of , what appeared to be the pilot. an alien creature which had been fossilized with a burst or explosion half way down his torso..
    Kane was lowered into a crack and discovered thousands of Lathery Objects or eggs. After transmissions ceased from kane he was pulled out of the hole with some sort of parisite attached to his face.
    Dallas and Lambert brought Kane aboard the nostramo (against company quarantine procedure). Attempts where made to remove the creature. however it was learned that the parasite bleed acid and could "eat through the hull".
    After a few hours or days the parasite appeared to come off and die.
    After resuming there course the crew had a meal before going into hyper-sleep. This is when kane began to choke and convulse and a "chestburster" burst its way out of his rib-cage. Killing Kane and producing a Xenomorph Larva or Chestburster (see Bio-Weapons Division)
    It was decided by the crew to go looking for the creature, first using nets and cattle prods. However after the creature gained in size and Brett was "taken" by it. Several incinerators where rigged up by Parker and attempts where made to flush the xenomorph out of the air shafts , into the airlock and then into space.
    Dallas volunteered to go into the airshaft. This is where he was killed.
Only his incinerator has been retrieved. No blood or body has ever been  found. There are unconfirmed reports that Dallas was cocooned in the bowels of the ship (see ALIEN MISSING SCENES).

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