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scooby,s hot weblog Evryone has the right to my opinion!
Wednesday, 26 May 2004
The actions of Islamic terrorist groups operating throughout the world are well known. Islamic terrorists have bombed and destroyed buildings, planes, and vehicles. Additionally, during the last 20 years, Muslim terrorists have targeted and murdered tens of thousands of males, females, adults, and children. All over the world, in Kenya, Algeria, Indonesia, Egypt, Iran, France, South America and America, etc., Muslim terrorists have attacked and murdered those they felt were a threat to their aims. No one has been spared by these treacherous people.


1 "The Life of Muhammad", by A. Guillaume, pub. by Oxford Univ. Press.
2 "Muhammad and the Jews of Medina", by Weinsnick, page 113:
3 Tabari's History, page 97 of volume 7
4 "Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kabir", (Book of the Major Classes), by Ibn Sa'd, translated
by S. Moinul Haq, published by the Pakistan Historical Society.
5 "23 Years: A Study of the Prophetic Career of Mohammad", by Ali Dashti, pub.
by Mazda. Translated by F.R.C. Bagley.
6 "Sunan Abu Dawud", translated by Ahmad Hasan, pub by Al-Medina Publications.
Read the page here and read the Responce! of a muslim.
Read the below article first, before you read may their responses, so that you can evaluate properly whether their reaction is really an answer of substance or not.


Posted by ah_52 at 7:25 PM
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