Name : Dietrich
Rank: Corporal
          Chief Medical Officer
Current Status : KIA
"Maybe they Don't show up on infa red at all"

Played By-Cynthia Scott


Chief Medical Officer aboard the Sulaco, Dietrich was a member of the Rescue Mission to LV-426. Dietrich was killed after a visit to the atmosphere processor. After discovering a surviving colonist cocooned into the wall of sub-level 3. Attempts where made to free the survivor , These where however invain as she "gave birth" to a chestburster which was quickly "taken care of" by APONE (see Sergeant Apone).  This awakened the hive, soon after Dietrich was grabbed from behind by an ALIEN WARRIOR.  Discharging her flame-thrower ,killing FROST in the process. It is presumed she was cocooned "Just like the others"

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