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The Deviant Times
Sunday, 16 May 2004
Something's Gotta Give
I dont know what's up with me and hanging out with these fucking clueless people. I think its past due time for me to get some new friends. Not only that but once I do obtain others that compliment my well being, Im not sharing them with a single person of the past. Everytime I gain a new friend, I try to introduce them to the rest of the people I know. I get them as comfortable and familiar with me, my friends, and family as possible. But the reason I wont allow this to happen next time is because the very man that I was considering to marry has placed me so distant from certain aspects of his life. Far enough away from his friends and certain family memebers that he was very well capable of cheating on me while I trusted that he was only going for visits to hang out. Not only that but whever I go someone or when something big is occuring, I always make sure to talk to him about it and even ask if he'd like to go. He, on the other hand, will make plans and wont even consider inviting me to certain gatherings. Now, if he needs to go shopping for his mom, oh Im the person to call up. But if he wants to chill at a party, Im the person he tells he'll talk to me after the week-end. The way I see it is "fine". Personally I really think he's not the problem...well not anymore anyway. I broke up with his ass after I found out that during one of these gatherings, he fucked his "ex-girl" and I could care less about the bull-shit he would try to feed me after I told him I wanted to leave. So now we're not together and I have absolutley no problem with that. I just know for next time that I'll keep my friends, family, and personal agenda to myself so if ever I were to go out, he, like me, would have no means of contacting anyone to find out where I was or what I was up to. See, the problem with me is that Im the kind of person that will trust a person until they have given me reason not to. But I think when it comes to finding another man, or even if I should ever become close with this guy again, Im definitely going to be on my toes. Simply because Im tired of giving 110 % when I'll be lucky if I recieve 50. But anyway, I miss chill'in with one of my boy's. I think I'll give him a call and see when's the next time we can chill. I know he'll show me a good time cause he always comes through. Especially on "Thursday Thursday!" LOL (inside joke). But listen, I gotta get outa here. The goal for this entry is to make as many new friends as possible. Once this is accomplished, just keep them to myself and be happy. I'll get at my girls and holla at my boys, you know? Shit doesnt go well with my man, fuck him, I'll call up the gang.

Posted by adroit_deviant at 12:43 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 16 May 2004 12:48 PM EDT

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