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scooby,s hot weblog Evryone has the right to my opinion!
Saturday, 29 May 2004
Israel's Sharon threatens Cabinet shake-up
read here about what sharon is planning on doing and doing a offly good job.
Sharon gambled on a risky showdown with opponents of a Gaza withdrawal Friday May 28, 2004, asking his Cabinet to approve the entire revised plan after failing to win over skeptical members with last-minute compromises.

Posted by ah_52 at 10:49 PM
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Friday, 28 May 2004
Suicide blast targets Israeli bus in Gaza
A failed suicide attack
on a busload of Israelis in the southern Gaza Strip killed a Palestinian militant and wounded two soldiers Friday, officials on either side said.

Posted by ah_52 at 8:42 AM
Updated: Friday, 28 May 2004 8:43 AM
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Wednesday, 26 May 2004

Saudi Arabia's leading executioner says he is "very proud to do God's work" and does not lose sleep over beheading several people in one day.

Beshi says his job does not spoil his social life (photo: Arab News)
duhhhh did mohammad not used to call coloured people raisinheads?

Posted by ah_52 at 7:56 PM
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Palestinian Authority School Text Books
The books reviewed in this study are published by the Palestinian Authority (PA) Ministry of Education and used in their schools. They are of two types: original PA publications and texts based on books published in Jordan or Egypt.
scroll down on this page and tel me what you think.

Is this what they teach there children?

Posted by ah_52 at 7:47 PM
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Is the quran arabic?
Muslims believe Arabic is the language of Allah. They believe that the Arabic Quran is the perfect, ex-act representation of Allah's words. That is why only the Arabic Quran is considered authoritative and why so many Muslims who know no Arabic memorize portions of the Quran in Arabic. However, Muhammad used a number of foreign words or phrases in the Quran, leaving questioners wondering if "God's language" is deficient enough to need help from other languages.

But the word pharao, It is repeated eighty-four times in the Quran. is an egyptian word.
Foreign Words in the quran

Posted by ah_52 at 7:37 PM
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The actions of Islamic terrorist groups operating throughout the world are well known. Islamic terrorists have bombed and destroyed buildings, planes, and vehicles. Additionally, during the last 20 years, Muslim terrorists have targeted and murdered tens of thousands of males, females, adults, and children. All over the world, in Kenya, Algeria, Indonesia, Egypt, Iran, France, South America and America, etc., Muslim terrorists have attacked and murdered those they felt were a threat to their aims. No one has been spared by these treacherous people.


1 "The Life of Muhammad", by A. Guillaume, pub. by Oxford Univ. Press.
2 "Muhammad and the Jews of Medina", by Weinsnick, page 113:
3 Tabari's History, page 97 of volume 7
4 "Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kabir", (Book of the Major Classes), by Ibn Sa'd, translated
by S. Moinul Haq, published by the Pakistan Historical Society.
5 "23 Years: A Study of the Prophetic Career of Mohammad", by Ali Dashti, pub.
by Mazda. Translated by F.R.C. Bagley.
6 "Sunan Abu Dawud", translated by Ahmad Hasan, pub by Al-Medina Publications.
Read the page here and read the Responce! of a muslim.
Read the below article first, before you read may their responses, so that you can evaluate properly whether their reaction is really an answer of substance or not.


Posted by ah_52 at 7:25 PM
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Scrutinizing Rumors And Exposing Hoaxes
Where Jacques Cousteau and niels amstrong muslims like manny islamics claim?

You are to know better right?

Posted by ah_52 at 7:05 PM
Updated: Wednesday, 26 May 2004 7:07 PM
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A German scholar contends that the Islamic text has been mis transcribedand promises raisins, not virgins
In a note of encouragement to his fellow hijackers, September 11 ringleader Muhammad Atta cheered their impending "marriage in Paradise "to the 72 wide-eyed virgins the Qur'an promises to the departed faithful. Palestinian newspapers have been known to describe the death of a suicide bomber as a "wedding to the black-eyed in eternal Paradise." But if a German expert on Middle Eastern languages is correct, these hopes of sexual rewarding the afterlife are based on a terrible misunderstanding.

Such interpretations will undoubtedly draw the ire of many Muslims --and not just extremists. After all, revisionist scholars have been persecuted for much less; in 2001, Egypt's Constitutional Court confirmed the "apostasy" of former University of Cairo scholar Nasr Hamid Abu-Zayd, for considering the Qur'an a document written by humans.

more about luxenberg here
This is what you get in paradise!

Posted by ah_52 at 6:57 PM
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Caribbean Flood Death Toll Rises to 860
FOND VERRETTES, Haiti (AP) -- Ferrying emergency supplies to villagers devastated in deadly floods, U.S. and Canadian troops on Wednesday struggled to assess the scope of a disaster that has killed more than 860 people
read more about it here

Posted by ah_52 at 6:43 PM
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Al Qaeda 'plots to attack U.S.'

The al Qaeda terrorist network, which killed nearly 3,000 people in the September 11 attacks, is planning to strike new targets in the country during the summer and fall, federal officials said yesterday. Attorney General John Ashcroft, at a press conference with FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III at the bureau's Washington, D.C., headquarters, cited "credible intelligence from multiple sources"

Posted by ah_52 at 6:38 PM
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