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The Deviant Times
Tuesday, 13 January 2004
He's got some nerve
So one of my guy friends called me up and asked to hang out.I ended up turning him down because he's been trying to get with me for the longest and I just broke up with my boyfriend less than a month ago and he knows this.So we're talkling on the phone and he wouldnt just drop it especially since I gave him no explanation as to why.He kept at it and I thought to myself that it wasnt fair to treat him this way because of my suspisions.So I eventually gave in.The night went very well.We hung out with a few other people and got a couple of drinks.He's not big on drinking so he didnt consume that much alcohol,however he did somke a blunt and was feel'in nice.He decides he was ready to go and Im thinking he was going to drop me off.Instead we end up pulling up to his house.There was a dinner prepared that he served and we had cheese cake afterwards.I go to the bathroom and when I come back out...oh my goodness,My boy really thought we were going to do something...had his dick out and the whole nine!Well need-less to say, I got myself out of that situation and had him drive me home.See, my whole thing is, thats my dog and I dont do shit like that uness I were to sincerely think we could have something.Also, If I purposely didnt get with him after all the years that I've known him, I highly doubt I'll change my mind in one night.And correct me if Im wrong, but doesnt the guy usually try to get the girl wasted in order to get laid...not himself! I mean damn, if I wasnt looking at him while he was sober I sure as hell wouldnt look at him while he's intoxicated. *go figure*

Posted by adroit_deviant at 4:14 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 13 January 2004 4:51 PM EST
Monday, 12 January 2004
Fuck'in roaches !!!!!
I know this may sound a bit out of wack, but I saw a pregnant roach today and a few out of the ordinary thoughts came to mind.Something along the lines of me being able to relate to being a female.Not only that but I didnt want to be the one to destroy a life that was in the process of creating one.Then I wondered why I would get so pissed whenever I would see one.No compassion, just instinct to kill it.I suppose its because a roach will not only welcome its self but after having gotten knocked up once, the female roach continues to have babies for the rest of its life!So now you have the whole damn family!!! I know this may make me look sick...but I actually caught myself ALMOST having compassion for these creatures.But then I worked out the logic and said to myself...if a few 10 million people came in through your window, started eating your food, shitting on your belongings, and having babies in your house to do the exact same thing... how would you feel? What about when youre trying to eat and you look up at the ceiling only to find a roach lining its self up, aiming, to drop onto your plate? How about having to make sure to sleep with your mouth closed to make sure one doesnt crawl in? People think about this. Imagine waking up with an unfamilar anatomy in your aperture...not only is it not your spouse, but its not even human and it has its genitals in your mouth! Is that f*cking sick or what?! Yeah, that whole feeling sympathetic thing, went straight to hell! *Smash*

Posted by adroit_deviant at 3:08 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 13 January 2004 4:59 PM EST
Friday, 9 January 2004
A New Begining
Today is the first day that I havent talked to anyone from my past. Within the past month, I've gotten rid all of my so-called friends and I intend to keep it that way.I admit that I had a blast in the presence of their company and I'll definitely miss them but they've simply done way too much to me to be rewarded with my friendship.It seems kind of out there to just drop them all but the fact of the matter is, they all correspond with each other.I dont mean to put down their unique characteristics but if you hang out with one, you might as well be hanging out with them all. One thing I cant stand is that they never held themselves accountable for their actions and their very keen on pointing the finger.Not only did I get rid all of my freinds, but my boyfriend of 2 years had to go as well.Apparently he had the same problem and what makes matters worse is that anytime I would suggest that he were lying to me he would chalk it up as paranoia.Its funny how later, the truth came out and all of a sudden he became the paraniod one...wondering what course of action I would take.But I didnt feel he was man enough for me, so rather than confront both him and the girl he cheated on me with...I completely left him alone.Instead I decided not to put up with all that drama, cut the non-sense, and let them all go.

Posted by adroit_deviant at 2:14 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 13 January 2004 5:14 PM EST

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