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The Deviant Times
Sunday, 4 July 2004
Deja Vu
I know I havent been here in a while, but Im here now. So quit your complain'in. I've got a story to tell. Alright so here's what's going on with me: I just recently started a new job, waitressing and cashiering, at a grand opening restaurant. I, however, was sent home and asked to come back when I got better concidering I blacked out, went deaf, felt a shortage of breath, and fainted. On the fall down, apparently I banged my head on the back of a metal table and twisted my ankle as well. When I left to go home I thought it to be a good idea that I buy a drink from a nearby store for the heat outside that I was about enter. And as I was paying for my purchase I blacked out and went deaf again. Luckily I didnt faint that time. I made it home safely and decided to give myself some time before I go back to work. On another note...During this time off, I found out that the only man I've ever been in love with is sleeping with another girl and oddly enough, Im perfectly ok with that since we're not together anymore...however, it bothers me that he seems to be reliving the same situation that he and I were in while still in high school when we first got together. Its weird and so unoriginal. It also goes to show...he hasnt changed. Infact, it seems kind of sad that he tries to play himself up as though he's this morally concious person who would never do the things he's done in the past and still doing now. But it's no business of mine. Actually I think its kind of funny. At the rate he's going it doesnt look like I'll ever be heart-broken over him finding that perfect someone. And I can live with that, lol. In other we know today is the fourth of July and I turned down a night with *this guy* and his friends, to go down to the shore with my sister and hers. Speaking of which, I gotta get outa here. I'll update when I can. Happy Fourth.

Posted by adroit_deviant at 4:47 PM EDT

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