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scooby,s hot weblog Evryone has the right to my opinion!
Thursday, 20 May 2004
Historical Fact: The Massacre and Destruction of Damour.
As we all know.arafat is not as innocent as he looks. The link wil guide you to the massacre of christians by arafats men in a town called damour
it was 9 January 1976 582 people where killed..just becource they where christians! knows all about it

Posted by ah_52 at 11:52 PM
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nick bergs beheading
After daniel pearl video, they released the video
of another innocent guy who got beheaded in front of the world.
go to WIZBANG!! to get more links to the video.

Posted by ah_52 at 11:32 PM
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60 Questions Muslims Don't Like To Be Asked!
What makes Abu get mad? Read and find out,but remember??. -Pick one or two questions. -Be very kind in your tone. -Be patient for their answer. -Do not condescend. -Pray for them to see the truth.

Posted by ah_52 at 11:20 PM
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Thursday, 20 May 2004
The life of mohammad

Posted by ah_52 at 10:59 PM
Updated: Thursday, 20 May 2004 11:07 PM
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Friday, 30 January 2004
Al you wand to know about the middleeast!!!
In someway i am conserned about what the world actually know,s about the middleeast standards against the west.
The best result you get is watching arab tv....
Is it scoobism? Ore is it the wannabee knowledge truthfinder. You tel me..
go to this page and click on video's

Go and look what little bismillah has to tell about jews
Also how to beat in youre familie is wel layedout..

scoob 2004

Posted by ah_52 at 12:56 AM
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Thursday, 29 January 2004
What a world we live in ain.t it?
Jan 29: Suicide bombing in Jerusalem - A No. 19 Egged bus was blown up shortly before 9 a.m. at the corner of Gaza and Arlozorov streets. Ten people were killed and over 50 wounded, 10 of them seriously, in the blast.

look at the video here

Posted by ah_52 at 10:34 PM
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The Logic of Allah's Existence

read about allah,and see the manny mistakes that where made in the building of a religion that was fortold in scriptures before muslims say.......but.
How do we compare??????????.
the logic of allah's existance?

Posted by ah_52 at 2:29 AM
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Last phonecall from flight 11

New 9/11 audio is being released today played at the 9/11 Commission hearing. Flight attendant Betty Ong calling the American Airlines reservation desk regarding the hijackers taking over American Airlines Flight 11 Boeing 767, before it struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center.

betty ong's call and following dispatch are availeble on this link

Posted by ah_52 at 12:13 AM
Updated: Thursday, 29 January 2004 12:21 AM
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Sunday, 25 January 2004
suicide bombing as a punnishment for adutry.
The suicide attack lastweek on the gaza border stirred more up then exxpected.
the 22 year old mother of twoo chrildren,was accused by the familie and sentenced to death for adultry. Instead of being stoned to death, she had the option of strapping bombs on her and die like a marter for allah,to restore the honor of the familie.

this link wil tel more about it.
Ofcource palestinian authoraty denies all.
It was a religiouce act,according the palestinians.

oh! not enough readfood? there is more info here to read

Posted by ah_52 at 3:29 AM
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We must dispel lies that Israel stole 'Palestinian' land
read all about it on here

Posted by ah_52 at 2:53 AM
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