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scooby,s hot weblog Evryone has the right to my opinion!
Wednesday, 26 May 2004
Caribbean Flood Death Toll Rises to 860
FOND VERRETTES, Haiti (AP) -- Ferrying emergency supplies to villagers devastated in deadly floods, U.S. and Canadian troops on Wednesday struggled to assess the scope of a disaster that has killed more than 860 people
read more about it here

Posted by ah_52 at 6:43 PM
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Al Qaeda 'plots to attack U.S.'

The al Qaeda terrorist network, which killed nearly 3,000 people in the September 11 attacks, is planning to strike new targets in the country during the summer and fall, federal officials said yesterday. Attorney General John Ashcroft, at a press conference with FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III at the bureau's Washington, D.C., headquarters, cited "credible intelligence from multiple sources"

Posted by ah_52 at 6:38 PM
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Ayatollah Khomeini's Religious Teachings on Marriage, Divorce and Relationships

read more about it on this page

Posted by ah_52 at 6:19 AM
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Iraqi nuclear scientist under consideration for post of prime minister
Hussain al-Shahristani the Shiite Muslim nuclear scientist who has been sharply critical of the U.S. occupation is being considered for prime minister of the Iraqi government to take power June 30, the president of the Governing Council said Wednesday.

More to read about him on here

Posted by ah_52 at 6:01 AM
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The Ghouls Of Palestine
It was a week that began with barbarism and ended with boundless stupidity.

Posted by ah_52 at 5:52 AM
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Tuesday, 25 May 2004
Madonna canseled tour to israel
as you can read here. Madonna says she has canceled three Israeli stops on her Re-Invention tour because of violence in the region, including the killing of the leader of the militant group Hamas.

Posted by ah_52 at 7:33 AM
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Monday, 24 May 2004
How do i stuf myself into this??
I wanna new house,,,but,,,,Do i fit into this?
great models here

Posted by ah_52 at 6:16 PM
Updated: Monday, 24 May 2004 6:20 PM
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Egyptian imaam abused by own brothers in egypt
Fifteen years ago I was the imam of a mosque in the city of Giza, Egypt, which is where the famous Egyptian pyramids are located. (Imam of a mosque is a position similar to pastor of a Christian church.) I preached the message of the week on Fridays from 12 to 1 in the afternoon, as well as performed other duties.
more about this story here

Posted by ah_52 at 5:33 AM
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Sunday, 23 May 2004

Who did not seen the horrible pictures of the rape and abuse of the iraqi's in Abu Ghraib prison

i have no words for this

Buy hey!! thats funny?.... something else also happened in that prison?
take a close look at the white chair

Posted by ah_52 at 9:31 AM
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Whats new arafat!!
Arafat Addresses Arab League Summit via Satellite Telecast Yasser Arafat on Saturday addressed the Arab League Summit in Cairo via a satellite television hookup. Addressing the ongoing IDF counter-terrorism offensive in Gaza, he called on the international community to act against the "Israeli atrocities".

Yep!!! nothing new under the hood.
But if you insist you can read this artical about it.

And how about the Arab nations halt funding after reports Arafat embezzled aid.
I knew this for a long time but desertsand must have been blinding the arabs in som way.
finally they woken up on this matter

Posted by ah_52 at 1:13 AM
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