Just so you won't be bored i came up with Cartoon of the Week. Check it out!
UT Humor You know when you've been playing too much UT when... - Every time someone dies in a movie you hear the announcer saying "head shot", or "monster kill". - At work you tell your boss "I've got your back" - Got arrested for climbing the flag pole at your local post office. - The cables for your monitor, keyboard and mouse reach all the way to the bathroom.. - You drive through town, thinking how cool it would be if someone made an exact replica of it for UT... - You discover that standing still is no longer a part of your primary functions... - You seriously consider "Headshot" as an appropriate name for your little boy... - You just walk over things instead of bending over to pick them up. - Your wife and kids left u at some point, but you're not exactly sure when... - You have an almost irresistable urge to steal the flag from McDonald's. - When u need to get into the attic, u catch yourself looking for the Translocator instead of the stepladder. - You reach for your Enforcer and dodge forward out of bed as soon as u "respawn" in the morning - You try to buy a Rocket Launcher on Ebay. - Planet Unreal is your start page. - You know Cliffy B's home adress and have never met him before. - If u see ANY flag, uget to urge to snatch it, run home like hell and shout "cover me" - Nobody calls you by your real name anymore. - You buy a cell phone only because people can no longer reach you due to marathon UT sessions online. - Your pressure your fiance to include your UT nickname as part of her married name. "What's wrong with Sarah Michaels-Fragmeister? Oh, c'mon, you're just being silly...why don't you care about the things I care about...?" - Playing UT is starting to interfere with how much time you can spend in bars. - Sex? Just two more flag runs, and after I frag this $@#%! sniper that keeps nailing me... - You search for secret doors in your closet, hoping to find a shield belt. - You get lag in real life. - You only speak in UT taunts. - You try throwing CDs at someones neck to try and get a headshot. - Every 15 minutes or so your vision goes blue and the word LOADING appears in front of you. - You're disappointed when you put your trainers on and they don't let you jump 30 foot in the air. - You break into a state of chronic depression when you find that UT keeps crashing! - You fall off a building and think if you write 'Ghost' or 'God' on a piece of paper everything will be fine. - You try to turn Autotaunts on in real life so you can speak automatically. - You frantically clamor for the F9 key when something cool happens in front of you in real life. - You can do a PERFECT imitation of the announcer, Xan and Male AND Female voices, and quote them often. - You run around the office looking searching for biospooge ammo to donate to your boss in hopes that you can gain freedom. Slavemaster anyone? - You order Health Vials at McDonald's instead of Big Macs - You make your house in UnrealEd. - You have a toilet built into your chair in front of your comp so no one takes the flag while you're in the washroom.