Name :  Jorden, Russell
Occupation: Colonist at the HADLEYS HOPE facility on LV-426
                      Geological Surveyor
License holder for a Daihotai tractor  All terrain vehicle

Quotes : "Lets wait till we know what to call it in as..."

Played By- Jay Benedict


    Member of a "Mon and Pop" geological survey team , sent out to investigate the co-ordinates of the derelict craft.
After reaching the co-ordinates he and his family discovered a derelict alien craft with a crack down the side...
    They went inside and Russ has set upon by a strange parasite (see facehuggerBio-Weapons Division)which had fixed itself to his face. He was taken back to colony for treatment. After a few hours or days , the parasite appeared to come of and die.
    Russ was killed when a xenomorph larva (see ChestbursterBio-Weapons Division) "Burst" its way out of his rib cage killing him instantly.

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