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The Deviant Times
Thursday, 19 February 2004
I told her no thanks
Today my 8 year old niece asked me if I wanted to watch a movie with her. She proceeds to tell me its called: "The Color of Friendship" I then told her: "No thanks...I already know what color it is. Black, Red and...wait are tears Blue or Clear? In any case, I suppose the color of tears dont matter when you force them not to show." Ok Ok...I admit I only told her the first line. I think the second and third one would have either confused her or creeped her out. To be honest...half the thoughts I think are either Rated PG or Miscellaneous. Sometimes I blurt out random comments for the hell of it, but often I hold back because I dont want people reading too deeply into them. I have a weird sense of humor and I think they might mistake that for me needing counciling of sorts. Oddly enough, after I simplify whatever I've just said, my niece finds my humor remarkably astounding. *Maybe there's hope for her yet*

Posted by adroit_deviant at 9:06 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 2 March 2004 12:27 AM EST

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