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The Deviant Times
Tuesday, 3 February 2004
Free Me
I left for a few days and didnt tell anyone where I was going. I finally came home today only to be welcomed back with an argument about why the house isnt clean. *Glad I was missed* Its funny because I particulary go out of my way to not eat their food, stay in my room, making no sound, not listening to the radio, nor watching tv, only coming out to occupy the bathroom, and making sure not to touch or dirty anything. Yet still, they will try and find a way to somehow blame me for everything. "Adroit, the house is a mess, its your fault.", "Adroit, my kid is a reck, its your fault!", "Adroit, my boyfriend gave me crabs, its YOUR fault!!!" You know, I really wouldnt be surprised if they told me I was inhailing too much of their oxigen and insisted on giving me a brown paper bag to breathe into. Or hell, why not just put plastic over my face? Put an end to this misery, their's and mine. *Someone Free Me...Hell, Free Us All*

Posted by adroit_deviant at 5:33 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 3 February 2004 5:35 PM EST

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