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The Deviant Times
Wednesday, 10 March 2004
Im a Freak and Youre All Magnutive
So, I went to this place of know how and was digusted by the crave of the feel of need. I saw a lack of and had to get away. I just had to get away. And I ended up finding my way to *this guy* and I dont know why Im here and I dont know why I came. But Im here now and somehow he's all I know. I feel like Im always sleeping and he's the only thing that makes me question the realities and the possibilty of a such thing as waking up. And though I know he's so very real, I wonder how is it that he sees me and them at the same time. How is it that you can enter another's dream (wheather his or mine) and know he shouldnt be here...too good for this. Too good indeed. And he's the only thing that I know and yet I dont know why he cares. I've exscaped from the box and entered the realm of freedom. And he's so fine and yet I still dont know why Im here. And I dont know why I came.

Posted by adroit_deviant at 6:36 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 12 March 2004 1:58 AM EST

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