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The Deviant Times
Saturday, 3 April 2004
It was Fun I tell you, Damn Fun
Last night I went to a guy friend's house. We hung out for a while and "this chick" comes over because apparently her plans had gotten cancled for that night. So she was up for going out and we all decided on going to Friday's to get something to eat and concidering my love of alcohol, got something to drink as well. I had an Ultimate Long Island Iced Tea which consited of 4 alcohols combined into one drink and a few glasses of Bacardi. We spoke of being Bi and things of that nature and then we then engaged in talk of the past and how we all came to play our individual roles that we have today. It was a very interesting evening and as I smoked on a stog I thought to myself of how I actually got what I wanted. Remember I said I would have liked to hang out with this chick some time soon but had no money to waste at the time...? Well last night was on someone else's tab. Cool Beans or what?! In any case, I had a great night, spent with cool friends and not to mention the perfect amount of alcohol. Well Im gonna get out of here since I havent yet returned home. Peace.

Posted by adroit_deviant at 3:22 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 3 April 2004 3:38 PM EST

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