Brooke McQueen


Leslie Bibb Bio
Brooke/Leslie Bibb Pictures

Brooke is the most popular girl at Kennedy high, every guy wants to date her, and every girl wants to be her. She has her own close knit of friends who have a tendancy to do what ever they can to please her, or stab her in the back in some manner.
Brooke Her mother left Brooke and her father when Brooke was only a young child, leaving her father to be her sole care giver. That change in family structure brought Brooke and her father closer together and built a bond that she depended on. Broooke thought the reason her mom left was because of how Brooke looked, so she decided that if she looked better than her mom would come back. To that end she lost weight by barely eating, and it wasn't until she broke a rib did anyone notice there was a problem. Since then her father, as well as her friends have kept a close eye on Brooke to make sure that she treats herself right.
Her world has undergone some major changes though. The only constant in her life, her father has moved in his current girlfriend, and her daughter. The problem is that the daughter is Sam McPherson, Brooke's biggest headache. This added stress, as well as stress from her boyfriend at the time, Josh, school and cheerleaders caused Brooke to lose her composure and help start a food fight in the school's cafeteria. The domestic side of things have seemed to calm down a bit, but the occasional problem occurs.
Sam and Brooke's fued has been boiling since Brooke didn't pick Carmen as a cheerleader, even though she was the most talented person to try out. Sam as well as her friends to offense to this and so it began. Sam used her editorials in the school paper to attack Brooke or the people and things that meant the most to her. For her part Brooke really hasn't sought revenge on Sam for all the things Sam has done to her. Although she has knowingly let Nicole try to knock down Sam.
her friends seem to be very important to Brooke. Nicole seems to be the person she confides in the most, and Nicole is very supportive of Brooke. However, though, just because most of her friends belong to the popular crowd, doesn't mean she doesn't have allies any where else. Carmen and she has forged a great respect for one another, and although it may seem unlikely given their very different social existance they have served as insperations to one another, in one manner or another.
Brooke She being the co captian of the cheerleader, only made it fitting that she would be dating the quaterback of the football team, but their relationship was more than what met the eye. They had a deep friendship and trust with one another, and although they shared the most intimate moment two people can have together, Brooke broke up with a heart broken Josh. The reason, she didn't feel the connection with him that she thought they should have. Although it took time they have remained friends, but Josh is still in love with Brooke and wants her back and will do anything to accomplish that.
Brooke asked Harrison to the Sadie Hawkins dance. She did so because she wanted to try and date someone that she was attracted to based on intellectual attraction rather than physical attraction. The dance didn't go well, but Brooke and Harrison do have some sort of connection. It may not be romantic, but it is something. It could have stemmed from knowing each other since they were little kids. They are next door neighbours, and were best freinds as kids, but one summer that all changed, and they drifted apart, mainly because of Brooke and the whole realization of popularity and other boys.
Brooke That may be one of Brooke's biggest downfalls. Although she would argue against it, she is like the people she hangs out with or the people she claims she is nothing like. She didn't let Camen first join the cheerleaders because, by her own admishing, Carmen was fat. She told Josh that they wouldn't make home comming court because he was a drama geek. She used Harrison to sneak Josh into Carmen's house so they could have a romantic moment. She used Carmen during the trial Emory forced on the school, to go against her friends and back the cheerleaders, but that plan backfired. She tries to be different, be an individual but the accpetance of those around her means to much to her.
In her own defense though, she is extremly loyal to her friends, and even kind to some of her enemys. When Sugar learned that he had been kicked off the wrestling team she was consoling. She forgave Mary Cherry for posting that horrible picture of her around the school. She was there, eventually, for Josh when he was having problems with his family because of the play.

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