British Virgin Islands


bri001 bri001


Les Iles Vierges britanniques


bri002 bri002


Britische Jungfraulnseln


bri003 bri003


Isole Vergini Britanniche


bri004 bri004


Consoles Britanicos Do Virgin

 bri001 - the Governor General's residence, Tortula

bri002 - the view from the veranda at Pusser's Cay

bri003 - the Baths, on Virgin Gorda

bri004 - the beach at Smuggler's Cove

Islas Britanicas De la Virgen

BVI offers solitude and privacy. The guide books said these islands are not noted for their restaurants, which we found to be true. But passable, simple fare was easy to find at any price you wished to pay. Excursions to the Baths and such are best done when no cruise ships are visiting Tortola. The north side of Tortola has pleasant beaches, as do many of the other islands in the chain. For a quiet day away, or a few days, visit Pusser's Cay, a 6 acre island recently redeveloped.

Tourist Board Guide to BVI

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