Rank : Private

Regiment :USCM 2nd Battalion
                             8th Regiment
Current Status : MIA (presumed dead)
Click to hear wav sound
"Your on a express elevator to hell...going down..."
"Hey sarge You can get Lip cancer, From smoking those"
"Game Over man,Game Over!"
"what are we gonna do now,What are we gonna do?"

"We gott'em demoralized?"
"Maybe ,its like an ant hive?"
"Come on MutherF*%#*er!"

Played By-Bill Paxton

Hudson does not have what we would consider a examplatory military record...This is one marine with an attitude problem.  Known for his "bucking authority' and wisecracks. Hudson was a member of the Rescue Mission to LV-426...After of visiting the Atmosphere station and most of his Battalion where killed. Hudson was presented  with sever "emotional" difficulties. It was decided to "Nuke" the site from orbit as it really was the "only way to be sure".
    However their Dropship (see USCM Tactical Database ) which was return them to the Sulaco crashed, also destroying their APC (see USCM Tactical Database )  in the process.  With few weapons and equipment the marines sealed of med-lab and operations from the rest of the complex. Putting some "handy" UA 571-C Remote Senty Units  into the tunnel that kept the aliens at bay.
       But the aliens where the worst of the marines problems, their little trip to the atmosphere processor had ruptured the cooling system. 
         This would cause an overload and thermonuclear explosion within 9 hours. Having no uplink to to get the second dropship from the sulcaco. Bishop volunteered to crawl though a pipe 280m to reach the colony UPLINK TOWER. During this time aliens got into the colony complex (though the roof) which lead to an epic battle , during the escape to the landing field. It was during this battle the Hudson was taken by a alien warrior coming up through the floor. He was taken , presumably cocooned, probably dead.

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